
Unlimited RPG

Kazuki Toshihiro live a very fulfilling life, because when he still alive he always have this motto "Life is simple, The person is the one who made it difficult." There are many people who always think about their problem too much, that they overlook the answer even though the answer is already clear in front of them. On a rainy day Kazuki came home with his umbrella, when he came across a granny that crossing the street. The old bone walk very slowly that the already green light almost turn red, but there's still no one that want to help her. It's not like there's no kind person there are a lot of kind person on this crossroad, well it's not like Kazuki doesn't know the reason, actually the reason is very simple and very stupid! They just felt embarrassed, they think that helping other is too embarrassing to do, so they just let the other people do the job. But when other people do the job and got praised, they felt envy and talk bad about that people, so narrow minded. When Kazuki mind filled with those kind of thought, he saw at the corner of his eyes that a truck is coming over toward here at fast speed! while the truck is coming over, Kazuki look again to the granny and she just barely left her spot from before! Without too much thinking, Kazuki jump into action he ran and push the granny to the other side. As the granny pushed to the other side, the honking sound of horn keep getting louder, when suddenly all become silent as the road colored with blood. The granny scream of fear looking at the blood, and some passerby already called the ambulance to came over as fast as they could. Looking at that granny face that filled with grieves looking toward the direction where the blood connect, Kazuki could only smile because that mean the granny is safe from danger, but what is this, why is his eyelids became heavy and everything became silent. 29th May, Friday Kazuki Toshihiro left this world with a Smile.

Mr_Appuru · Others
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20 Chs

2nd Stage

'I wonder if I could fly this high using Seiku.' Kazuki amusedly thought, as he and the God assistant fly to the Heaven. The Heaven in Law of Ueki series is actually located in other dimensions, but the entrance to that dimensions is located high up on the sky.

"Are this thing sold on heaven Mr. Assistant?" ask Kazuki while pointing at the unique hat the God assistant use for their transportation to heaven. Even though Kazuki inside a Hat and already nearing 10.000 m altitude, he doesn't felt any wind pressure or cold from it, It's just like walking in the park he thought as his face brushed by the calm breeze.

"Fufufu, interested?" said the assistant with teasing tone, as he felt that this boy is interesting. Because he's the only one that asking other thing than the competition, while on other hands, the other competitor he pick up just keep questioning him about the stage 2 and other thing that still related to the competition.

"Could I use credit card?" Kazuki said lightly.

"Sadly, even with Black card you still couldn't afford this things." Answer the assistant shrugging. "This thing is given and blessed personally by God some years ago, so there's no second of it." Said him with nostalgia look on his face.

"Is that so? What a letdown." Kazuki said with a disappointed look.

After the short negotiation, they keep chatting throughout the trip about other things. Kazuki felt that he doesn't need to worry about the stage 2 since he basically already pass it, and with Robert already dead Hanon and Margaret plan should become nonexistent so he could relax this whole competition, there's only two thing he concern about, the main mission and the side one.

Briefly speaking the main mission is consisted of,

[Main mission – 1/4

Goal: Enter the competition safe and sound.

Reward: 20.000 Fantasy Jewel, 2000exp.] (Completed)

[Main mission – 2/4

Goal: Complete stage 1, Enter stage 2.

Reward: 40.000 Fantasy Jewel, 8000exp]

[Main mission – 3/4

Goal: Complete stage 2, Enter stage 3.

Reward: 60.000 Fantasy Jewel, 12.000exp]

[Main mission – 4/4

Goal: Finish the competition.

Reward: 80.000 Fantasy Jewel, 16.000exp]

The first part is already cleared, and he only need to wait for the second stage and the third stage to clear it. While the fourth one is rather ambiguous, is it telling him to win or it could also be cleared without become victorious and just finish the competition even if it means to ranked number two or three?

'Well without Hanon plan like in the series, the fourth stage won't be crazy and hard to finish.' Kazuki confidently thought like victory already on hands.

After couple of minute, Kazuki and the assistant finally arrive at the heaven. When they emerged from the cloud that separate the dimensions. Kazuki was greeted with a vast green land with red pillar here and there as if supporting the whole sky. The assistant drove the hat to one of the biggest pillar and enter it from one of its entrance.

"I declare Toshihiro Kazuki has Arrive!" the assistant shout to the door in front of him. The door started to open as a blinding light came from within. When Kazuki saw this, he wasn't hindered by the blinding light and he could see inside of the door clearly. It was a stadium like place with 5 m brick wall surrounding the arena, above the wall there are many seat for audience to watch and cheer the competition.

Even though this place is inside the pillar, this place is a complete set with boundless sky, forest, mountain and many more.

Kazuki came inside the arena and saw the other 27 people other than him, there are five person team with cloak all over them, another team wearing all black formal attire, there are also one with eccentric attire that different from the other, the fourth team is wearing different attire from each other as their attire is came from different culture, and the last team is wearing a worn out clothing with dust, and dirt still sticking to their clothes and bodies.

Doesn't need to say Kazuki should already knew everyone in here, but there's a slight difference in this reality with the series, like team barrow supposed to be a four person team, but now it have five. Who's the other one?

But surprisingly, fate still working mysteriously. Despite him defeating Robert that would create many change to the plot, team ueki that consist of Sano, Jerrard, Mori, Kosuke, and Hideyoshi, should become none existence team, It still happen! Because Robert 10 isn't formed than Jerrard shouldn't be on Ueki team because they never met, and JB should fill Jerrard position as he never got beaten by Robert, but now JB is nowhere on sight and Jerrard still there. 'What a weird thing.' Kazuki thought as a smile formed on his face, because with this it would become more interesting.

As he enter the arena, a bearded old man with yellow Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses on top of his hat is came to view as he said to the contestant,

"Now all the contestant is already gathered, the second stage officially started!" as he said that a gong voice resounded on the air signaling the start of second stage.

'Oh I've got notification.' Kazuki said as he saw the new notification he got after the gong voice resounded.

"To those three who got invitation, you could go up here to watch the second stage or you could go to the house that already provided just behind this arena." After god said this, three person moves to the top platform where they could observe the second stage.

The one who moves beside Kazuki is a man wearing a black hat that covering his right eyes, his long black hair is braided and placed on top of his chest, and he wore a tai chi uniform with cream colored vest. This man is Li Ho the only human that strong enough to fight with Heavenly Being as an equal.

While the other one is someone he doesn't expect at all, because this one is not who it should be! He have brownish yellow hair and blue eyes, wearing a brown cloak that cover his whole body. This guy is Barrow Eschalot, at least that's how it should be, but this Barrow is different. His eyes is emotionless and a pure smile is always plastered on his face. 'This guy is not Barrow, its Hanon!' Kazuki alarmed thought because this change of plot is already beyond his knowledge, and he doesn't know what would happen in the upcoming battle.

Kazuki gaze is noticed by Barrow or Hanon and he just smile toward Kazuki. The three of them arrived at the platform beside God, God nod at this three person because he could tell that the three of them is very strong!

"Now let me state the rule for the second stage and so on!" Said God with serious expression.

"Firstly, the five person team would fight each other and the losing team would get eliminated! The last team who stands above the rest would finally advance to the third stage! Where in the third stage you will fight one of the three beside me. The third stage would be divided into two round, the semifinal and final!

Now for the second stage, the five team will be sent to an island where a treasure is located, the team that collect the treasure and defeat the other team would become the one who advance to the next round where you would fight the other team and so on until the end, where the last team would advance to the third stage!" explain God with delighted expression.

"Now for the first round, I announce, Team Ueki vs Team Grano! The two team should be prepared because you would be sent to the island right now." After he said that, the floor below the two team is split open and they were put inside a capsule and sent to the Island.

"Next up, Team Capucho vs Team Marilyn! Prepare what you need, as you will go straight after this battle ended. As for team Norton, you lot will have to wait in the finals." God continue as he watch the fight that happen between team Ueki and team Grano.

While the fight on the island is took place, the stadium itself is pretty quiet except for the chatter between the team member, and the god candidate that talking about the fight on the audience seat, with Kazuki high perception, he could hear what the other talking about. But he's got embarrassed when he heard Zero boasting about him to the other god candidate and started the bet that Kazuki would win this tournament. The other God candidate felt challenged and angered by Zero statement he was the most unlucky heavenly being, and now just because he found a good seedling, he think that he could change his luck?

The other God candidate accept the bet, some heavenly being bet their house, money, item and other things, while Zero itself become cold sweated because he just got in a moment, before he realize his fault when things already irreversible, so he declare that he would bet everything he have, be it his house, money, or item, as he pray that Kazuki should definitely win for him because his life is on the line!

Kazuki who saw this became speechless as he shake his head left and right.

Put Zero aside, Kazuki felt rather bored by just watching how thing goes but it became interested when Kazuki realize that Ueki still haven't unlock his Sacred Weapon! Because Robert death Ueki never met Tenko and he never learn that he was a Heavenly Being.

But because of that, Ueki could further enhance his 'turn trash into tree' abilities to become a terrifying weapon, Ueki already realize that he could create many type of tree and he could let the trees grow from anywhere he want as long as he still on the ground.

Kazuki that become hot blooded after seeing how Ueki and Guitar fight, he found an inspiration as how to reach his level 2!

After seeing Ueki won the fight, he convinced that team Ueki would came victorious in this battle as Sano and Jerrard could win the fight easily if they were united with Ueki, Mori, and Hideyoshi. Kazuki became relaxed as he finally remembered that he have a notification.

[Congratulation, lord have complete the Main Mission 2/4]

[Receive 40.000 Jewel, 8.000exp]

[Congratulation, lord have complete the Main Mission 2/4]

[Receive 60.000 Jewel, 12.000exp]

[Congratulation, lord have gain a level]

[Congratulation, lord have gain a level]

'Hell yeah!' Kazuki loudly cheer inside his head, as he earn a lot of cash! Kazuki proceed to check his new status.

Name : Kazuki Toshihiro

Age : 14

Level : 13 EXP : 59.000/59,820

Race : Human

Strength : 1.900 Attack : 190/190

Perception : 4.400 (+5% (220)) Accuracy : 100%

Endurance : 4.050 Stamina : 4.050/4.050 Defense : 405/405

Charisma : 1.900 Mental : 100% Luck : 500

Intelligence : 1.900 Mana : 5.000/5.000

Agility : 3.900 Speed : 100%

Vitality : 1.900 Health : 1.900/1.900

Bloodline : High-Human, Heavenly Being,

E. Weapon : Ebony & Ivory


Magic : Sacred Weapons (10-Star),

Melee : Expand and Compress Lvl 1 (Upgradable),

Ranged :

Passive : Sharingan, Gunslinger, Hoho

Fantasy Jewel : 127.610

Kazuki felt happy with how thing goes, he decide to see if there are another way to earn quick cash in this competition.

The Main Mission in this world is already nearing the end, and he couldn't earn jewels from the Main Mission anymore, so he decide to hit the Sub Mission section.

[Sub mission

Goal: Reach Level 2.

Reward: 20.000 Fantasy Jewel, 10.000exp]

[Sub mission

Goal: Let Ueki Kosuke know that he's a Heavenly being.

Reward: 20.000 Fantasy Jewel, 10.000exp]

[Sub mission

Goal: Teach Ueki Kosuke to Level 2.

Reward: 30.000 Fantasy Jewel, 20.000exp]

[Sub mission

Goal: Emerge Victorious.

Reward: 120.000 Fantasy Jewel, 32.000exp]

'Holy shit! I could get another 190.000 jewel and 72.000 exp if I get to clear this whole Sub Mission?!' being baffled by how much he could earn by doing Sub Mission, he started to imagine what he should buy from the MALL system.

'Hohoho, what should I get? Another style? A weapon? An armor? Or a Bloodline?' Kazuki smiling weirdly as he cannot help being happy to get such good bargain, he become much more spirited to complete mission be it the main one or the sub one.

With new resolve, he pardon himself from the stadium as he goes to his own house that has been provided to train his abilities into level 2.

Trivia: Styles are a special move set from Devil May Cry series.

And good news, cause i'm finally back from survival thing since last Friday, Gawd~ it was tiring, but has been an awesome trip.

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