
Chapter 37

"To sum it up I don't think Mrs. Su really jumped to her death. she might have taken the drugs  willingly or been forced to as she had no records of being a user.

her and her daughter being the only people at home does not imply there wasn't no other party involved, we just have to dig deeper. Finally though its just a mere conjecture I feel like Mrs. Su wouldn't doll herself up just to commit suicide."

"some characters want to look even presentable during their death" one colleague interjects.

"whatever you said can be quiet true but based on the character profile we did on Mrs. Su ,she was somebody who loved herself so much that inflicting pain on her self is out of the question. Examining her body she had no piercing on her ears or the nose , a clear indication she feared or even hated needles. Going to her medical reports even her doctor himself  confirmed this, she used to opt for oral drug administration to injectables, so using intravenous drugs is out of the question".

Based on her reasoning and the post mortem findings  instead of her file being closed they were tasked on investigating some more


Stupefied by her presence all the documents in his hands lie scattered on the floor.

"Dr. stone "he rises up to shake her hand

"Miles how have you been? "her beautiful smile bewitches him, her sweet laughter sounds like music to his ears

the way he swoons over her doesn't go unnoticed

he has made it his job to tell anyone interested on how much he adore and admires doctor stone and if she ever gives him a chance he will marry her like immediately

pulling one of his gloves he shakes her hand before planting a light kiss on it. Still holding her hand all around him ceases to exist. In his eyes is his beautiful stone.

Brown's face contorts with rage he feels like punching the scumbag.

contrary to what he expected Dr. stone smiles shyly as she brushes her hair back and tucks a strand behind her ear.

still holding her hand ,he stokes it gently with his thumb", what brings you around here belle fille?".His question invites a hostile glare from Brown. He gnashes his teeth ,"what's this piece of sh** tryna proof? he can flirt better than me?"

She blushes.

seeing her like that his heart feels like its being squeezed .

If there is anything that makes women shy and drooling over him is his French and Italian accent.

"Nothing in particular but I am interested in the misplaced sperm, any development? all hell will break loose if we don't give them what they are asking for". She looks worried 

"Bella ragazza you shouldn't have troubled your beautiful legs to come all the way here ,I am just a phone call away". He winks at her .Tapping her forehead, "Don't worry your pretty head too much with me around everything shall be fine". He puffs his chest out like some superman  earning a giggle from her.

"with me she has never giggled like that .Is she doing this on purpose ,did she bring me here to see her flirt with this fake Italiano?"All sorts of theories are forming in his head.

The red blush on her cheek deepens .she can swear if he continues like this she is gonna kiss him right there and then

Seeing the interaction is getting out of hand brown pushes her aside.

"Dr brown! long tome no see what's up?"

He makes a point of shaking his hand but brown ignores him handing him his documents.

Next time pay attention to your surroundings

Embarrassed he apologizes profusely uttering some incoherent French and Italian words .He had been too absorbed into her that he had forgotten about the documents

Brown rolls his eyes, this guy flirts even when embarrassed he sure is a player and see the stupid stone blushing all over again while nodding her head to a language she barely understands. he smiles at his own thoughts.

"About the missing sperm we might...."

Know what?" Brown cuts him short he pauses a little as though chewing his words

anyway never mind", .He grabs stone's hand as he pulls her along

"Brown what is the meaning of that?"

"Meaning of what ,Bella fille ? you want me to stand there and watch him get all touchy with you?" he is fuming mad that smoke can be seen coming out of his nostrils.

"Are you for real? Brown can you listen to yourself talk .Have you forgotten what took us there in the first place?"

"Stone  I don't care .You seemed to have forgotten our mission when you were all cozy with him, clearly you were enjoying the moment all blushing and acting shy like some school girl while I stood there like some body guard. Did you even take my feelings into consideration?"

"Are you jealous?" the realization makes her heart jump with excitement.

Does it mean he loves me this much

"me? jealous ,of that toad? His fake Italian accent repulses me."

grinning from ear to ear," Just admit that you are jealous". she wrapsher arms around his broad shoulders.

Sighing ",stone can you promise me not be go anywhere near him?"

"And why is that?"

"Be..because i don't like him, i don't trust that guy .He looks like a womanizer".

She smiles ",brown are you jealous?" she starts to act coy with him

He shrugs her hand off

"Just let me be bella ragazza".

"Which bella ragazza? by now you  should have gotten used to the way he speaks".

"Really and the way you were blushing and smiling shyly like some love starved school girl should I get used to that too Belle fille?", he mocks some more making her smile

"Coming from your lips it sounds as sweet as honey"

"Where did you learn to speak so shamelessly ?"

"You are the shameless one " she giggles as she jabs him on the chest.

Squeezing her waist she all her walls come crashing down. crashing her against his chest he deepens the kiss

they no longer care of where they are, at the moment they just want to feel each other. Speak their feelings to each other through actions.

They kiss each like like they wanted it really bad, the kisses are soft and moist, hot and breathy .It speaks volumes .In it they seek a  union and closeness that only comes with the  sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.


"Officers to what do I owe this call? I hope you have got answers?"

"Mr. Taylor am glad you could create time for us".

He looks at his watch 

"Though the case is ongoing you are free to perform the last rites on your wife's remains".

"Meaning your findings are still inconclusive". Checking his suit jacket he laughs mockingly 

"And here i was thinking you had it covered but you are nothing but a bunch of incompetent f** who are wasting the taxpayers money".

"Mr. Taylor please" Shally has had enough.

Pluto holds her back." He is trying to get to you ,control yourself Shally".

Turning to leave ",you have two weeks to round this up else...?"

"Else what Mr. Taylor? Are you worried we will unearth some more secrets?"

Her colleagues look at her as with horror written all over their faces

Jeez this girl never learns this mouth of hers will be the death of her

She moves forward lazily as Mr. Taylor sizes her up like a predator does to its prey

He finds her quiet interesting leaning closer he sniffs her ",Lavender." He inhales deeply," just like the blooming lavender fields. I love it".

She takes a step back his character annoying.

"Coordinate yourself Mr. Taylor ,just a reminder remember where you are standing".

He laughs mockingly," Young girl you have potential but you are lead by emotions .learn to use your head"

Its like a face slap to Shally as Anita and Shane give one another a high five. They can't wait for her to dig her own grave

Not ready to give up ",From your statement you said you were attending a dinner gathering at Four seasons but your alibi doesn't match ,you checked out quiet earlier than usual where did you go after that?"

He turns back looking at her animatedly ",If you have any question talk to my lawyers.".

"Your bodyguard, I realized he has a cut on his palm," His body tenses.

"The same way you can explain the bruise to your forehead".

Its an unfruitful conversation that leaves them all at loggerheads.

"Shally what was the meaning of that, why do you always like taking the hard way?"

"Mr. Taylor isn't as simple as he seems ".She whispers to him

"I told you so but you still went ahead to make things difficult for yourself".

"Shally see me in my office ",its the lieutenant

Pluto gives her the I told you look but deep down concern is written all over him.


Out of their sight he punches into the air

"any development?"

"none sir but seems like the intruder vanished to thin air"

"how's my daughter? doing never mind take me to her".

the gate of the heavily guarded compound slides open

he is amazed by the architectural design .It is just like he had always remembered it.

stepping out he is met by Cleve who seems to be in a hurry

"sir , am sorry for your.."

with a signal of his hand he stops him mid air.

his bodyguards step forward thinking he is a threat but he orders them to back down

"where is my daughter? enjoying the fruits without paying the price I see?

"sir!"  he looks .

"you are already staying with my daughter against my knowledge ,did you think all her parents were dead young man. Don't you value tradition?"

"sir ,its not what you think I was.."

"Aina is my daughter and I decide about her welfare. you cannot claim to be a man unless you know how to protect your loved one."

"sir 'm sorry about that but I promise to do your daughter right"

"By plucking the fruits even before they ripen?

boy do you even know what marriage entails?

are you ready for it, her mother is dead and she is emotionally unstable, why would you take advantage of the situation .How do you live with her ,as a guest or a wife?

have I been away for too long that you disregard my daughter's chastity?"

Maria and Dion  are welcomed by the ongoing drama. As the loving aunt she is she has to defend her family

"Sir ,all this is nothing but  a small misunderstanding .Aina is practically our daughter whom we have grown to love. 

we are not a bad family everybody knows Aina has been well taken care of by our family since they started dating and this isn't gonna change. She love it here.

I know the moment isn't particularly the right one but I beseech you to give my nephew a benefit of doubt if not for him or their relationship please consider the Khumbata family. Aina can attest to all this .Even when her mother Su was around-may her soul rest in piece ,she lived with us though not formally married. If we mistreated her or thought any less of her I know she wouldn't sit back and if she was here she wouldn't agree with your decision to take her back".

Though she sounded supportive she was indirectly telling her father that his daughter was already living with them, she never cared of what society thought of her or even her parents opinion.

She was a selfish little brat who cared for no one else other than her and what she wanted.

he scoffs

"lady you think too highly of yourself and your family name. My daughter isn't marrying your entire family but rather this boy here.

he points his walking stick to him

a male is by birth but being a man is only one by choice and this boy here is yet to grow up.".