
Unlimited RPG

Kazuki Toshihiro live a very fulfilling life, because when he still alive he always have this motto "Life is simple, The person is the one who made it difficult." There are many people who always think about their problem too much, that they overlook the answer even though the answer is already clear in front of them. On a rainy day Kazuki came home with his umbrella, when he came across a granny that crossing the street. The old bone walk very slowly that the already green light almost turn red, but there's still no one that want to help her. It's not like there's no kind person there are a lot of kind person on this crossroad, well it's not like Kazuki doesn't know the reason, actually the reason is very simple and very stupid! They just felt embarrassed, they think that helping other is too embarrassing to do, so they just let the other people do the job. But when other people do the job and got praised, they felt envy and talk bad about that people, so narrow minded. When Kazuki mind filled with those kind of thought, he saw at the corner of his eyes that a truck is coming over toward here at fast speed! while the truck is coming over, Kazuki look again to the granny and she just barely left her spot from before! Without too much thinking, Kazuki jump into action he ran and push the granny to the other side. As the granny pushed to the other side, the honking sound of horn keep getting louder, when suddenly all become silent as the road colored with blood. The granny scream of fear looking at the blood, and some passerby already called the ambulance to came over as fast as they could. Looking at that granny face that filled with grieves looking toward the direction where the blood connect, Kazuki could only smile because that mean the granny is safe from danger, but what is this, why is his eyelids became heavy and everything became silent. 29th May, Friday Kazuki Toshihiro left this world with a Smile.

Mr_Appuru · Others
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20 Chs

Money Making

While Kazuki is training inside his house, Team ueki currently fighting the leader of team Grano. Grano as the leader of the team, other than his brain and leadership, his power is also terrifying as he could turn toy into real life working version of it, and his level 2 is to control whatever he makes comes to live! In the series at least Ueki have his Sacred Treasure so he could beat Grano alone.

But now, he couldn't do it as he need Sano, and Rinko to take care of Grano while Mori and Hideyoshi search for the Treasure in the island.

As Grano summon a giant robot that could fire laser beam to any direction, Ueki team is in a pinch, Ueki use his trees to hinder the robot movement while he circled the robot to bind its leg with his tree.

While Ueki slowing down the robot, Rinko use this chance to move closer as she need to find gap on the giant robot, when she found the gap, then she would fill it with her beads and explode it from afar. She utilize her abilities that is to change beads into bombs effectively, because she couldn't do high damage if she just throw the bomb to the robot armor as it would just get deflected by it.

And for Sano, his job is to use his abilities to change towel into Iron to deflect the laser beam that coming toward Rinko.

The fight ended after Ueki succeed at binding the robot so it could not rotate its body, but the binding is only lasted for a couple of second! Before the binding came off, Rinko already explode her beads that she put deep on the robot leg, the explosion cause the robot to lose one of its leg. As the robot fall to its knee, Grano got irritated as he pointed the laser toward Rinko that already in sight. Rinko that got happy after what her beads do to the robot, she cannot get away fast enough to let her escape the Laser that just in front of her. But with fast response, Sano came as he created iron from a large towel he brought along, the iron is thick and dense enough to reflect the laser beam toward the one who fire it.

The laser fire got reflected and hit the robot shoulder, creating a large force that made the robot lay on the ground. Doesn't want to let this chance to escape, Ueki use his trees to climb the robot, as he arrive on the laser barrel he shoved some trash into it as he use his abilities to create Sakura Tree from inside the barrel! The barrel couldn't handle the pressure from inside as they got destroyed, the destroyed barrel is creating chain effect as it explode to the whole body of the robot, Grano who is inside the robot hurriedly escape from it with many wound as he almost died to piece inside there.

Grano that doesn't have any energy left still decide to fight despite his condition, after his declaration, he was soon got knocked out by Ueki punch which made Ueki team to defeat all of Grano team, while simultaneously on the other place, Mori and Hideyoshi manage to find the treasure buried on the island, soon the announcement resounded and they were moved from the island back to the stadium.


"Treatment in Heaven is much more potent than your world, as wound like that would get healed before the match tomorrow." God assistant said to Ueki team as he accompany the team to the infirmary for their treatment. "As for the next match, it's between team Marilyn vs team Capucho and it could be watched through the monitor inside the arena."

"Wait! Does that mean our match was watched by the others too?!" Shout Mori and Hideyoshi panicked because if that was true, than their abilities and weakness is shown to the other team and they could devise a plan if they were going to meet in the future!

"Yes of course." Said the assistant confirmingly. "But be assured, because all of you could watch their match too, so no one is harmed, its win win situation!"

"Win win your ass!" said Mori and Hideyoshi as they play their tsukkomi role perfectly. "You should have told us earlier, Ueki, Hurry up let's watch it right now! Or we would be late to watch the match." Urge Hideyoshi and Mori as they pull Ueki from his chair.

The lively bunch inside were ready to exit the infirmary when another nurse hurriedly open the door from outide making the sound *bam* as the door hit the wall. "Move away, Move away." She said as five stretcher coming inside the infirmary, on top of the stretcher are five people with white eyes and wounds on their bodies.

"Team Capucho?" acknowledge Ueki as he know them when stage one still on going. "What happen, aren't they supposed to enter the next match?!" said Ueki to the nurse that come with the five stretcher.

"Yes you're right, but the match already ended and this is the result!" said her as she close the curtain of the bed and do the healing progress using some magic that Ueki doesn't know.

"Already defeated? And badly at that, aren't the match supposed to start after our match end? No way, even 10 minute still haven't pass since our match end." Said Rinko with frightened face while thinking about the defeated team Capucho.

"Crazy! Are team Capucho that weak?" ask Sano as he thought that whoever that could enter the stage two should be stronger than the others.

"No, I've fought them before and they should fairly strong." Said Ueki disagreeing with Sano. "Then if that is the case, probably our next opponent is a monster." Sano answer Ueki as cold sweat formed on everyone back.

When everything turn silent, a small laughter could be heard as it become closer and closer to the infirmaries.

"Fufufu, a monsters? What an un cute call." Entering the infirmaries, her blonde hair and blue eyes were a perfect weapon that could kill a man if not for her black army uniforms, complete with the vest with military gloves and boots she wore. "Good day to you, team Ueki. Let us have a nice match tomorrow." Said her before she took her leaves with the other four people behind her.

"Good day to you." Said Ueki with his head slightly bowed, replying to the woman greeting after she left. "What? They already leaving, what a weird person."


When team Ueki won the first match, Kazuki already expect things to go this way just like in the series. And soon the announcement for team Capucho vs team Marilyn is resounded, Kazuki already left his house as he already reach his goal, As he arrive on the Arena, team Marilyn already won the second match in just 5 minutes!

Aware of team Marilyn power, Kazuki decide to help Ueki team a little to win tomorrow match. 'It's not like I help Ueki for Jewels okay? I just want to make sure they pass to third stage.' Kazuki said inside his mind, justifying his cause many times that he helping is not because the jewels.

After sometime, announcement for today match is already over and it who would be the one to fight team Norton is determined by the winner of tomorrow match.

Seeing everyone is leaving the arena, Kazuki also leave from his spot. He move fast to the Hotel that Ueki and his team stayed in, when he reach there Ueki team got shocked as they thought at the same time, 'Why is he here?' but then Mori came out from her room, she still remember Kazuki because they're schoolmate and he helped Ueki once when he was on trouble.

Kazuki doesn't want to waste time, he told Mori that he's searching for Ueki. That's when the team realize that their leader is gone missing! They all split looking for Ueki as for Mori she follow Kazuki as she have a hunch that Kazuki could found Ueki easily. Girl intuition is scary, because she was right. He is indeed could found Ueki easily, as he have Eagle vision that let the person that already locked by him turn yellow and could easily distinguished from other.

Ueki is located inside a box shaped crater where he lay on the ground heavily breathing, beside Ueki Kazuki also saw another person but this person let out green aura, meaning that he was a neutral party. 'Oh so this is the scene where Ueki fought with Li Ho.' Kazuki thought as he think back to his memories of the series. 'Damn! It already ended.'

"Ueki!" cry Mori as she ran to Ueki, confirming Ueki still alive Mori let out sigh of relieve before she turn into unstoppable tape that scold Ueki until his eye becomes white.

"Toshihiro Kazuki, rumored you are the strongest in this competition it's my honor if we could fight in the future." Said Li Ho as he turn his back to leave after seeing Mori that would took bring back Ueki to his own hotel, relieving his worries about how to take Ueki back to the hotel where Ueki team stayed in.

Kazuki only nod to Li Ho word as he also want to taste the fight with a Tai Chi user. Before Li Ho leave, Ueki still be able to say that he definitely going into third round, where he and Li Ho would come face to face once again.

Hearing those word, Li Ho smile and took his leave.

As Ueki has been found, Mori told the other teammate that she already found Ueki and told them to come back to the hotel. Shortly everyone came back and with Kazuki they wait for Ueki to sober up, Ueki became conscious only to find that he's inside the living room of their room.

"Thanks Kazuki, for bringing me back." Ueki said as he bowed his head slightly.

"No problem since I have things that I want to tell you." Kazuki answer Ueki with serious expression.

"I have 2 news to tell you, the bad one, and the good one, which news do you want to hear first?"

After Kazuki said that, everyone who heard it become tense except Ueki that still rather have a calm expression on his face. "The worse one." Ueki said as he broke the silence.

"Hmm okay, it's not too bad actually it just that… with all of you as you are right now, your team couldn't beat Marilyn team!" Kazuki drop the bomb in front of their face. But that's all there is to it they don't felt shocked at all, instead they just lowered their head. Since deep down they already felt insecure and their conviction is wavering, 'are we really strong enough to beat Marilyn team?' this thought is hovered inside their mind, since they saw what happen to Capucho team.

"Currently all of you could pass the previous fight with team work, but so what? Other team could also use team work, moreover team Marilyn team work is consisted of 3 Level 2 ability user! Making their team work to a higher level." He pause before continue his word, "But all of you still on level 1 heck even Mori still haven't know what is her power. I advise that all of you to retire."

Hearing Kazuki word the five of them became more desperate, they already came this far with sweat and blood. And now just because there is a wall that they couldn't climb, now they were forced to retire?

"But!" as the atmosphere became grim, Kazuki voice resounded breaking the grim atmosphere.

"There's a way, that is the five of you need to become stronger, especially you!" Kazuki point his index finger to the wavering Ueki.

"Listen here, to reach level 2 there's some prerequisite that need to be fulfilled. One, complete control of the heaven abilities. I believe Rinko, and Sano already pass this requirement, but they lack something." Kazuki look at two of them respectively, "the two of you is lack the will! The will to become stronger, stronger than anyone!" kazuki said in high spirit, as he just recite what he could remember from the series. "That's the other prerequisite you need to enter level 2, but both of you deep inside felt that you are already undefeatable, but in reality both of you is trash." Kazuki harshly said, as Sano and Rinko could only drop their head lower because what Kazuki said just now is true.

"And for you Ueki, your will is there, but you just plainly stupid even you haven't realize just how much potential your chosen abilities have, because you never explore it and I couldn't blame you for that, because you never thought that you could get involved in all of this mess. Come to your sense Ueki! It's already in front of you, you should face it head on."

"As for Mori, you must learn a cute pose with you glasses maybe it would help you." Called by Kazuki, Mori got startled before she could process what he just said.

"Hideyoshi, maybe everyone call your ability a trash ability but trust me it's more than that, as you are already on your right path and all you need to do is to become more confident with yourself." Kazuki said as he look at Hideyoshi with pity on his eyes, because he would play a big role on the series. But with Kazuki here stealing the spotlight, he would turn out to become unknown character, and Kazuki couldn't allow it.

All of them become silent again, as they contemplate back what Kazuki said earlier.

"Then here the question, Ueki, do you wish to become stronger?" Kazuki said slowly as he extend his hand toward Ueki.

AN: change Jerrard to Rinko. I don't know, but throughout the series i always call her Jerrard rather than Rinko ¯\_(ツ)_/¯