
Chapter 38

"lady you think too highly of yourself and your family name. My daughter isn't marrying your entire family but rather this boy here.

he points his walking stick to Cleve

a male is by birth but being a man is only one by choice and this boy here is yet to grow up.

A man who cannot take care of himself how does he expect to take care of others

You disappoint me ,you aren’t close to the shadow of the man I expected to see.

I don't think you have any right to speak to me in such a manner

ooh yeah I have every right considering the fact that you are attached to my daughter.

No one has ever spake to him in such a manner.

"I will overlook your insults just because you are Aina's father if not?"

"If not what young boy? I see you are used to senseless praises and compliments that you have  it all twisted.

I expected to be met by a ruthless young man who has everything under control but guess I was wrong. Glancing at Maria ,"seems like its the women of this family who are wearing the pants".

seeing his head fall in shame he chuckles

"nothing ? I suppose the great Cleve Khumbata doesn't know how to use power but rather lets others use him

have you ever made a decision and stood by it ?at times I wonder how the well known old madam Cleve was blessed with such a dimwit surely it must be a pain to look at you each morning .My daughter needs a man in her life, am man who can make her feel safe and secure, a man who makes decisions and sticks to them even if it means being a one man army"

"Cleve, Honey," she opens the bathroom ,checks the balcony but he isn't around.

Descending the stairs "dad! "he looks up to be met by a completely different version of the person he expected

Aina his voice is like a whisper

She runs down the stairs ",You cannot talk to him like that

you have no right , he is your son-in law to be so the earlier you accept him the better

"who said I had rejected him ?as a matter of fact I want to know him even more

he is quiet an interesting character."

"good we understand one another cos nothing you will say will make me think otherwise"

 her words leave him mouth agape "since when did she become this insolent ? she isn't the girl little he raised, her little girl that he adored and loved so much.

"Aina dear I came to bring you home."

She shrugs from his touch

"I came as soon as a received the call, hunie how are you holding up?"

He pulls her closer to his embrace ,her whole body tenses he can feel the changes in her. Even the hug feels so strange in his arms she is like some stranger.

Thanking Vienna, Maria, Dion and Cleve he holds her hand.

"Am going no where with you"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me right, she crosses her hands over her chest

"I ain't going nowhere with you".

"Why? Your mother's remains are awaiting us.

henceforth its just you and I my dear, with mom away we have to learn to live on how own".

"showing up out of the blues and the first thing you do is commanding me around what do you take me for ,your puppet? For your information I am no longer a kid so I get to choose what is best for me and right now I choose to stay here, with my boyfriend".

"but dear, he whispers to her ear

your mother is gone don’t you care about what this family thinks of you ,you make it sound as though you are desperate to be part of them

I came here for you dear we need to take care of your mother’s remains as her daughter you should be helping me with this.

I am old so it can be hard to be on top of everything. Personally I need to spend more time with you. I want us to catch up and try to live as one family ".

Peeling his hand from hers. "I ain't going nowhere with you. And don't worry about the burial I will ensure that mom's send off is the best."

Moving two steps back" however all those I will do the while here ".

"no you won't my dear, your home awaits you. Your mother's send off isn't a Childs' play that you can do with a snap of your fingers. we need to gather all our families and friends together ,organize with the church and all that is needed dear you cannot do this alone."

she shakes her hand from his firm grip he tightens his hold on her 

"Aina behave yourself this isn't the time to act all spoilt and bratty"

Cleve steps in front of him "If she says she isn't going then she is going nowhere 

you cannot take her without her consent".

,"that is not for you to decide" he shoves him aside

"dad! before he can react a slap lands on his jaw

all eyes pop out

what jus happened !

"Aina !



"Mr. Taylor!"

with no sign of remorse or batting of an eye "This is just but a warning don't you dare boss me around".

it’s another side of Aina that nobody has ever seen.

his heart feels like it has been ripped out of his chest

"Mr. Taylor, Vienna rushes to his side "please take it easy with her ,recently a lot has been happening don't hold it against her".

massaging his jaw without a word he leaves

being slapped by his own child what did he do to deserve this.

In the car he punches through the air.

"have I been away for too long 

how did things end up this way? who is that girl she has changed a lot".

humiliation from others you can stomach that but the worst humiliation is the one that makes your world come crashing down ,the one that makes you feel no less than an animal with no owner ,the one that tears you apart leaving you all bare and wounded is the humiliation you face from your family

he controls his tears from falling down.

"Boss, you alright ?" it’s the first time they have seen this great man bow his head with humiliation

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No not at all sir but the young miss might be experiencing her bad days"

"Bad days huh !"he scoffs

it wasn't his fault for being away for too long but the business deal abroad never went as planned

instead of sealing the deal he had walked right into a well orchestrated trap.

the one and half years he spent in jail while awaiting his trial were the most depressing moments of his life but they never broke the spirit in him however today He saw all his sacrifices as nothing but vanity.

He had gotten out after being acquitted with the dream of rebuilding. Ashamed of going home to his family with nothing he had to take menial jobs while he sent his earnings back home to keep up with his wife’s demands. Though he had managed to achieve what he dreamt seems like he hadn't paid his debt fully.


"Aina you shouldn’t have done that

The man you raised your hand on is your father your biological father"

"Aunt Maria I know you have never liked me for Cleve. you have always tried to sabotage us but I will never allow it."

"What are you talking about Aina, I understand you must be devastated by your loss but you should take good care of your mental health If this continues you will end up in a mental asylum".

Holding her hand ",Aina you need to apologize to your dad"

He steps in," mother not now, she is clearly shaken by his presence. A man who stayed abroad all his life suddenly shows up after her mother's death does that make sense?"

"Cleve are you supporting your girlfriend's behavior?

"Aunt please don't get me wrong am just saying give my fiancée a break .she had had enough for the day .At the moment she isn't in the right state of mind. Can't you see that?'

Grabbing her hand he leads her upstairs

"should we expect the same from you? I wouldn't be surprised if someday you raise your hand on us. Her father was right you are no man."

"Aunt" he yells at her.

"Let this be the first and last time you call me that ,else..?"

"Else what Cleve "she has taken a fighters stance

shaking his head he leaves but not without some murmuring.

"Vienna did you see that? you stood there and watched your son disrespect me yet you said nothing".

"what could I have done"

"what could you have done, really Vienna? For how long are you going to bury your head in the sand .Don't you see there is something wrong with my nephew.

he has changed ,he was never like this .If I were superstitious I will say Aina has bewitched him"

"Listening to you talk I am tempted to believe her, you seem not to like her at all".

"Vienna how could you say such .I remember how you begged me to join the family business because my brother was overwhelmed. I dropped everything and came running to you like a fool had I known I would be disrespected like this ...."

"Maria, nobody is disrespecting you .Am sorry if I made you feel that way but why don't we be supportive of Cleve .The pressure from all the happenings must have gotten to him .He will come around just give him time"

Turning to her husband she bawls her eyes out.

Dion embraces her tighter while trying to calm her.

In Cleves room she rummages through her belongings

"Those bastards"

Opening the shower she locks herself in the bathroom

"Must they make me agitated; I hate them " she snorts twice.

Finally, “she smiles.

As she passes the study distinct voices could be heard. Moving closer she places her ear against the door.

"This can’t help in any way"

"But son its better than nothing"

"A photo of her or even her street number would have been helpful. Looking for her is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Aunt are you sure this is all we have got. Maybe you might have dropped some document somewhere".

"What are you driving at?"

"Nothing Aunt I was just stating or is it that the hospital must have held some information back?"

"I don't think so ,the doctor who handed me this seemed to be genuine .More so some clients never want to be found."

"why would the doctor give you information his is sure won't be of help to you, does it make any sense?'


Two huge suitcases are already packed he is busy emptying the rest of her things from the wardrobe when she walks in.

"Brown what's the meaning of this?"

"nothing siz ,i just thought it would be lovely to change places"

"this soon?"

"yes ,we need to be preparing for the birth of my niece".

"its so soon Brown, I am not even past the first trimester".

the more reason why you need to stay with people

putting the hangers down he touches her belly " I don't want anything bad to happen to my niece.

pregnancies more so those like yours tend to be so complicated ,as your elder brother I need to take good care of you and this is the only way I know how to."

sighing she shakes her head as she heads to the kitchen ,in this hot temperature a glass of cold fruit juice would do.

The phone rings but Gian beats her to it.