
Prologue {Baby in snowy mountain}

A woman and a man were both walking up the mountain together these two people were husband and wife they just got married two months ago. The woman was an extremely beautiful woman with long golden yellowish hair with hazel green eyes. The man next to him was a handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes both husband and wife both held each other's hands. These two people are unknown two of the most powerful heroes in the world.

"Ian this is awesome hehe our honeymoon moon is almost done I feel bad I really don't want to go back to the media and the world of magic and fighting," the beautiful woman said as she sat down on a rock and held out her hand and a water element came out. In this world people have all kinds of magic powers but everyone also has magic weapons, familiars, and magic books.

"Skylar, honey don't worry when we get home we can start having kids."

Skylar whole face turned red she stood up straight up and punched her husband who is known as the number one hero.

"Don't you dare say that to me! Who wants to have a baby like you," Skylar said as he hit him on the shoulder. Ian laughed as he pulled his wife closer to his chest and he stared down.

"Alright let's keep on going," Skylar said as he grabbed her husband's hand. As both walked down the mountain. The wind was blowing as the cold air blew through the dead tries. Skylar felt like she heard something.

Waaa, waaa, waaa.

A baby cry.

"Honey do you hear that?"

"Yes I hear that," Ian said as they turned around and followed the noise. Skylar ran straight toward the noise and found a baby he was wrapped in wealthy cloth that you would never find in this world. The baby let out a scream as Skylar eyes were soft who would live a baby in this mountain alone. Skylar held out her hand and picked up the small baby who was crying he kept on running.

"Shh it's okay mommy is here now," Skylar said as she held on the baby who was crying.

"Such a cute baby but where is his parents?"

"They left him here you idiot husband we can't live him here, huh look they is a cute little animal with him," Skylar said. The baby didn't stop crying.A sudden mysterious aura came out from the sky pushing both Skylar and Ian down. Ian eyes widen this aura so powerful even though his the number one hero he wouldn't dare go against this pressure alone.

"His name is Xu Yuto Shuto please take care of him," A voice rang out from far this voice showed gentleness like a mother who deeply loved their child.

"Please take of him," the voice said as pinkish bluish came around wrapped around both parents they felt something within their body.

"This will protect him in the future please show him love," the woman voice said the mysterious aura disappeared the moment it appeared. Skylar could finally breath Ian stared at his wife who was looking back at him. This baby who is his parents they must be extremely powerful.

"What should we do now?"

"What else you idiot we will do what we know best and take the baby in plus I am already in love with this little guy his name Xu Yuto Shuto Hong after all that's your last name Hong right he will be our first son."

"I do love this baby no matter what I believe we are meant to find this baby boy but our fans will ask questions."

"I will go to a different island where you and I can stay for few months and after that we can tell the world about our son."

"No bad idea I have many enemies honey I am the number one hero in this world we found a baby in a snowy mountain, people will ask question, we have to think about this carefully and not just that if we want to have more kids in the future we already have a daughter and son who are six years old and is with my grandparents they are powerful people but still the world doesn't know much about our daughter and our son now."

"We can't hide them from the world forever Ian one day they will find about us," Skylar said in a gentle tone before she closed her eyes and sighed.

So two week later. Skylar and Ian adapted Xu Yuto Shuto a baby they found in a snowy mountain that is known to be one of the most dangerous places. They kept him out of public eyes but it means their oldest their daughter Jay La Hong and Parker Hong were shown as the daughter and son of the number hero in this world. Jay La Hong loved her young brother she couldn't help but touch her brother cheek Parker Hong also loved protecting his younger brother.

"Big brother I will protect Xu Yuto Shuto Hong forever you won't do it."

"No way his my little brother as well."

Both twins glared at each other with daggers but smiled at their younger brother. Who was sleeping peacefully.

Skylar who loved Xu Yuto Shuto notice that they are many times when Xu Yuto Shuto would get extremely sick to the point where they thought they would lose him but the necklace around his neck was helping the little boy who was sleeping and hugging his pet creature.