
Unlimited RPG

Kazuki Toshihiro live a very fulfilling life, because when he still alive he always have this motto "Life is simple, The person is the one who made it difficult." There are many people who always think about their problem too much, that they overlook the answer even though the answer is already clear in front of them. On a rainy day Kazuki came home with his umbrella, when he came across a granny that crossing the street. The old bone walk very slowly that the already green light almost turn red, but there's still no one that want to help her. It's not like there's no kind person there are a lot of kind person on this crossroad, well it's not like Kazuki doesn't know the reason, actually the reason is very simple and very stupid! They just felt embarrassed, they think that helping other is too embarrassing to do, so they just let the other people do the job. But when other people do the job and got praised, they felt envy and talk bad about that people, so narrow minded. When Kazuki mind filled with those kind of thought, he saw at the corner of his eyes that a truck is coming over toward here at fast speed! while the truck is coming over, Kazuki look again to the granny and she just barely left her spot from before! Without too much thinking, Kazuki jump into action he ran and push the granny to the other side. As the granny pushed to the other side, the honking sound of horn keep getting louder, when suddenly all become silent as the road colored with blood. The granny scream of fear looking at the blood, and some passerby already called the ambulance to came over as fast as they could. Looking at that granny face that filled with grieves looking toward the direction where the blood connect, Kazuki could only smile because that mean the granny is safe from danger, but what is this, why is his eyelids became heavy and everything became silent. 29th May, Friday Kazuki Toshihiro left this world with a Smile.

Mr_Appuru · Others
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20 Chs

Using brain too much, could made it short circuited.

The next day Kazuki woke early in the morning, he finish all of his daily quest in a flash granting him a level up.

Age : 14

Level : 11 EXP : 39.000/44,880

Race : Human

Strength : 1.700 Attack : 170/170

Perception : 4.200 (+5% (210) Accuracy : 100%

Endurance : 3.850 Stamina : 3.850/3.850 Defense : 385/385

Charisma : 1.700 Mental : 100% Luck : 500

Intelligence : 1.700 Mana : 4.800/4.800

Agility : 3.700 Speed : 100%

Vitality : 1.700 Health : 1.700/1.700

Bloodline : High-Human, Heavenly Being,

E. Weapon : Ebony & Ivory


Magic : Sacred Weapon (10-Star),

Melee : Expand and Compress Lvl 1 (Upgradable),

Ranged :

Passive : Sharingan, Gunslinger, Hoho

Fantasy Jewel : 27.650

Looking at his jewel now, he remember that when he check last night there are a sub-quest to reach Lvl 2 and it would gave him 20.000 Jewel. He wondering if he should upgrade his abilities with the old way or convenient way. Looking at the requirement he already reach it since yesterday and just need to pay 10.000 jewel to get another 10.000 jewel! If he want to use the convenient way that is. If not, than he could try to use his power all day until he finally make a breakthrough and gain 20.000 Jewel.

He want the jewel, but on the other hands, he just too lazy to do it. His inner self is fighting saying that, 'Its 20.000 jewel! A rare chance to get a lot of jewel easily.' While the other said, 'but it takes time and effort, it wasting energy you know that wasting energy is a crime right?' the fight is ongoing inside his head for a while before the stingy one won the battle. Yeah Kazuki is stingy enough to make him doesn't eat lunch at school for two weeks, so he could bought his favorite idol concert.

Thus it's decide that today Kazuki would focus to level up his abilities, theoretically it's easy because Kazuki already have 100% of control of his power to shrink and expand object, 'There's still an interval between expanding and shrinking object or vice versa, maybe I could reduce the interval or make it disappear.' Kazuki thought the moment he started his closed door training.

Determined to reach Lvl 2 today, bought an apple from MALL system. The MALL system is really weird according to Kazuki, because every necessities is really cheap there, take this apple for example, with 20 jewel he could bought 1 kg of apple and don't need to worry about the quality, because from all of apple he ever taste, this one is just become number one from just one bite. Actually not just apple, the MALL have every fruits and vegetable in it and its only 20 Jewels for 1 kg of it! Kazuki felt like in heaven right now where anything he want exist here.

Back to the training.

Kazuki start to expand and shrinking the apple on his right hand, he channeled his mana from his hand to the apple and expand it. He set the condition inside his head, he imagine the apple to expand as big as a soccer ball. The apple start to expanding but after it reach the size Kazuki desire, the apple explode! Pieces of apple and apple juice splattered throughout the Living room.

Frowning, Kazuki got up from the couch and clean the room. After he clean the room he took the box of apple to the bathroom, and continue his training in there.

Inside the bathroom, he try to do it again and again, first he tried to slowing his pace when channeling the mana, but it just make the expansion slower and when it reach soccer ball size, the apple explode again. Then he tried to fasten the pace, just only to get his face smeared by apple juice and meat. Washing his face with cold water, he start to wondering if he took the wrong decision and should just use his 10.000 jewels.

'No no no, if other people could achieve it, then I could do it too!' Kazuki said, determined to not use his 10.000 jewels.

As he came back to the apple, he's been thinking that maybe his method is wrong, or because it's fruit it cannot work like with Sacred Weapons. 'What's the difference between Sacred Weapon, Unobtainium dagger, and an Apple,' He thought. 'Well if think about it, of course the difference is in its use but that's not the answer because my power could effects anything I touch, and why would be an apple couldn't be expanded just because it wasn't a weapon.

Then, is it what makes them is the problem? The process injecting mana to the object I touch is the same process like blowing air to a balloon, when it goes to some extend it would explode because it couldn't endure the pressure inside it.

Sacred Weapon is created by mana particle and the durability is up to the user, while the Unbotainium dagger is created using the most precious metal on earth and it was 10 times harder than diamond, resulting a product with high durability. And on the other hands, Apple is a fiber based organism and fiber durability is fragile compared to the two above. Then isn't that mean I only could use a durable material when using my abilities?!

'No, I'm sure that's not the case. Because if that's truly the case then Robert couldn't produce mass with his bubble. There must be a way!' Kazuki said as he think about how to use his abilities to greater extent. When suddenly he have a strange idea, 'If from inside doesn't work, then how about from outside?' Kazuki thought back to the balloon theory again and remember that balloon came with different materials! There's one that made from Rubber, Latex, and Nylon, and it's depends on the materials how much the balloon could receive a pressure.

'Then if that the case, I could try to cover the apple with my mana from outside and stretch it! Since my mana cover the outside of the apple, in theory it doesn't receive any pressure from inside whereas the outside would strengthened by my mana!' Came to a conclusion, Kazuki hurriedly experiment with his new theory.

He put another apple on his right hand, and then channel the mana to the apple but this time he control the flow of mana to cover the apple and not inside. The experiment goes on until he need to buy another apple box from the System. Sometimes the apple took a weird form as it morph from the stretch, and sometimes it explode but this time the explosion is not occurred from inside that's why it doesn't became a mess anymore.

After he bought another 1 kg of apple and drunk his remaining Mana Orb, he finally did it! He could stretch the apple without breaking it, moreover it only took him one second to form it! 'You did it me!' said Kazuki with pumped fist in the air.

After he make 5 more soccer apple just to remember the feeling, then he remember, that this is just part of it because he only succeed with expanding it and haven't tried to shrink it. 'Concluded from the theory before. I suppose to shrink it, I only need to compress it with my mana.' Kazuki cover one of the soccer sized apple with his mana and tried to compress it back to its original size, and voila!

The apple is shrunk to its original size without a hitch.

With total of 2 second, he could change one from big into small and then change small into big. "HAHAHA! Rest assured Pettanko out there, because your hero's coming for you!" Kazuki exclaim loudly when he got a knock from his neighbor because the wall on their bathroom is thin, and he really should keep his imagination to himself… 'Because big breast woman is the best!' said the neighbor before silent came to both of them.

Kazuki close his training with a warm bath, since he's already inside the bathroom and his clothes is reek of apple albeit the nice fragrance he smell. After his bath, he came out only to found out that it's already time for lunch!

'Just how much hours did I spent inside there?' Kazuki said flabbergasted by his own action. While eating, Kazuki still thinking about how to reach Level 2. 'If the right way to expand and compress object is by manipulating mana from outside, then shouldn't they just make it so that energy couldn't get inside an object? What's the use? There must be a reason somewhere.' Kazuki mull through this question again and again. 'If my first method is wrong for expanding and shrinking object, then what's my first method used for? To change the inside? To change the inside…' said Kazuki mockingly at first, before he realize his own carelessness. 'OH!! That could work.' Kazuki said excitedly when he got interrupted by his apartment bell.

*Ding Dong* the bell rung again.

'Tch, don't they know manner? It is a bad manner to disturb people when he eat a cup Ramen?!' Kazuki grudgingly said before he got up from his seat.

"Yes, coming!" Answer Kazuki from inside, so the visitor doesn't need to hit the bell twice because he's already knew there's a visitor. Kazuki walk leisurely, he walk to the door and peek from the peephole to see who's visiting him even when he doesn't know anyone. Looking at the peephole, he doesn't see anyone in his vision. 'A prank?' he thought before a knock could be heard from outside.

"Excuse me, is this the residence of Kazuki Toshihiro?" said the sound from outside.

Hearing the knock, Kazuki finally open his lock and open his door, "Yes, I am Kazuki." He said while opening the door.

Opening the door, Kazuki knew why is he doesn't see this guy when he look through the peephole. Because this guy is too short! Wearing a red suit with necktie, and his iconic weird hat with box on the middle of it.

'God Assistant?' He wondered why this guy already come down when the tournament just start a few days ago.

"Good afternoon, Kazuki-kun. I'm God assistant, pleased to meet you. I came today to pick you up, because you are the last person that I haven't picked yet." Said god assistant politely.

"Pick me up? Isn't the battle on stage one still on going?" Kazuki answer with bewilderment expression.

"Yes! Since today, the battle on stage one is already ended. And with you, it makes 28 person that made into the stage two. 25 person with group of 5 each, and 3 person with you included for recommendation to directly pass onto third stage, because they are too powerful." Explain God assistant briefly.

"Huh?" Kazuki said with mouth agape on his face.

Update would be around 1 chapter a day, if there's no update then don't worry. Because at least i could assure you that i will update 7 chapter a week.

Maybe more, when i have a lot of inspiration.

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