
Chapter 3: The Medical God!

Translator: 549690339

"Three silver needles? And with those, you claim you could save Miss Jiang?" The man in traditional attire could hardly believe that such talk wasn't utter nonsense.

Other medical staff members also wore sneers on their faces.

Hadn't they seen that so many professional doctors were present? This was a serious case that required a kidney transplant to save a life! How could someone possibly cure Miss Jiang with just three silver needles? Ridiculous!

'Clack! Clack!'

At that moment, footsteps were heard from outside the operating room, and a man clad in a white lab coat, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, strode in. Seeing the scene, he frowned and asked, "What's going on here? Why hasn't the surgery started yet?"

His name was Ouyang Ren, the dean of Jiangzhou People's Hospital, and the deadliest medical professor in Jiangnan Province. He was the chief surgeon responsible for Jiang Yingxue's kidney transplant operation.

"Dean, there has been a complication... The girl who was going to donate her kidney, her brother came... and injured many people... stopping us from performing the surgery," the doctor said hesitantly.

"Ah! Isn't this nonsense? Wasn't everything already agreed upon?" Ouyang Ren frowned deeply.

Seeing Jiang Yingxue unconscious, Ouyang Ren hastily checked her condition, and his expression immediately became grave.

"Dean Ouyang, Miss Jiang has already passed out, please proceed with the surgery quickly!" The man in traditional attire said before intending to kill Chen Feng himself to continue the surgery.

However, Ouyang Ren shook his head and sighed, "Miss Jiang is in critical condition. I'm afraid that even performing the transplant surgery now... would be of little use..."

"What? What did you just say?" The man in traditional attire's face changed instantly.

He was a patron of the Imperial Capital's Jiang Family, serving as Jiang Yingxue's guardian on this trip, responsible for protecting everything about Jiang Yingxue. If anything happened to Jiang Yingxue here, he likely would not survive either!

Thinking of this, the man in traditional attire had an extremely ugly expression, he gritted his teeth and said, "You little beast! You deserve to die a thousand times!"

At this moment in the operating room, everyone looked grave and helpless, only Chen Feng remained calm and shook his head, "I said, just give me three silver needles, and I can save your family's Miss Jiang immediately."

"You, young man, are you serious?" The pupils of the man in traditional attire narrowed.

"You can let me have a try. If I can't save her, my sister and I will be right here, at your mercy for life or death," Chen Feng said indifferently.

After thinking for a moment, the man in traditional attire realized that it would take him less than a second to kill Chen Feng with his strength, but killing him would also be useless, as his Miss Jiang would die as well. So he took a deep breath and looked at Ouyang Ren beside him and asked, "Dean Ouyang, do you have silver needles?"

"Wait for a moment, I will go and check with the department of traditional Chinese medicine." Although Ouyang Ren also felt that using silver needles to save someone was far-fetched, they had no other options at that moment. Even the slightest chance was worth trying.

Soon, Ouyang Ren brought a set of silver needles and handed them to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng picked up three silver needles and plunged one directly into Jiang Yingxue's lower abdomen.

At this puncture, Jiang Yingxue's delicate body trembled violently.

Then, with the second needle, Chen Feng targeted the center of Jiang Yingxue's chest.

Once more, Jiang Yingxue's body shuddered.

After the third needle was thrust into Jiang Yingxue's forehead, deep red blood started to trickle from the corner of her mouth.

"Miss Jiang!" Seeing this, the man in traditional attire flew into a rage, "You little beast, you dare to harm our Miss Jiang, I'll kill you—"

Just as he was about to make a move,

He was stopped by Ouyang Ren beside him. The medical professor from Jiangnan Province was watching Chen Feng's acupuncture technique with utter seriousness, his face showing astonishment as he warned, "Don't be hasty, this young man... seems to know what he's doing..."

Meanwhile, blood kept flowing from the corner of Jiang Yingxue's mouth, growing darker and darker.

But her complexion and vital signs were continuing to recover.

"How, how is this possible? The young lady vomited so much blood, yet her condition has improved?" the elderly man in traditional attire was utterly bewildered.

Ouyang Ren and a host of other doctors also couldn't help but stare in astonishment.

Chen Feng explained expressionlessly, "Your young lady was poisoned, the toxin eroded her kidneys and could spread throughout her body at any time. I used my medical skills to force the poisoned blood out of her body, so of course she's fine now."

"What did you say? You're saying the young lady was poisoned? Who did it?" the elderly man in traditional attire demanded.

"How would I know?" Chen Feng shook his head in annoyance.

These three needles seemed effortless, but they had nearly completely drained Chen Feng of his spiritual power. He took a deep breath, turned around, and wrote a prescription on a piece of paper, "This is a detoxification prescription. Brew it into a medicinal soup, and have Miss Jiang drink it for a few days. Then she will be fine."

"Alright, alright," the elderly man in traditional attire took the prescription, nodding his head repeatedly.

At that moment, Black Tiger, the underground king of Jiangzhou who had been kicked away by Chen Feng earlier, volunteered, "Let me go get the medicine. I am well acquainted with several medicinal material dealers in Jiangzhou. I guarantee I can obtain the best quality."

Then Black Tiger took the prescription and dashed out at top speed to get the medicine for Jiang Yingxue.

Chen Feng continued to use his spiritual power to give Jiang Yingxue a massage, forcing out all the remaining poisoned blood from her body.

About ten minutes later.


With a faint moan, Jiang Yingxue finally regained consciousness and slowly opened her beautiful eyes. When she realized that Chen Feng was standing in front of her, his hands moving across her chest, her beautiful eyes instantly narrowed.

"You despicable villain! How dare you take liberties with me!"

Jiang Yingxue instinctively lifted her foot and kicked fiercely between Chen Feng's legs.


Chen Feng immediately let out a pig-like howl, then curled up on the floor.

"Song! Kill him for me!" Jiang Yingxue said furiously.

The elderly man in traditional attire gave a wry smile and explained, "Miss, you have misunderstood. This young man didn't take liberties with you. He was treating your illness, and it was he who saved you."

Jiang Yingxue was half-convinced.

Then she saw Ouyang Ren and others around her also nodding and testifying for Chen Feng, and she realized that she might have really wronged him.

"I'm sorry..." Jiang Yingxue apologized with a guilty expression and took the initiative to extend her jade hand towards Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng looked terrified and quickly moved back, not daring to get close to Jiang Yingxue at all.

This made Jiang Yingxue somewhat angry and she frowned, "I had mistaken you just now and hit you, but I've already admitted my error. You don't need to be so afraid of me, do you? I am not a tigress!"

"Indeed, you're not a tigress," Chen Feng nodded and said with annoyance, "A tigress is much gentler than you."

Jiang Yingxue's kick had nearly caused Chen Feng irreversible damage.

Knowing she had been too harsh, Jiang Yingxue felt extremely remorseful and said, "You can make a request of me. As long as it's within my abilities, I will fulfill it."