

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


After most activities in school Valerie became more relaxed and forgot about the incident last night and the confusion she had about Charlie in the morning at school.

And then it was time to go home again that's when Valerie thought she should ask Vivian about it in a vague manner "huh..... Vivian what if someone happen to sneak into your room in the middle of the night and that person was injured, what would you do?" immediately Vivian gave her a funny look "of course I would call the police immediately, that's not proper at all" I laughed and said "right you are to call the police but what if..... I mean if by chance you were the one that opened the window for that person" I looked at her making a very scary face and I know what she would say wouldn't be nice at all

"Are you kidding me Valerie!!! ..... why would I open my window for a total? stranger when I'm not foolish" then I laughed awkwardly and told myself " yes I'm the only foolish one" I bent my head and we continued walking to the parking lot when Vivian screamed and I was totally shocked " Valerie don't tell me you are the one that this scenario happened to" then Valerie looked up at her and she was totally dump founded " haha.... wh....wha... what do you take me for" Valerie could not keep a straight face and she kept stuttering then Vivian smiled "yes my best friend is way more sensible than that why would she open the window to a stranger" she laughed and hooked her hand around Valerie's neck and Valerie could not help but laugh awkwardly as well

when they got to the parking lot the chauffeur was already waiting for the and Valerie quickly bounced forward with Vivian coming behind her.

they both entered the car and greeted the chauffeur named Mr Sam.

immediately they got home Valerie went to clear her room because she and Vivian would soon make use of the room for their assignment and for reading so she does not want the room to be extra dirty.... and luckily she made that decision if not for that Vivian would have found the note and discovered what happened the other night.

when Valerie was clearing her desk she came across the note that has one of the most beautiful handwriting she has ever seen before, the writing was so majestic and was exuding elegance, she could not help but smile and wonder how an injured person could still write so beautifully and the words on the note was very short but very appealing, you would have known from the not that this person is a speaker of few words "thank you very much for last night I would surely return the favor and please I took your medical kits I would make sure to return it very soon P.S"

Valerie could not help but smile then the door opened....