
Chapter 11 {Strict Training Schedule}

The stories of Xu Yuto Shuto Hong taking the competition to get into Shrank Fang Academy spread all over the small Juyio Planet. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong was pretty much famous in this small planet he is unknown as trash among many people.

It's already been so long, yet he still thinks he can awaken it, some were pessimistic about it and felt Xu Yuto Shuto Hong just wanted to make a fool of himself. Others felt there might be a good chance he might awaken.

They all couldn't wait for the next test to happen, what would happen that day was unknown. But what they knew was that there is certainly going to be a scene that day, and they were all looking forward to it.

The people hated being bored so when they hard about this many people already bought tickets they wanted to see how this would play out a trash fifteen year old fighting against thousands of other students from all over the world who are more talented then him this will be fun. They people didn't care if it's the misfortune of others, so long as it doesn't affect them, they're good with it. Nothing major has happened in the city since the time Jonas rose to fame and Xu Yuto Shuto Hong fell during the test 3 years ago. Although Xu Yuto Shuto Hong retaking the test wasn't anything major, at least it will give them something to talk about for some time, regardless of the outcome. Jonas and his sister also got a recommendation toward three top schools It wasn't from Shrank Fang Academy but still they want to try out for the number one school in the whole world.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong created a strict training schedule for himself. Lately Xu Yuto Shuto Hong has been going into Chaos Space he has been working on his martial art but his also been learning shooting as a sniper he didn't want to give up at all his mind was forced but he didn't want to do anything out of ordinary he worked extremely hard. He worked hard to master both water and wind. He notice that his was about to awaken space and fire when that came he felt his body was hurting but he stayed in his chaos space for a long time he got used to both fire and space element he now can control four elements he clenched his hands together that was already amazing. Xu Yuto Shuto Hong walked around and he found himself walking deeper into the chaos space he found books so sat down and he read each and every single one of them. The only thing that might probably be able to help him will be his rare element, but he doesn't want that. He wants to enter the Academy with a good position, good talent, and also with pride. How would the students feel if someone who can be referred to as a late bloomer still has such low talent, he would be a laughingstock again. He knew that they will have hundreds of people trying out for Shrank Fang Academy and if he doesn't stand out he will be thrown away he can't have that he will work extremely hard he and Tun Titian.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong calmed himself, he still had time. There is no need to think about all this now. He didn't want anything to discourage him, so this was the best option. Eliminating negative thoughts can be hard, but not impossible. He shouldn't have bad thought about himself.

Skylar has been less worried about her son she knows her son is stubborn when he puts his mind into something he will learn just that thing he remembers how he wanted to learn how to play Go, and he kept on losing but he kept on playing after that he has become a strong battle strategist his strength and his mind is extremely strong he can play you like a book.

The few people who knew Skylar tried to talk to her about her son trying out for the number one academy. Skylar brushed off everything she didn't care many single guys wanted to date Skylar but she always said she is married it was truth it's just her husband is way to busy for him to show up here and plus if he did show up this whole planet will go crazy about it.

She told them all it wasn't her decision, and Xu Yuto Shuto Hong wasn't a child anymore. He can make some decisions for himself now, since he said he wanted to retake the test, he definitely has his reasons. And he had assured me that regardless of the result, it wouldn't affect him much. They looked at her and felt she was just as rash as her child. Some even left angrily thinking she didn't want to hear what they wanted to say. Skylar didn't try to stop them, she knew they had her best interest at heart, but they will definitely understand when the time comes.

She has seen how hard her son has been working day and night he has even sometimes forgotten to eat and she knows how much her son loves eating his working harder then anyone else.

At dinner Xu Yuto Shuto Hong told his mother how hard it is to raise his talent his mother rolled her eyes and she chewed on her food.

"Do you think it would be easy raising your Rin Plane talented isn't easy you are trying to jump from pink to purple grade five that's hard, but I believe you can do it, you are working hard no matter what you say to yourself I can tell how hard you work, anyways remember you must cultivate as well the stronger you get the better."

"Yes mom."

Skylar knew what her son needed at the moment she closed her eyes as she looked out the window.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong knew about his father being the number one hero but he honestly new nothing to known about both his parents beside both of them are heroes well his mother is retired hero and his father is still the number hero.

Skylar Rin Magi Element is water that is able to freeze anything.

Xu Yuto Shuto Hong had respect for his mother he knows damn well she is powerful and she is most likely pressing almost all her power so people don't question her at all she doesn't try to show off like other parents she just likes to live in peace.

Xu Yuto Shuto never tries to upset her, because, she just freezes his legs to the ground and according to her, 'trains' him to her heart's content. That way, there is no way for him to run.