

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs

Hospital visit

Valerie was very pissed at her dad for taking his job way more serious than his families immediate problem... she could not sleep and had to frequenty keep her eyes on her mother in case of any emergency.

While her dad was as well handling an emergency case at his hospital and had to leave the operation room by midnight and immediately left for the hospital where Valerie and her mother is.... when he got to the reception he asked for their ward and the receptionist explained the rout to get to his wife's ward


The scene he was met with was that of his lovely wife lying on the hospital bed looking pale and her lips has lost its former Rosey color and his daughter lying close to her mom...

He turned to close the door without waking them up but Valerie sprung up immediately she was still looking a bit drowsy.... " Dad what kept you from coming for so long" she asked pouting her lips

"I'm sorry my darling I had a critical surgery to perform so i entered the theater immediately after I got your call please forgive me" he pleaded with his daughter feeling a little bit guilty

"you have to apologise to mum and Dad we have to meet the doctor but day break to discover what mum's case is all about and they have ran different kinds of test on her so the results should fully be out by tomorrow" she stood up to get a cup of warm water for her dad and one for herself.....

"thanks darling" her dad thanked her and took the water from her...

But Valerie was feeling something was off with her dad, he did not ask about how everything happened neither is he looking himself.... his eyes were looking lost in a way she could not comprehend and her dad was not even moving close to her mom to check on her

"Dad what happened was the surgery not successful?" she asked skeptically


Her dad took sometime before answering her

"it was successful my love....." after a long pause he continued " Valerie I have something to tell you" as if on que her mum started coughing


Valerie immediately went to her mom's side "mum are you okay" she immediately get a cup of water and pass it to her mum.... then her mum calmed down and looked at her husband trying her absolute best to get a beautiful smile on her face but the smile looks way ugly than crying...


" dad you were saying?.." Mrs Smith looked towards her husband and shook her head violently giving him a pleading look

"never mind it's nothing serious" then her dad smiled but the smile was not reaching his eyes as usual,he was feeling very sorry for his lovely daughter and wife deep in his heart.

The next day Valerie and her dad went to Meet the doctor to get the report about Mrs Smith's health... the doctor told them she was going through sever stress and has to properly take care of herself and eat at the right time and to ensure she's not bordered by anything at all

" thank you very much doctor" Valerie and her dad thanked the doctor uniformly before leaving the hospital with Mrs Smith


On their way back home Mrs Smith remembered Valerie was meant to go to school, she took Valerie's hand into hers "Darling I'm very sorry for making you worry so much about me and affecting your schedule for school and it's your senior year in school, I hope this won't affect your performance in school?" Mrs Smith asked in a worriedly...

"No Mrs Smith that won't happen, this your lovely daughter has been participating in few school activities, like the school broadcast.... I was the one that anchored it yesterday.. isn't that awesome" she told her mum this with a slightly higher pitch because she felt very relieved on knowing her mum is not in danger....

her mother smiled and squeeze her hand gently " my darling daughter is the best of all"

then the car parked right at the front of their home.