
Chapter 2 The Eldest Miss

Translator: 549690339

Chen Feng rushed to the hospital as fast as he could, and upon learning that his sister had already been taken into the operating room, he charged directly toward the room with the glowing red light.

Standing outside the operating room at this moment was a man with tattoos of dragons and tigers, who was none other than the underground king of Jiangzhou City, Black Tiger, known as Lord Hu.

"Who would have thought that Miss Jiang of the Imperial Capital would fall so severely ill due to the local conditions in Jiangzhou, with her life hanging by a thread... Fortunately, a suitable kidney for the transplant was found in time, otherwise, if anything happened to Miss Jiang, we would be in big trouble..."

Lord Hu lit a cigarette and spoke in an unhurried tone.

To him, ten million was just a small token; the real value lay in the favor of the Jiang Family from the Imperial Capital, which could skyrocket his status.

At this moment, a young man marched forward with determined strides.

"Stop right there!"

Black Tiger roared in anger, leading his brothers to block the way: "Who gave you the guts to disturb Miss Jiang's kidney transplant surgery? Looking for death, are you?"

"Get out of the way, I'm here for my sister!" Chen Feng said emphatically, word by word.

Black Tiger's brows furrowed as he immediately pulled out a piece of paper with black writing, and said coldly, "Kid, it was you who sold your sister's kidney! Your thumbprint is clear on the paper! And the ten million has already been transferred to you! Now you want to renege, huh?"

"I was forced! It has nothing to do with me!" Chen Feng explained.

"I don't care if you were forced or not! The surgery has already started! Anyone who dares to interrupt is disrespecting me, Black Tiger!" Black Tiger said darkly.

Upon hearing the name, Chen Feng felt a slight shock in his heart. As a local who grew up in Jiangzhou, he naturally knew of the underground king Black Tiger's reputation.

But for his sister Chen Ning, he couldn't care about that, and he barged right in.

'Crack, snap, pop!'

The group of thugs guarding outside the operating room was swiftly taken down by Chen Feng, and Black Tiger himself was sent flying with a kick from Chen Feng, smashing right through the doors of the operating room.

"What's going on?"

Inside the operating room, a team of medical staff was preparing for surgery; they stopped in their tracks at the sound of the commotion.

Chen Feng, stepping over the bodies of Black Tiger and his men, entered the room and saw the pale-faced girl lying on the operating table. He let out a sigh of relief and smiled, "Sis... I'm glad I'm not too late..."

"Brother, are you here to see me one last time?"

Chen Ning's face was very pale, but she managed a feeble smile: "Brother, it's okay. I won't live for long anyway. While I'm still alive, hurry up and take out my kidney to transplant it to that lady... She promised me she would give you ten million. With that money, you can live a good life..."

"Silly girl!" Hearing this, Chen Feng's eyes turned red. He walked over to the operating table and held Chen Ning's hand tightly, "How could I do that to you? Even if it were a hundred million, a billion—I would never sell you out!"

"Sis, I'm taking you home..."

The head surgeon interrupted from the side, "Young man, don't mess around. Miss Jiang is still upstairs waiting for the transplant surgery. If you delay the surgery, can you bear the responsibility?"

As soon as the words were out,

Chen Feng slapped the head surgeon, sending him and his scalpel flying out of the room.

But Chen Ning shook her head and said, "Brother, I won't go."


"The doctor did another check-up just now and said I was too severely injured; my heart and lungs are ruptured, and there's little hope for survival... I really don't want to be a burden, brother. Sell my kidney to the lady, and with the money, sister-in-law will treat you better..." Chen Ning said sensibly.

"Don't mention that bitch again. I have nothing to do with the Wu Family anymore!" Chen Feng said emphatically, word by word.

He directly picked up his sister Chen Ning from the operating table, "Sis, let's go home... don't be scared, no matter how severe your injuries, I can heal you..."

Just then.

Outside the operating room, a group of robust men suddenly filed in, their presence incredibly formidable, far surpassing that of Black Tiger and his cohorts. Each man was armed with a black pistol, which they all aimed at Chen Feng's head in unison.

"Who's causing trouble here?"

A Tang-dressed elder stormed in furiously and bellowed, "Remove the girl's kidney immediately! If you delay Miss Jiang's condition, everyone here will pay with their lives!"

Everyone turned to look at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng roared, "Who dares to touch a hair on my sister!"

The Tang-dressed elder sneered and then suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng, his terrifying aura overwhelming Chen Feng and rendering him immobile.

Even though Chen Feng had received a legacy and transformed into a cultivator, he was still utterly powerless in the face of this Tang-dressed elder!

"Seeking death."

Just as the Tang-dressed elder was about to roar and prepare to shatter Chen Feng's skull,

a cold voice suddenly intervened, "Stop."

At the doorway of the operating room stood a tall, stunningly beautiful girl, dressed in plain long robes, her appearance like that of a heavenly fairy, her perfect face pale, with an air about her reminiscent of Lin Daiyu.

"Miss Jiang..."

Black Tiger, who was beaten to the ground, hurriedly got up and knelt, pleading repeatedly, "Miss Jiang, this guy was greedy and insatiable. He took your money and then reneged. We must get rid of him quickly!"

Jiang Yingxue paid no heed to Black Tiger and turned to the Tang-dressed elder, saying, "Song, let it go, let them go."

"But Miss, if we let her go, you..." The Tang-dressed elder hesitated with concern on his face.

"Must I repeat myself?" Jiang Yingxue's expression suddenly turned cold.

The Tang-dressed elder faltered, unsure of what to say, but after a moment's hesitation, he finally subdued his aura and waved his hand.

The robust men also lowered their weapons.

"Brother, this is Jiang Jie Jie who wanted to buy a kidney from me," Chen Ning explained in a low voice.

Chen Feng nodded and said to Jiang Yingxue, "Miss Jiang, thank you. But I still need to clarify that I was forced into this, and I haven't taken a penny from you. If you seek accountability, go after that bastard Wang Shikai."

Jiang Yingxue nodded faintly, her voice very weak, "You can go..."

However, no sooner had she finished speaking than Jiang Yingxue suddenly collapsed forward. Chen Feng instinctively reached out to assist her, and thus she fainted into Chen Feng's arms.

"Miss Jiang!"

Seeing this, everyone's expression changed dramatically.

The Tang-dressed elder became even more furious, shouting, "Quickly remove this girl's kidney for Miss Jiang's transplant! It's going to be too late! Hurry! Hurry up!"

Immediately, everyone rushed towards Chen Feng and his sister Chen Ning, throwing caution to the wind.

Chen Ning, terrified by the turn of events, clung tightly to Chen Feng's arm.

But before the Tang-dressed elder could make a move, Chen Feng said, "Your Miss Jiang's condition won't be helped by transplanting my sister's kidney!"

"You're talking nonsense..." the Tang-dressed elder completely disbelieved.

Chen Feng continued, "Give me three silver needles, and I can save her!"