
Chapter 36

There and then he sees a vulnerable young woman whose eyes are filled with concern and unfathomable suddenness.

"You should know smoking is injurious to your health" Her voice filled with concern seems to be beckoning him. He move close but her coldness keeps him at bay

"we should get going" her tone is just like her cold and domineering.

In the car she casts him an annoying glance "are you coming or not ?"

shaking his head he hits the road

"how do I conquer her a woman like her who seems repulsive to men?"

all their colleagues hated her ,he is the only one who stood by her and even dared to be her partner.

whoever was placed with her either came back protesting or left her all alone when doing the job.

half past nine the meeting had already begun.

the police officers who were conducting the investigation had all agreed on one thing ,Mrs. Su jumped to her

death. As they present their findings one thing is clear ,they want to wrap it up as soon as possible.

scanning his eyes through the room he notices her presence

motioning her Pluto holds her back ",Shally I don't think its a good idea."

All their colleagues turn to look at her .With narrowed eyes and some funny noises she knows they don't approve of what she is about to do.

"rookie rookie "the chant as though telling her to sit down.

she can feel her pulse quickening as a thin streak of sweat drops down her face . Slowly she rises up unsure whether she should do it or not

Looking at them her mind screams its a bad idea.

she can see some of the seasoned officers have balled up fists while others have hands crossed over their chests, 

lifting her  foot she takes her first step, her heart thuds loudly against her chest. after this it will only make her or break her

one after another she reaches the bottom of the dais ascending up one guy makes the I will kill you gesture. She doesn't want to pay attention to him but one thing about him catches her attention. His foxy eyes they look awfully familiar. As though noticing her lingering gaze he bows his head slightly but one thing is for sure an encounter with him will be inevitable.

Pluto who is right behind her hands her the notebook

she looks into his eyes all she sees is uncertainty but she is glad having an ally in such a situation.

 clearing her throat they adjust their sitting positions as though waiting for her to make a mockery out of herself.

"rookie rookie " they shout once again she can feel her muscles trembling.

Hush! an authoritative voice cuts through the room, turning her eyes around its non other than the branch inspector.

Her eyes bulge out the voice gets even louder ."its a bad idea, bad idea"

Trembling and sweating she gathers her notes she cannot stand all this ,

Realizing what she is about to do he grabs her hand while giving her a reassuring smile.

opening her notes he whispers "trust in yourself and your abilities .Don't let our hard work down"

locking eyes a tear almost escapes hers but Pluto winks at her

smiling weakly she salutes as she hands her findings to the supervisor.


"excuse me "he rises up hastily .Heading to the gents Dr.Stone follows him almost immediately

Gian cannot hold his stupid laughter any longer

"my goodness at this rate am gonna be an uncle of two before I know it".

she rolls her eyes 

"you always have something to say

if that brain of yours worked like that in business matters your father's company would have risen to new heights."

"Brown ,hey Brown. "she grabs onto his elbow

"about what she said earlier.."

"impossible !"

"but we cannot deny such a possibility"

"don't even think or mention it. It can't happen".

shrugging her shoulders " I was just stating the possibility of it happening. The timeline perfectly matches so what if.."

pissed off by her persistence he snaps

"let it be! scared you will loose your job or even worse  your medical license revoked for  negligence?"

"Brown! you are so insensitive. is that what you think of me? do I come across as that kind of person to you? I was merely trying to help and yes ,it was negligence but definitely not from my part ,I don't work in the laboratories .

Taking her white coat off," I am speaking not as a doctor but as her friend  I cannot deny the possibility of it happening scares the shit out of me."

Shaking her head off she leaves him standing there ghostly pale ,as usual he was wrong in his judgement.

In the gents he hits and throws punches to the wall that his knuckles turn red and bruised .Washing his hands the conversation from the opposite cubicle makes him all alert

he leans closer perking his ears at ninety degrees.

"he already left and that's a good thing

yes yes ,freight not my love if we get to find the girl the consider it all done

the doctors are on it any moment now we shall know who is carrying his baby.

first things first find the girl then the rest shall follow".

tired of holding onto the toilet cubicle he flexes his hands attracting the attention of the other party

"dear I will call you back ".cutting the call he cranes his neck but sees nothing

slowly he opens the cubicle.

"good evening sir"

Phew! that was close he sighs as he greets him back.

In her office Dr.Stone scribbles on her diary as she tears and tears some more papers

"he cares, he doesn't care ,he cares he doesn't care "she continues to scribble roughly as tears fall down her beautiful face

"why is it so difficult to love

he is sweet one moment and the next he is as cold as ice

aren't I good enough for him .I am ready to let him go but I need a sign.

If he comes looking for me I will give us...." Before she can spit all words  the door is pushed open and brown comes in panting heavily.

Glancing towards the corridors ",what happened?"

"I need you to do something for me."

she just stands there

"stone, stone did you hear me?"

he shakes her she turns to look at him with a huge smile planted on her lips

"we need to get to the lab. About earlier I cannot overlook that possibility"

Tiptoeing she kisses him long and hard..

"Thanks brown"

Handing him an extra coat its brown's turn to be surprised

'I wasn't serious about it however we cannot overlook that".

"you weren't serious but now we might as well be"


Before we close Mrs. Su's case I have a little contribution to make.

her colleagues stare at her eyes full of mockery waiting for her to make a fool of herself

some have even made bets they are just waiting to collect their gains.

The su family house is located at a high end gated community security is tight so we cannot say there was an intruder or forced entry.

from the security footage there seemed to be no other person except su, Aina-her daughter, the housekeeper and gardener who weren't around at the time of the incident.

Her colleagues rolls their eyes as some begin to murmur" old news tell us something new.

"that rookie is really something else, "comments one

" I love her guts though she has some confidence" ,another admires her

unaffected, she continues looking at the post mortem reports from the forensic pathologist

this catches the attention of everybody.

"excuse me officer did you say forensic pathologist?"

"yes sir ?" he had initially lost interest in her findings but this caught her attention

signaling her to continue she prays not to disappoint the old man who had put ultimate trust in her.

"on examining the body there were unusual markings around the sideways of her neck, her lips were a little purplish blue and  bruised, a blue tinge mark on her hands and a fresh needle mark between her pink toe and ring toe.

from this I deduced that the neck markings shows signs of a tight grip and being dragged ,bruised lips can be from due to a physical injury ,the blue tinge on her arms showed stripe marks probably caused by a belt and needle mark suggests it was the first time she used the injection method in drug use.

"why would you conclude a new user she was probably a pro who was out for adventure" one colleague interjects making others to laugh.

"when carrying out a physical examination on the body, that was the only needle marking that was found and I haven't concluded whether she was a user of not I just said she was new to that method of drug administration.

seeing Mr. Malta nod with approval her spirits get a little better

Pluto hands her another set of documents as he gives her an encouraging smile 

"examining her internal organs this were the findings.

from the block dissection on the tongue ,pharynx, larynx and traches suggests evidence of trauma to the soft tissues.

as we all know the liver is where many drugs are rapidly concentrated for detoxification however when examining her Liver, no appreciable substances were found to suggest she was doing drugs .Her bile was also checked for high concentrations to determine whether she was a chronic drug user but it came back negative.

her kidneys were in perfect condition a clear indication that she took great care of her healthy .practically some portion of all the drugs and chemicals taken will be excreted and resorbed into the body through the kidneys and in many drug users you will find a pre existing damage to the kidneys as many nephrotoxic substances affect them but with Mrs. su her kidneys were in perfect condition.

"with all these what factors did you consider for proper interpretation of the post mortem finding

looking at the one who asked the question it was the great sterling

how Shally admired his work and the amount of dedication he placed upon it

the other officers nod in approval she can swear that they had zero understanding on what he was asking thinking that he wanted to shame her.

Though her deductions were right and on point she had to learn on how to present her works and cover all the necessary loopholes.

clearing her throat she isn't gonna back down easily Pluto holds her hand 

to the fellow officers they think he wants to be relevant, he is tired of being the flower boy but he and Shally only understand what this means with the look of the eye

"that is why we invited our forensic expert over to help us gain in depth understanding".

seated at the back a small figure rises up

with round framed glasses seating on her nose bridge it gives her that funny look but does she care?

all the people in the room are lefts mouth open

as she walks up the dais her buggy dark blue business suit doesn't hide the curvaceous sexy figure well on the contrary it makes her small waistline more pronounced

Her angelic soft voice rings through the room "from the postmortem lab findings we considered 

the route of administration ,the dosage that was administered in relation to her age, the rate of metabolism and excretion of the drug ,her physiological condition relative to the specific drug that is whether habituated sensitized or without previous contact......"

as she goes on and on even a fool can tell that they are least interested in the findings but rather they are busy admiring and fantasizing about the small soft spoken lady whose voice sounds like sweet music to their ears.

she takes her seat close to Mr. Malta and all eyes are on her.

sterling who had been listening claps loudly "I want her on my team" he shouts as the others laugh probably thinking the same thing.

Patting her shoulder ,"I am more proud of you" he states.