
Chapter 1: The Legacy!

Translator: 549690339

"Your cheap sister, she's dead, what's that to me? Don't expect me to pay a penny for her treatment!"

"Why did I marry you in the first place? Wasn't it because your parents left you a house in the downtown area! Now that the house has been sold and the money is in my hands, you are worthless to me!"

"However, your half-dead sister still has some value. Someone has taken a liking to your sister's kidneys and wants to buy them. Sign this organ transfer agreement for your sister quickly!"

In the living room, Wu Meng, wearing a sexy nightgown and looking ravishingly beautiful, was standing with her arms crossed, coldly looking at her husband Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes widened in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that his wife could say such cold-hearted words.

Just last night, his sister was involved in a car accident on the street. By the time she was taken to the hospital, she was barely alive. To pay for his sister's treatment, Chen Feng had to sell the house his dying parents had left him at a low price.

As a result, his wife Wu Meng transferred all the money from the sale of the house. She didn't leave him a penny.

And even with the money from the sale, Wu Meng wasn't satisfied; she actually wanted to sell her sister's kidneys while she was still alive...

"My sister, she's still alive, and you want to transplant her kidneys to someone else? Do you think my sister is an animal?!" Chen Feng couldn't hold back any longer, and he roared in anger.

Wu Meng simply nodded in agreement, "That's right, I think of her as an animal, and you too! Are you satisfied now? Sign it quickly!"

Just then, a tall young man with bodyguards walked into the room and frowned, "Meng Meng, what's going on? This guy hasn't signed yet?"

Seeing this person, Chen Feng's eyes immediately filled with rage! Because this Mr. Wang was none other than the son of the man responsible for driving the Chen Family to bankruptcy and causing the death of his parents!

The deep-seated feud of the family had not yet been avenged by Chen Feng, and yet, he had been cuckolded by the enemy!

Chen Feng trembled with anger...

"What? You look like you're not convinced?" Wang Shikai wrapped his arm around Wu Meng's delicate body, provocatively stared at Chen Feng, and then added, "Consider yourself lucky today. I don't have the time to deal with a loser like you. Just sign it! There's someone in Imperial Capital who's gravely ill and waiting for a fresh kidney transplant! The offer has already gone up to ten million!"

Wu Meng leaned into Wang Shikai's embrace, and said annoyedly, "Are you deaf or what? Just sign it quickly! Don't you want the money? You sign, and I'll give you one million."

"Let me sign to sell my sister's kidney? Never!"

Chen Feng was extremely resolute.

Wang Shikai, still holding Wu Meng, said with a grin, "Boy, don't be so stubborn, I'd say your sister deserved to die. She had to secretly follow me and even planned to film me and Meng Meng making out in the car. She deserved to be hit by my car and sent flying ten meters. But her miserable life is still worth some money. Be smart and sign, and get some money for a decent service for your sister. Once she's dead, she won't be worth a cent."

"You bastard!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng's rage was beyond measure. He clenched his fists and charged at Wang Shikai!

But in an instant, he was pinned to the ground by Wang Shikai's bodyguards and beaten viciously!

"Enough, enough, if you kill the man, how can he sign?"

As Chen Feng lay bleeding and gasping for breath, Wang Shikai quickly waved his hand, then picked up the organ transfer consent form from the coffee table, took Chen Feng's finger, and pressed a bloody fingerprint on it.

"There, ten million in hand! Plus a favor from Lord Hu!" Wang Shikai revealed a smug smile, then looked at Wu Meng and said, "Meng Meng, since this loser has been drained of all value, let's just kick him to the curb today. We can get engaged in a few days."

"Alright." Wu Meng nodded excitedly and then pulled out the divorce agreement she had long prepared. Using Chen Feng's finger, she pressed his fingerprint onto it.

Afterwards, Chen Feng, like a dead dog, was thrown by the bodyguards into a pile of garbage outside.

Chen Feng's eyes reddened, and humiliation and rage made his body tremble violently. He roared at the backs of Wang Shikai and Wu Meng, "You bastards! I swear! Even if I become a ghost, I won't let you off!"


A drop of blood fell onto the jade pendant on Chen Feng's chest, and suddenly, the pendant released a burst of divine light.

Chen Feng instantly lost consciousness.

Then, he entered a vast white world.

An old man with a white beard stood before him.


Unable to help himself, Chen Feng called out.

Although his grandfather had passed away when he was very young, he still had a memory of him and recognized him at a glance.

"You little rascal, you still remember me, that's not easy," the white-bearded old man nodded and then commanded with an authoritative voice, "Stop your whimpering, remember, you are a descendant of the Chen Family. After you receive the legacy, no one in the world can insult you again!"

"The death of your parents is not as simple as it seems! Get to grips with the inheritance of our Chen Family. Once you complete your training, find your nine betrothed and take from them the keepsakes your grandfather left you! Collect all nine, and you will have the means to avenge your parents!"

"I'll be waiting for you in the Upper Realm, Grandson!"

With that, the figure of the white-bearded old man vanished, turning into a beam of white light that surged into Chen Feng's forehead.

In an instant, Chen Feng grasped a vast amount of information—martial arts, medicine, geomancy, the arcane... he knew almost everything...

Chen Feng's eyes snapped open!

Having received the family's legacy, he had become a cultivator, with blue Spiritual Energy converging within him. His injuries, that had been beaten to a pulp, were also rapidly healing.

"...Was that just now, not a dream?"

Feeling the changes in his body, Chen Feng suddenly had a sense that he had turned over a new leaf.

He looked toward the lit window in front of him, where the sounds of Wang Shikai and Wu Meng's frolicking still occasionally emanated from inside.

Thinking of the ancestral grudge from past days, and the humiliation of this night.

Chen Feng wished he could tear the adulterous couple to pieces right now.

But he took a deep breath and started heading toward the hospital as fast as he could.

Ever since his grandfather left and his parents passed away, he and his sister Chen Ning had depended on each other for survival, with his sister being the most important person in his life.

Whoever dared to hurt his sister, unforgivable!