

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs

The note

Valerie could not help but smile while reading the note in which the stranger left her ... the note was giving off an elegant vibes and the not describes the writer to be a person of few words " We missed each other today but I would ensure to see you next time"....

the word was simple and firm ...

Valerie kept wondering when this next time written on the note would be and that kept her deep in thought before she heard the sound of her phone, it was a call from Vivian.. she picked up immediately "Vivian I'm very sorry I haven't called you all day to inform you about my absence in school" a sigh of relief was heard from the other side of the line " I've been calling you since last night but your line hasn't been going through..... I was a little bit scared" Vivian showed forth her concern

"I'm very sorry sweetie for making you worry so much, I'm totally fine just had to take my mum to the emergency room last night" ....

Their was a slight increase and worry in Vivian's voice .. "oh my God!! how is she doing now and hope it's nothing serious? ..

" it's nothing serious she's just overstressed" Valerie reassured her

"okay sweetie i would inform Mrs Nion and my regards to Stacy, I would come over after school" ....

Then they said their goodbyes and hung up before Valerie went to freshen up and took a quick nap

when she woke up after getting about 3 hours of sleep ... she stretched on the bed lazily and opened her eyes just to meet with that of her mum which was watching her with so much love in her eyes

Valerie was a little bit dazed then she sat up after a minute and asked her mum worriedly if she was alright

Stacy could not help but smile at her daughter's cuteness "I'm fine, just looking at the damsel God gave to me" she brushed the stray hair on Valerie's cheek to the back of her hair...

after hearing such lovely comment from her mum Valerie's ears turned red from being shy "mum come on stop teasing me" Stacy laughed loud and shook her head


Her mum's expression changed to a serious one

" Valerie I have something to talk to you about, my love your 17th birthday is coming up and I've been pushing back the fact that you have to take over your brand in which I'm handling and you know my condition at the moment and according to the doctor I'm meant to rest properly so darling please immediately you clock 17 you would be taking over all of this"

... Valerie knew all this was just an excuse to make her continue her brand by herself and she does not feel ready for it, but what other choice does she have since her mum's health is not so good she has to reduce her mum's work load but their is something else bothering her which is the fact that she had no idea on how to draw nice designs like her mum does.... so she has to ask for more time from her mum to nurture the little talent she has.... but who can help her with this.... that's another case to tackle.

" Are you even listening at all" Mrs Smith looked at her daughter in a surprised way

" What are you thinking about"

" mum why don't you give me some more time so I can improve on my designs and make nice works like you do.... this is my final year in high school and I would be going to college soon and I would be studying fashion designing there so please just give me one more year please, I would be helping with minor stuffs but the design is a no for now please" she looked at her mum with high expectations

........... .......

"okay dear, but it's just for a year and no more stretch okay?

"okayyyyyu Mrs Smith thank you verrrrrrry much" she hugged her mum and gave her all sort of kisses...