
Chapter 2 {Test}

Monday today is the day Xu Yuto Shuto Hong finally has his awakening. He found himself so nervous and excited at the same time. He didn't sleep on Sunday night but he was tired as well school was out for the next two days it gives kids time to get used to their Rin Powers. Skylar held his son's hand as they walked out of the door. Skylar was wearing a long blue skirt and white shirt with a leather jacket. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong mind was flowing with all kinds of questions what kind of magic am I going to get what Element Magi would he awaken he didn't know anything but what he did know was he was truly excited to see what this world full of magic that his sister, brother, and parents love so much would bring him. Xu Yuto Shuto was holding Tun Titian tightly in his arms as if he was the only thing that understood him in this world. Tun Titian wasn't any kind of animal he looked like a golden yellowish dog-like creature but it was smart and it acted more like a human then any animal. Only Xu Yuto Shuto seems to understand it and his the only one that can tell Tun Titian what to do other then that Tun Titian won't blink any eye for anyone his cold just like his master who likes to keep to himself then bother anyone else.

"Mom I am nervous."

"Don't be nervous son you will do fine, plus your awakening will be something great."

"Don't say that mom, it's just I haven't been able to sense any of my spiritual or even cultivation aura the other kids are ahead of me yet I am far behind them it's so annoying and I just don't like it not at all."

"Mmm I see so you don't like it at all, do you know my Element Magi is water but was able to study my water element for many years before I was able to turn it into ice now I can change my water into ice easily they are some people who can awaken ice but have hard time turning their ice into water, you should have my Element Magi but your father has fire Element Magi so I am truly not sure what you will awaken but what I do know is my son will awaken something powerful and amazing."

"Hehe sure mom thanks but mom what's your magic weapon and what's your bloodline?"

"Well as you know my bloodline is gray wolf I am able to turn into a werewolf ever full moon I turn into wolf weather I like it or not, your father is from wizard family so both of your siblings have my werewolf abilities, and your father family wizard abilities you must remember this only comes from our family no one else unless some other father has werewolf family which they are many different types of races around the world you would be shocked honestly.

"Mom where are we going?"

"Jade Lu Guild that's were you will have your awakening."

"Amazing so that building is it?"

"Yup that's it well your father owns the Hong Guild but I thought it would best if no one knew about you yet, your siblings have a hard time because they are the daughter and son of people powerful heroes I am the third hero who is known as the most powerful woman hero, and your father as you know is the number one hero he always goes out there and fights and I worry about him."

"I know mom and dad will be back from Utio Planet!"

"You are right I am excited to see your dad," Skylar said.

"Lady Skylar we are in Jade Lu Guild gate now," A driver said as he stopped the car. Skylar pulled her sunglasses up and she slowly looked forward she remembers when she was twelve years old and she had awakening here it's good old times. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong wasn't the type of person to wait he rushed inside the building and saw hundreds of kids without thousands of kids. Skylar was able to catch up without breaking a straight so he simply looked at his mother who pulled him along the line where they already applied to get their awaken scheduled already.

"Please give me your name and age."

"Hello auntie my name is Xu Yuto Shuto Hong, I am twelve years old," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong said in an exciting tone he couldn't help himself but clench his small fists he must get stronger to protect himself and his family but also to have amazing food after all food is way better then just eating boring food!

"Alright you number 6788 please go have a seat and wait," the woman said and smiled at the cute child. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong bowed showing his thanks as he skipped along and he found a seat he knew today will be a big day and at this moment he was way too nervous for his own good. He looked at Tun Titian who touched his hand with his pow showing comfort toward it's master. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong let out a small smile and hugged Tun Titian.

"The last time a purple grade appeared, all the big academies fought for who would admit them into their school," man said. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong knows that his sister is unknown as one of the youngest geniuses. Her abilities already surpass other powerful Rin Mage Masters not just that her spell casting is way above average people.

The representatives of each Academy immediately got into a heated argument on who would take Jonas as a student. Usually, after the result of a test is announced, the representatives discuss among themselves before one of the Academies gets the kid.

But in this case, none of the Academies wanted to miss out on such a talented individual. Although the Academies had a good relationship outside, they were still competing against each other.

"Cough, cough, Why don't you allow him to choose which Academy he would like to enter as a student" The Elder announcing the results couldn't allow the Academies to lose face in front of the crowd, so he quickly tried to stop their dispute.

The guy looked up he showed off an arrogant look before he opened his mouth and smiled.

"Seniors can I please talk to my parents first before my parents before deciding on which Academy I will join?" Jonas asked respectfully.

"Of course, please connect us soon," the elder said.

"Yes thank you," Jonas said. Jonas started to walk away but he stopped and his eyes landed on Xu Yuto Shuto Hong he stopped for a moment just looking at him before he walked away. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong doesn't know this guy but why did he look like he wanted to kill him well that's not great he thought to himself.

"The test is still ongoing," The representatives said with a smile. Usually, they wouldn't have been so courteous towards anybody from such a small city, but, the case was different for Jonas. Jonas was someone who will grow to become a powerhouse later in the future with his talent, so, having a good relationship with him isn't bad even if he will only be able to join one of the Academies. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong knows they live in a small city and his sister and brother fly here to vist when holiday breaks happen but this guy Jonas how come he has never heard of him? He tried to think about the people knows. But now he thinks about it he has always kept to himself he likes hanging with his close friends playing pranks on teachers and everything but other then his three friends he really doesn't go outside his cycle. Jonas couldn't help it but he turned around and pointed straight at Xu Yuto Shuto Hong.

"What's your name?"

"What the fuc-"

"His name is Xu Yuto Shuto Hong please forgive his rudeness."

"No it's fine I hope I see you sometime Xu Yuto Shuto Hong," Jonas said and walked off.

"Are you kidding mom let me go I shall threw some hands!"

"Idiot son of mine just shut up okay."

The people in the arena quickly toned down the noise. The Elder continued calling the names of the children on the list given to him. After getting to the 10th name, the Elder called for a break. He used the opportunity to take the new list which had been made since some people came late, they decided to hold the test in this manner.

After the 10 minutes break, the test continued. Quickly, it got to number 6788 Xu Yuto Shuto Hong hands started to sweat what if he ends up being useless a trash would his parents hate him? Xu Yuto Shuto Hong really didn't want to fail his parents not at all but at this moment he felt so nervous and he couldn't see anything through his own eyes at the moment. Skylar notice that so she knelt down and grabbed her son hands and kissed them.

"My son weather you have something strong or weak you will always be a Hong Family member don't ever forget that my parents and your father parents love you deeply so don't worry wash away your worries and be strong alright?"

"Yes mom thank you."

"Of course dear."

"Next up number 6788," The elder continued calling out name. Jonas was leaning against the door he saw his sister running toward him both of them were twins but he was older then her by only a minute and half.

"Brother Jonas you seem interested in that guy over there?"

"I am he looks different he gives off a mysterious aura I want to know what ability he got I awaken wind element just like mom, after that everything comes from dad."

"I awaken earth like dad and the rest comes from mom his so handsome though brother look at him his so beautiful I would think his guy he would make a good husband one day weather he marries a guy or woman he will be outstanding beautiful and they will have beautiful babies," the girl said as she clapped her hands together.

"Sofia, you are naughty do you know that."

Sofia stuck out her tongue and her eyes landed on Xu Yuto Shuto Hong she can't ever forgot that buy fighting skills are already amazing this guy the first time they moved to Juy Planet Sofia ran off to look around and he notice a guy being bullied she remembered she wanted to help but before she could anything everyone was already on the ground groaning in pain and it's been two years but that guy never pays attention even if they are in different classes it's hard to see him in classes he only hangs out with his friends and that's it he doesn't talk to anyone else he is known as a prankster at school as well. She once asked a student in his class what his like they said his funny and his a person who can make the most angry person smile and burst out into laughter.