
Chapter 3 {Rin Zero}

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong nervously stood up from where he was seated and slowly walked towards the platform.?When he got there, he couldn't help but look at everyone staring at him intently.

"Huuu" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong breathed heavily trying to calm himself down. Why am I so nervous I shouldn't be this nervous right? Yet his so nervous so frustrating!

"Step forward press your hand on this Zen device stone," Elder said as he looked at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong who stepped forward his mind wasn't clear but he felt like he could this wasn't missing up if he does he will be a laughing stock at school people call him awesome handsome, and prankster devil but his also known as a Ice Prince Charming but if he messes this up it's all done.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong carefully observed the stone. It was quite an amazing thing as it was what was used to check the elements people are compatible with and also it checks their talents.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong pressed his hands on the stone the moment he touched the Zen device stone he felt something moving out of the stone and passing through his hand into his body. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was slightly surprised by the feeling and instinctively wanted to take his hand off the stone. The elder looked at the young boy.

This boy his extremely beautiful and handsome honestly he out matches both woman and man when it comes to pure beauty he looks like a weak lad as well he seems like his a person who has small amount of friends and likes to keep to himself but they is something about him that makes one want to know more about him. His hair is long and is tied behind his head in a ponytail he has thick amount of hair brushed smoothly you can tell each strings of hair is soft yet hard as well his hair color is extremely perfect for this guy.

The energy moved from his hand, before making a circle around every single part of his body. After circling four times, he felt the energy leaving his body the same way it came. His body was fading with scales but you couldn't tell what kind of bloodline it was. His eyes were back to normal he had his eyes closed but they did change to four different colors, red, black, gray, and green. When Xu Yuto Shuto Hong opened his eyes he was less nervous than before.

When the energy left his body, he finally loosened up. The Elder looked at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong for some time before walking closer towards the stone. He stared at it profoundly before taking a look at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong again. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't understand what was going on but he felt as easy and he wasn't that tired at all but he felt truly nothing changed in his body. Sister and older brother said that you would feel like there is weight on your body but he feels nothing what is the meaning of this?

"Place your hand on it one more time," He said to Xu Yuto Shuto Hong who was shocked do it again but that wasn't a really great feeling not all it felt like his mind was being pierced over and over again to the point he had to suffer some what before he had to be calm and quiet!

He couldn't refuse the order, so he placed his hand on it again. The audience was quite surprised on seeing Xu Yuto Shuto Hong placing his hands on the stone again.

"What is going on, why is that kid doing it again"

"Is there a problem with the stone," the elder said.

Skylar watched this closely she knew this might happen but she knows her son wanted to do the test so badly but it seemed like luck wasn't on his side. She felt sadness for her own son she walked forward and she knelt down but her son felt blank he didn't understand why people had sad looks on their faces he wasn't dumb either.

"Senior, what is the result?"

"Rin Zero."


Xu Yuto Shuto Hong mind went blank he didn't know what to say or do but he was quiet he didn't dare to say a single word but his whole body was in pain but he didn't shout nor was he rude to the elder.

"Mom what's Rin Zero?" Xu Yuto Shuto Hong asked in a gentle tone and stared at his mother with big beautiful eyes.

"This is my first time seeing someone without an Rin Powers, I've only heard of them, but never seen one before," old woman whispered.

"Such a pitiful kid how can he live in the world without Rin Magic Powers even the weakest kids could defeat him now his just so pitiful," someone else whispered.

"I know right I know Rin Zero are extremely rare but I have never heard of them before truly I thought they were forgotten I mean almost 99.99% population have Rin Magic Powers and this kid is just one of those lucky one," a man who owned a bakery said.

The representatives looked at the boy on the platform and felt sad for him. But since he was someone without any Rin Powers, he was not of much use to them. They looked at the Elder in charge of the test and signaled him to continue with the test. They were eager for the test to end as they were waiting for the decision Jonas will make.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong didn't know what to say he clenched his small fists together before he spun around and smiled brightly hiding his anger and sadness from his mother he already knows his mother misses his dad so he can't allow her to be more sad not right now.

"Young boys, don't feel down. You might be a late bloomer, as some people don't awaken their elements on time," A man said to Xu Yuto Shuto Hong this man wasn't seen in town so he must be from a nearby planet or city.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong's mind wasn't in this world at all he wasn't in a simple state where he just wanted to be left alone.

"This kid" Skylar worriedly went after him. She knew Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was very cheerful and this will definitely affect him, but she knew he would be able to walk out of the darkness with time. Skylar held her son hand.

Jonas looked at the fading shadow of Xu Yuto Shuto Hong without emission. Jonas was a type of person who wanted to become the strongest and he didn't care if one was talented but if one was trash he wouldn't even bother looking at them not even once. His sister was the same she pretty much looked at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong with disgust as if he was someone who shouldn't be in this world at all.

The rest of the test went normally and Jonas and Sofia both decided they wanted to go to Shrank Fang Academy they knew they have to work harder from now because that school only wants monsters and extremely talented kids but it doesn't matter for the twins they will get into that school no matter what.

Skylar felt pained on seeing her son like this. This wasn't anything she would wish anyone to go through, in a world where Rin Mage Power reign supreme, having no Rin Magic Power is the same as being a cripple.

"Son I don't know what happen and I am not sure why it happen but you must remember this you have to stay strong remember when you didn't have any spiritual or cultivation you worked so hard and you never once given up on your dream not ever so be strong and stay strong alright? Remember what you dad once said to you?"

"They will be times when you feel broken down, they will be times when you want to give up, they will be times when the worlds has turned your back on you and no one believe you but the only way for you to get through this is to stand up get stronger you must work through the sharp swords, and knives, you must cover yourself with blood but remember you are reaching something and if you have to go through the hard road then do that because if you go the easy way when life is hard you will be broken and you won't know what hit you."

"I know my son is the greatest let's get some food and then let's go home mm mommy will cook something awesome for yo."

"Let Auntie Shelly do that mom."

"Aww you don't like my cooking."

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong once had a sad face that broke into a smile and he hugged his mother tightly. Mom, dad, sister, and brother no matter what I won't give up on my dream never I will follow the path I walk on even if I have to make my own path I shall do it through hard work.

"Son I want you remember this what makes you different, makes you special. You are unique from the rest of the world, I'm not saying this just to cheer you up, I'm saying this because I know the child I gave birth to was not meant to live an ordinary life. You will reign above all, only you shall be at the top, and no one shall be your equal, so don't ever give up alright many people today looked down on you and you will lose many people along the way but your family will stand by your side no matter what, you have two kinds of talented already you are an outstanding blacksmith at such a young age that alone is already amazing the second your martial art is outstanding so you work hard and one day you will seat on a throne where everyone will look up to you and you look down on them but always protect the weak, and those who can't fight themselves that's all mom ask from you," Skylar said after ten minutes of not talking to her son.

"Yes mom I understand."

The moment they got home he saw his son running toward the gaming room and she walked inside her bedroom she sat down and she noticed her Guardian cat staring at her. Skylar eyes started to water and she started to cry what can she do she doesn't understand what is going on with her son but she wanted to stay strong for him his sadness makes her sad as well. Honey when will you be back? We need you home our son needs you right now.

"I know you said it was for his future, but why must you make him through this," Skylar whispered to herself angrily as she clenched her fists together she knows deep down this is for the best he must go through this so it won't harm him.


On an open field, a man could be seen standing gallantly in the air, ahead of him, there were over eight thousand soldiers, yet, they were filled with fear when looking at the man who was standing before them.

"Retreat!" A man shouted.

Even though he was scared of the man before him, he had to make sure his soldiers escaped first before he left as well.

The white-haired man standing in the air smiled wryly before flying away to stand at the top of the city walls not too far from the field, looking at the army retreating back to their camps some kilometers away.

"Why didn't you kill them?" An older man asked. The handsome man who was holding a powerful fire sword who was wearing four Soul Battle Armor looked at the old man before he looked straight at the sky and he found himself smiling.

"Pops you know I have two kids right?"

"Yeah they should eighteen now times flies by."

"Actually I have three kids."

"What!? That's a big deal!"

"Mmm yes it is but my son is adapted as you when he was a baby something happened and it almost killed him my wife and I searched for everything and what we choose was for the best for our son no matter what I will protect my son with my life even if he doesn't have my bloodline inside him his my son he calls me dad every single day and writes to me I won't care what the media say about that but I don't plan to tell the media that my son is adapted it's not that I am ashamed I don't even know his birth parents who they are what they are but what I do know we were able to become stronger then before whatever it was, but I hope my wife can help him walk through the right path life won't be easy for my youngest son but that's fine because I shall protect him from far."

"A youngest son and his not your son and you will protect him you are becoming more mysterious."

"*Sigh* He must have reached 12 by now. Time sure does fly fast, I wonder how he would react after finding out. I hope Skylar can talk him out of his bad mood." The man said with a sad smile.

"I really miss them." He said with a voice filled with longing.