

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs

Missed each other

They met Johan taking proper care of the house and Valerie helped her mum to her room while and her dad followed them too, so as to get ready for work...

Valerie went downstairs to get her mom's food which was a mild rice porridge ..

but when she got to her parents rooms door she could hear them saying something incoherently and she could not phantom what they were both saying


# Inside the room immediately Valerie went downstairs#

Mr Smith went to sit by his wife's side on the bed trying to hold her hands ... but she brush him off and broke the dead silence between them ...

"what were you planning on telling Valerie in the hospital before I woke up?..."


she became very angry when her husband did not give her a reply and she knew fully well that it was something she has been trying to forget about and hide from her lovely daughter her husband wants to bring to light .

" what a shit headed man, I blame myself for falling in love with you at first" Mrs Smith thought of this but couldn't just bring herself to say it to him (Mr Smith)

.. " dog got your tongue?" Mrs Smith looked at her husband with a cold and disdainful eyes but deep down in her heart she was feeling pity for him.


Mr Smith cleared his throat and looked at his wife like a dog that has been wronged "Stacy I was feeling too guilty and pitiful towards our daughter and I think she has to know about this..

I know I'm in the wrong and I'm going to attorn for my sin forever"... he paused with a sour nose and tears threatening to fall from his eyes and Stacy could not help but feel a lump form in her throat " I understand you but please let our daughter grow up a little bit more to take care of herself properly and after that we can decide what's next but for now just push everything behind you and live like a normal person and stop making our daughter keep guessing that something is wrong please do this for me" as tears poured out of her eyes she looked way more pitiful and heart broken and Mr Smith could not help but get closer to her in attempts to wipe her tears then he hugged her tightly...

then they heard a knock from outside....

"dad,mum I'm coming in " Valerie opened the door and saw the both of them hugging each other she could not help but laugh out loud " mum are you a kid why are you not letting dad prepare for work"... she shook her head and began setting the table for her mum's breakfast .... " it's your dad that is acting like a missing puppy that just found it's owner" Valerie and her dad could not help it and they laughed everything off in a melodious tune....


Mr Smith was ready to head for work and was at the car when he heard Valerie's voice

"Daddy wait a minute" then she passed him a launch box and her dad smiled in the most heart warming manner and looked at his lovely daughter who has the same eyes as her mother "thanks dear" he gave her a warm kiss on her forehead

.. "Dad take good care of yourself and come back home early to take care of your wife" she said this in a half serious tune but her dad knew very well that she was not joking then he laughed and saluted her "yes ma, your wish is my command ma"... Valerie laughed at her dad's character and waved him goodbye as he left for work...


she went back inside and took a very short breakfast before going to check on her mum who was sound asleep and then she decided to go clean herself up and inform Vivian about her absence.....

immediately she entered her room most things looked in place as she left it the other day because she had not returned to her room before she saw her mum lying helplessly on the floor....


then Valerie noticed her medical kits in which she gave to the stranger on her bed then she walked briskly to the bed and opened up the kit Wondering when or what time did the stranger come to her room.... then she walked to her window and discovered it was not locked and went back to close the kit before she noticed a sticky note on the inner part of the cover.


she immediately closed the kits and sat down excitedly to read what the stranger has written..