
Unknown Reaper

The world's protective barrier began to weaken, ushering in a series of curious and unexplained events across the globe. On a fateful day, Anfim, renowned as the mightiest mercenary, a name that sent shivers down the spine of even the most formidable national leaders, embarked on a daring mission. His task: to investigate a mysterious object that had descended from the heavens. However, this expedition did not unfold as expected, or perhaps it did? Anfim met his demise, but he was granted a rare opportunity: a chance at reincarnation and the activation of his soul, all through the grueling Trial of the World of the Unknown. Witness Anfim's ascent to the apex of the food chain, aided by his enigmatic lineage, as he instills fear into the hearts of the mightiest beings, a fear they vehemently refuse to acknowledge.

Lars_Bottler · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


One day after Leona lost her virginity.


He woke up at 8 pm and saw Leona lying next to him and sleeping. Of course she would sleep after getting fucked hard for the whole night. So he decided to wait, until she wakes up to get the information, he needed. He took her ass and pressed it against his dick.

Suddenly a message appeared, which he ignored yesterday.

[You claimed the body of Leona drain and she accepted you as her master.

Leona decided on her own will to drink your blood and take your seeds into her womb.That is a ceremony of enslavement. She will now be bound to you and has to oblige your will. She cannot do anything that could harm you and has to listen to your every word. ]


|True name: Leona Drain

|Level: 17

|Race: Vampire(?)

|Blood purity: ?

|Title: Successor of the Vampire progenitor

|Soul: Bloody Sun Bride (Legendary rating)

|Strength: 82/Agility: 85/Stamina:81/Mental strength: 27

|Nether energy: 159


(Fist fight)<Common rating>

|Soul skills: (Sunwalk)---<Common rating>{Leona, unlike other vampires doesn't have to fear the sun, because she doesn't get any debuffs while walking in the sun. All stats increase by 20% while staying in the sunlight.}

(Bride)---<Common rating>{Makes herself and her partner stronger by having intimate moments.}

|Innate abilities: (Bat transformation)<Common rating>

(Blood manipulation)<Common rating>



When Leona woke up, she got nailed for a second time, increasing Anfims Mental strength by 3 points due to her Bride skill and told him the information, he needed.

The parents of Leona disappeared, when she was 7 years old and she therefore grew up alone with her uncle who treated her even better than himself. The world, the vapmires reside in, is splitted into 2 factions, the one trying to suppress the other. The Majority is worshipping the blood god Saian and believe, that it was him who created the vampires and that they are descendants of this god, while the other party, the minority, worshipped the Vampire Progenitor Vladimir and thought, that he was the very first vampire in the universum. Leonas family belonged to the worshippers of Vladimir. The day, Leonas parents disappeared, the followers of the god decided to use their advantage and attacked them, while they were missing their strongest fighters. A lot of people died and those who survived, were destined to hide in fear or to adapt and accept the god. The uncle of Leona was a spy, so he had no problems and dificculties to face and was hoping, that he could at least let Leona grow up in peace.However, he noticed very soon, that Leona were different from the other vampires, what made them hate and bully Leona. While other Vampires had a cold aura surrounding them and loved the night, while hating the day, Leona was the entire opposite. She loved playing in the sun and her aura gave off an warm and pleasent fealing.

Enduring years of pain and bully, her aura didn't change, what changed, was her realtionship with her race.The only thing she felt for the other vampires was disgust, so she abandoned her world and started to live in the naxa village of the World of Unkown. This was a village only for creatures of the first stage.

What almost nobody of the Vampries knew, was that Leona was the actual successor of Vladimir, but she was strictly told not to speak about it and to remove the possibility, that she tells it someone by accident, her memory about it was erased and her status screen got adapted. In short, when Leona opens her status screen, she can't see the rarity of her soul, her blood purity and her title, while Anfim can. Beings with legendary souls were considered legends, supposed to lead entire races, but Leona was quietly lying and sucking her masters dick like it was the most delicious candy in the world.

The World of Unkown contained many villages, cities and even empires, that were ruled by different beings and had different rules. Some places were limited to people of a certain stage, while others were unlimited and everybody could visit them. But everytime, someone enters the World of Unkown for the first time, he will get into a zone, limited to only his stage.

Every of these zones had an information booth, which you could visit to get an entry card for the arena, which worked similar to the entry card of the World of Unkown. After getting some information from Leona and increasing his stats a little more with fucking her, he decided to finally head to the arena.

After talking to Leona for some time and increasing his stats, he told her to stay in this village and wait for his return, after which he would bring her into his territory.-


Anfim stood in the queue in the information booth. In front of him were two other boys.One had similar features to Leona, so he was probably a Vampire, while the other looked like an angel, but for some reason, one of his wings was green.Anfim didn't give it a second thought, as he silently stood in the queue and waited for his turn, but suddenly something unexptected happened.

"Oh-Oh-Oh What do we have here?A little puppy of the Wolf clan?"said a silhouette, as it came into the booth, while smiling mischievously. He looked like Anfim in his wolf form, but not with features of a wolf, instead with features of a lion.He was from the Lion Clan

"You still dare to walk here so freely?It seems that I must teach you some manner." Anfim didn't even turn around and gave him a glance, which really annoyed the beastkin. He walked forward and was about to grab his shoulder, but Anfim was not stupid.He knew from Leona, that you will get punished, when you attack someone in this village. Only when someone touches you without your permission, you are allowed to kill this person and won't get any punishment.

Just when the Beastkin touched his shoulder, Anfim slashed,without even turning around, with his energy imbued claws and the head and the rest of the beastkin's body got seperated into two pieces.Actually Anfim wanted to use his scythe, but it was not so efficient at close combat, even though he could adjust it's length even to 20 cm.

[You received: Soul of Beastking---<Rare rating>---Level 18]

He took this soul and put it into his ring, saving it for later use, because Leona told him, that it was actually impossible to absorb soul essence from another soul and it could only be used in forging or something related to crafting. Anfim wondered, if absorbing soul essence from someones soul,was something only humans could do.

The people in the booth looked at him, but didn't say anything. It seemed like it was not their first time witnessing something like this. In the next moment, two women of middle age came in and started to remove the dead body and clean the floor from, while removing the spilled blood.

Anfim took the entry card, deciding to enter a hardcore arena. When you die inside this arena, you die for real and you can take the soul of the person you killed. He thought, it was the best choice for him right now to get stronger. He was still new in this world and had nothing except of his strength, which he needed to establish a foothold in this world. He didn't want to hide his identity as a human and wanted, that the people he killed know, that they were slain by a human.

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