
Unknown Reaper

The world's protective barrier began to weaken, ushering in a series of curious and unexplained events across the globe. On a fateful day, Anfim, renowned as the mightiest mercenary, a name that sent shivers down the spine of even the most formidable national leaders, embarked on a daring mission. His task: to investigate a mysterious object that had descended from the heavens. However, this expedition did not unfold as expected, or perhaps it did? Anfim met his demise, but he was granted a rare opportunity: a chance at reincarnation and the activation of his soul, all through the grueling Trial of the World of the Unknown. Witness Anfim's ascent to the apex of the food chain, aided by his enigmatic lineage, as he instills fear into the hearts of the mightiest beings, a fear they vehemently refuse to acknowledge.

Lars_Bottler · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"Hello Mr. Unknown, how can I help you?" He was greeted with a nonchalant smile by an elven women with short black hair. She looked at him with an indifferent expression, not even caring about what just happened. It seems there is some kind of internal war happening inside the beastkin faction and he is the only one who doesn't know about it.

"I wish to enter the Open world hardcore Arena" he wiped his claws while thinking, obviously in his head

'Leona didnt tell me about these affairs. But its not her fault. She probably assumed that I'm a beastkin and thought ist was not necesarry to tell me about the Affairs of my clan. I'll definitely tell her a few things about me when I return.'

"Here you go" She answered just as indifferent as before. The only one who showed some interest in Anfim was the green winged Angel.

There are 3 kinds of hardcore arenas avaible in this city.

Those are Battle Royale, Duels and Open world.

Battle royales happen once every month with a minimum of 120 participiants. The location is every time randomly decided as well as the distributed loot across the terrain. Only one survivior is allowed and the loot is yours to keep as long as you can hold it, because storage artifacts were prohibited.

The duels are meant for Life and Death battles where you can fight 1vs1, 2vs2 or even 1vs4 battles, it doesnt matter as long as you pay the fees.

But what I chose is the open world Arena. It is opened 24/7 and there are no spectators allowed. The fighting ground is really vast and filled with many different beasts that are roaming through this little world.


I used the entry card and just like before,when entering the W.o.F(World of Unkown), some sort of portal appeared.

Without thinking much I entered the crack, cautious yet confident.

Spawning, the sight was not at all as speculated. I saw nothing but darkness and my intuition suddenly started screaming at me, warning me from danger.

'An Ambush!' I realized that somebody set this up. But how? How did they know someone is going to spawn here? Don't tell me that there is a fucking set spawnpoint for everyone and they are spawntrapping me?My confidence didn't vanish.

I calmed myself down and didn't let panic overtake my emotions. Panic and fear will lead to nothing, only to stupid decisions and avoidable damages.Fear is the most useless emotion and the reason the society in my old world could function properly.

I breathed in and tried to see if I could feel some presences around me. After a quarter of a second passed, I noticed something.

'Hmmh ' Just in moment I noticed an attack aiming for my heart which resulted in me quickly holding my breath. Dodging it in the last second I evaded a stab into my heart by hairs length. It was not the first time I got stabbed and after my body got reinforced I didn't feel numb and could cleary feel the blade inside of my body as well as the hand holding the blade.

Any pain was absent, because pain is just a warning signal from your brain. You can train to remove it just like fear and other supressing emotions like guilt or shame. There was after all a reason why Anfim actively practised meditation in his old world and made himself a name as the top tier mercenary.

Without thinking to much I guided my energy energy into my claws, grabbed the attacker by his arm, pulled him closer to me and pierced through his chest like butter.

However, I didn't stop after piercing him once. After all I had to be sure that he is dead. There are many different races I don't know of and my understanding of their capabilities is quite limited. And I couldn't determine his race just by touching his hand for not even a second.

Of course I still have the basic knowledge of the races I could select to reincarnate in. But those races are not all by far and it is better to be safe then sorry.

After slashing his body into several pieces I was pretty sure that he was dead.

Not knowing the amount of enemies I'm about to face I still didn't let my guard down.

My focus and concetration skyrocketed. I'm standing like a statue without moving an inch and checking if there are some other presences in the surroundings that I can feel.


{1000m away from Anfim}

"Matti what the fuck did just happen!? Isn't this trap supposed to be foolproof and be able to rob a peak first stage all of his senses? Should we go and finish him?" wiping his sweat from his face he faced matti who wore a grim expression on his face.

"He is obviously a beastkin but definitely not from the wolf clan. Did he come here from another village? Maybe Warwick clan?"

"Matti focus!Who the fuck cares right now which clan he hails from. Should we kill him or flee.His wound is already closing!"Torben whispered loudly with a desperate mimic.

"If we flee his majestie will hang us, after all it was his nephew who died just now. But to be honest lets just fuck the king and run. If we wanted to attack we had to do it all together at the beginning. Now it's to late to attack and to late to regret, the curse is about to fade let's piss off"

Finishing the sentence they didn't just run away but completly quit the arena.

You can do it at any time when you didn't engage in any combat at the last 5 minutes.


This novel was on a break but now I'll continue to upload chapters. I appreciate any comment and review. Hf reading.

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