
Chapter 1 {Shrank Fang Academy}

"Jay La you eat my ice cream!" A boy shouted from the kitchen. A beautiful eighteen year old girl stared straight at her brother and she crossed her arms as she pulled on his ear and she smirked.

"Little Xu don't worry it was worth it I was dying of ice cream you won't understand how hard it is to be the daughter of the number one hero you are hidden from the world no one knows that you are the son of Ian Hong your brother and I have to suffer from media and you are-"

"How is that my damn problem if you can't deal with the media then you can't do it!" The young boy named Xu Yuto Shuto Hong shouted. Xu Yuto Shuto was a handsome young twelve year old he had long black hair, his eyes were large showing off a color of grayish bluish color, his eyelashes were long and beautiful he could defeat any girl with his eyelashes and his pure beauty he was so beautiful and handsome they are many times people would mistake Xu Yuto Shuto as a girl he had long hair because he liked his hair long but it didn't mean he liked hearing people mistake him for being a girl they many guys with long hair but why must he be beautiful and handsome. He has white perfect skin and his body is perfect. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong wasn't a person who truly cared about other people beside his family but still he somewhat looked like his dad well at list the eyes the rest he didn't look like his parents. Ever since he was a baby many strangers would want to hold Xu Yuto Shuto touch his face because he was just too cute as a baby.

"Xu I work so hard," Jay La Hong complained and Xu Yuto Shuto crossed his arms.

"Does that matter to me? You eat my ice cream!" Xu Yuto Shuto whined.

"MOM!" Xu Yuto Shuto shouted as he ran away. Jay La Hong rushed after her brother to stop him from whining to their mother.


"Stop it!" Jay La Hong shouted she held out her hand and water element came out she has her mother element, her magic weapon is snow ice sword, her familiar is a dove, and magic book well it helps her with everything else. But Xu Yuto Shuto dodged her attack and found his mother he threw himself in his mother's arms and he stuck out his tongue.

"Mom Jay La Hong eats my ice cream."

"Jay La how many times must I tell you not to eat your brother's food."

"Mom he eats so much what is the point anyway I was so hungry and I was dying for ice cream."

"Alright both of you stop whining where is your brother?"

"Oh Parker Hong is most likely fooling around with his guy friends. Plus mom we go to number one academy Shrank Fang Academy and we both were finally able to get into the inner court but still it took so long mom," Jay La Hong said.

"Getting into Shrank Fang Academy is already an amazing thing but being in inner court is outstanding only geniuses are able to get into Inner Court so I am proud of you," Skylar said to her daughter.

"Thanks mom."

"Don't worry about anything and you don't have to be like us I know many people say you must be like us but don't listen to them be Jay La Hong," Skylar said.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong laid on his head on his mother lap.

"Son what do you plan?"

Xu Yuto Shuto let out a small sigh yeah what does he plan he has no magic powers when he had an awakening he remembers Spirit Mage Master told him he was unable to awaken anything. He closed his eyes before he sat up yeah what does he want to do with his life his brother want to join the military, his sister wants to fight along side dad, but about himself what does he want to do with being powerless it's annoying to him. His eyes landed on his pet Tun Titian who was laying on his lap he started to think about his future.

"I am not sure mom but what I do know is I want to help people," Xu Yuto Shuto Hong mattered before he started to fall asleep.


The wind blew through the darkness there laid a young boy he was covered in blood. A stream of blood that ran down his finger was covered in blood but his mind was clear. His slowly turned around his eyes were pure red they were full of nothingness. As the hand reached over to touch someone face but Xu Yuto Shuto Hong woke up within a second and let out a gasp for air not good that was way to scary he thought to himself as he touched his chest and he shook his head what was that kind of dream?

In this world there are five kinds of pillars that hold up Rin Magic. Number one is element magic.

Elemental Magic is the basic form of Magic a Magi is born with, this Magic is awakened at the same time they awaken as a Magi. Elemental Magic is basically a Telekinetic ability to manipulate the element they are born with.

Every Magi are born with the ability to control one of the 7 Elements in this universe. Elemental Magic is just as the name sounds: the ability to control one of the 7 elements. Most Magi only possess the ability to control one element.

Vox is the only exception, because of its rarity, not many people has the knowledge about this element. Even through the history of Heavenly Jade Continent , there are only a few Vox Magi, resulting Vox to be often left forgotten.

Movements or a certain motions are often used to assist the Magi to control their elements, from finger movements, hand motions,etc. For example, a Water Magi will require fluid hand motion, while Earth Magi requires strong and sturdy stances.

In the advanced level, an expert Magi can control their elements without the assistance of any movements.

There are seven types of Elemental Magic (Nine, including Vox & Shadow). Each type of Elemental Magic has it's own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Magi can't become their element. Magi will always be human with human bodies. They can only manipulate their element.


Fire Element allows the Magi to perform Pyrokinesis, the ability to manipulate and create fire. Fire Element tends to be the most destructive of all elements, with very few defensive properties. Fire Magic can be affected by the weather. When it's sunny and arid, the potency of Fire is enhanced while when it's raining, humid, or underwater, Fire Magic becomes difficult/impossible to use.


Water Element allows the Magi to perform Hydrokinesis, the ability to manipulate water at will. Water Magic can be considered to be the most adaptable of all element. Having the ability to transform into various states, like Ice and Vapor. Water Magic can also be affected by environment, mostly depending on the humidity and weather.


Wind Element allows the Magi to perform Aerokinesis, the abiltiy to manipulate air and create wind at will. Unlike other element, Wind Magic is invisible, and can be considered the deadliest element. Wind Magic make up for the lack of physical defense capability with deflective and evasive moves. Wind Magic, can also be destructive depending on the Magi's potential. And unlike other element, Wind Magic can directly affect weather, creating hurricanes or other wind based phenomenon.


Earth Element allows the Magi to perform Geokinesis, the ability to manipulate earth at will. While it's not necessarily earth, Earth Magi allows the user to manipulate most earthen minerals or any form of earth, such as rocks, sands, minerals like gemstones and crystals, and even Mud. Boasting raw physical power and great mass, Earth magic is strong in both defensive and offensive capability, as well as pure destructive potential at the cost of the Magi's mobility, because Earth Magic is often accompanied with sturdy strong movement to be accomplished.


Wood Element allows the Magi to perform Chlorokinesis, the ability to manipulate plants and greenery to their will and sometimes accelerating plant(s) growth and fertility. Wood Magi can also boost the growth of a plant and manipulate various parts of the plant(s). This includes leaves, seeds, roots, even dead leaves or fallen tree. This causes Wood Magic to depend heavily on the environment.

Wood Magic becomes near impossible to use in the absence of any greenery. Many Wood Mages make up for that by carrying plant seeds or leaves with them.


Lightning Element allows the Magi to perform Fulgurkinesis, the ability to manipulate electricity at will and the ability to absorb and store electricity in their body. Lightning Magic's potential is also destructive, as they have similar nature with Fire. But, unlike Fire. Lightning Magic is much faster, and has almost no defensive properties. Lightning can be considered to be the most dangerous to Human, as they can injure other people easily and cause multiple injuries. Lightning Magic can also affect the weather, causing a Storm and Thunder strikes. That is however, considered to be an advanced level of Lightning Magic.


Metal Element allows the Magi to perform Ferrokinesis, the ability to manipulate metal at will. Metal can be considered versatile, boasting the strongest physical durability and malleability. Although unlike other element, Metal is not an element you can always find and not in a big number, thus limiting the versatility of this element. This element shines the most against Metal-based weapons.


The most mysterious of the elements. There's no defined definition or explanation of what Vox Magic can actually do, except that it focuses on the usage of the user's voice. Although not much is known, Vox Magic is considered to be the rarest Element. The knowledge of this mysterious element is only passed from teacher to student.


The extinct element which no other Magi bloodline can obtain at birth. Shadow Magic can only be inherited by a certain bloodline. And, similar to Vox, the element itself is not known by most people. Information regarding shadow magic is very limited. It is said that Shadow Magic was 'shared' by multiple people. Each Shadow Magi are capable of performing a certain ability with their Shadow Magic, from binding people to their shadow, traveling through shadow, materializing shadows, etc.

When all other Shadow Magi died, all those abilities were transferred to the last shadow magi . Allowing him to use all these abilities at will. The drawback is that this magic causes the current user to be bloodthirsty / murderous.

The Shadow are both solid and ethereal, meaning it can't be blocked through physical means, one thing that can extinguish the shadow magic is a really bright light source.

Dual Elemental

While most Magi only possess the ability to control only one element. Only a fraction approximately 10% of Magi has the ability to control more than one elements usually only up to two elements, this is however, an extremely rare talent to possess, and not something that can be learned.

Magi with Two Elements can perform both of their element at the same time. In some other cases, mixing them and creating a new style to their elemental magic. Snake for example, a Metal Magi with Fire secondary element, is able to liquefy (melt) a metal and manipulate them in to recreate a completely new shape at will.

Not to be confused with another form of advanced magic, where Earth Magi can generate Lava from Earth.

Liquefying metal is NOT something a normal Metal Magi can do, as Metal requires intense heat to be melted and is not a natural phenomenon.

Advanced Elemental Magic

Advanced Elemental Magic is an extension of elemental magic. Every Magi has different personality and trait, so is their Magic.

Advanced Elemental Magic visibly shows the growth of a Magi. A Magi who has advanced their Elemental Magic, will show major difference in their Elemental Magic compared to average Elemental Magic. Whether in quantity, or better control.

In further cases, a Magi can reach to the point where their Element transformed into a completely different form. This transformation usually inspired and based on natural phenomenons. For example, Water into Ice, Earth into Lava, etc.

Elemental Trait

While every Magi was born with their element, the magic in their blood goes back to their family. In a Magi's family tree, usually they have a family member with a different element to the element they are born with. Sometimes this affects their Element, in a way it causes their element to have their own characteristic different to another Magi with the same element.

for example, sometimes a Water Magi will find it easier to form and manipulate ice, compared to controlling water as it is, or they find it easier to manipulate plant compared to other Water Magi.

This is called Elemental Trait, not to be mistaken to Dual Element, Elemental Trait is a genetic trait a Magi inherited from their Family. While not necessarily preventing other Magi of the same element from doing the same task, elemental trait, simply makes the Magi find it easier to do that certain task .

But, not every Magi has Elemental Trait.

The second pillar magic weapon

Magic weapons are known to help the users with their abilities their weapons aren't like their parents their weapons are created by their own magic aura and powers. If one has a strong well their weapon will have that same strong well and has the same power as the user the more the magic weapon is used the stronger the magic weapon would get and it cane level up into a greater weapon then it first started out. Many Rin Mage Masters find it hard to first control your magic weapon because it wants you to show it you are worthy to hold onto it. But magic weapon cannot be broken they can be harmed but they can never be broken if you kill the master of that weapon if one wanted to they could steal that weapon but the only way for magic weapon to go to different users if the Rin Mage Master agree upon this and the magic weapon also agrees upon this.

The third pillar Guardians

Guardians are known to protect their users no matter the case the guardian can feel what their master feel. Guardians have their own abilities and powers the stronger Rin Mage Master is the stronger their Guardian will be. Guardian can be different in shape and size. Not just they can be almost anything.

The fourth pillar Grimoire

Grimoire is a textbook of magic, typically including instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms, and divination, and how to summon or invoke supernatural being. Everyone Grimoire is different from everyone else some Grimoire are huge, some are small, some don't have much paper inside them, some have many and different types of spells this all depends on the users as well.

The fifth pillar Bloodline

Family Ability or Inherited Skill is a type of Magic that is unique to those sharing the same bloodline or ancestry. It appears that children inherit their parent's power. If a child has a fairy mother and human father the child would have the ability of both parent but not just that he would have more of his mother fairy magic which would allow him to use fairy magic at well with no trouble. Kids who won't don't have fairy bloodline would have much harder time learning fairy magic same goes with a family who are lions they would have the abilities of a lion which makes them stronger then anyone else and it allows them to over power other people bloodline. The stronger one bloodline is the stronger the rest of the Rin Magi Powers would be.

With these five pillars everyone knows when you turn twelve years old you will get your full awakening yes at a young age you somewhat got an awaken allowing your body to get used to magic around you and the flow of nature itself. After six years when kids turn twelve years old everyone awakens their true abilities.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong touched his face and he sighed at that nightmare what was it? Not just that ever since he was six he has been able to sense any kind of magic at all around him it was if the world around didn't want him to learn magic but he really didn't care he notice that he was able to read ancient magic spells, forgotten languages and learn magic without any problem his strong but he just sucks when it comes to trying to sense his spiritual and cultivation aura. Xu Yuto Shuto threw his book on his bed before he laid down and he stared at the ceiling that boy he looked so sad and angry toward the world the was covered in blood but he also felt so lonely like everything he held dear has disappeared well it doesn't matter to me.