

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


Valerie quickly hid the note when she she heard the sound of the door.

"what are you doing?" Vivian asked Valerie while looking at her suspiciously before she walked into the room and continued talking "Valerie aren't you a little bit strange today?"

then Valerie just laughed and continued cleaning "no I'm not strange, you are the one overthinking things" she replied in with a confirmative tone that let no room for further questioning from Vivian and Vivian was left with no option but to shake her head

After Valerie was done cleaning and was about to start solving her assignments with Vivian she got a message on her phone and it reads "hi Valerie it's Charlie and I'm with Noel we just finished a football match and we were thinking if you and Vivian can come out for some snack with us" Valerie wasn't expecting such invite from Charlie and when she was about to tell Vivian she got a call from Noel asking her of the same thing and she quickly replied yes.

Valerie was pretty pissed at Vivian for just answering yes without asking about her opinion or even thinking about the bulky assignments they had on ground.

"humm.... Vivian do you think this is the right decision ? we have not even started our assignment" Valerie asked her in a frustrated manner.

"ohh..... my baby girl you should know anything concerning my boyfriend is my topmost priority" she smiled like a little child that just got a candy. "so Valerie please get up let us get ready I just can't wait to see my baby"

so they decided to go out for a short period of time and after that everyone would go to their various houses Vivian was putting on a short flowy gown while Valerie was putting on a short with skirt a black long sleeve shirt and a Snickers then she parked her hair into a dirty bun ready to leave while Vivian was wearing makeup "Vivian please stop doing make-up and let's go it's not as if we are attending a ceremony" Valerie complained feeling a little bit irritated because her day hasn't been going too well "Valerie stop being a kill joy let's go" they both came out of the room but one of them was looking overly matured due to make-up while the other was looking like a little kid and they both head straight to the café where the guys asked them to meet at

When they got to the café both guys were already present and Vivian was the first to go in before Valerie.... immediately Valerie came in Noel was asking for a hundred box from Charlie while smiling, then Charlie looked at Valerie and asked "why aren't you putting on makeup?" and both Vivian and Valerie were confused then Noel explained "Charlie made a bet with me saying Valerie would make an effort for this little outing and put on makeup, but I told him that the Valerie I've known for a while would even make any effort but would dress up nicely and boom!!!!..... I was right" then Noel and Vivian started laughing making Valerie feel embarrassed then Vivian made a statement "next time Charlie don't make such bet because Valerie hardly makes any effort on her dressing or looks only for official reasons" then she laughed.

Charlie asked a little bit confused "what do you mean by official reasons?" then Vivian replied as if she felt remorseful after spilling the beans because Valerie has be hiding the fact that a parent are rich, her dad own few big branches of hospitals and her mom owns her own brand in the fashion line and Valerie is the spokes person for one of the branch of her mom's fashion line.

"hmmmm.... Valerie I'm sorry can I say it" she made a funny face at Valerie making Valerie feel like strangling her "why is this Friend of mine acting innocent Valerie asked herself before telling Vivian to do whatever she likes ,

when the guys heard they were very surprised and when Charlie was about to say something their number was called so Valerie took the order as an excuse to leave the table

"ohhhh... I feel light-headed" Valerie complained to herself.