

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


When I got to school I tried my absolute best to remain cheerful and focused because I just couldn't take my mind off the stranger while face palming myself for not removing his mask to know who he was, but anyways saving a patient comes first before any other thing.

Then I saw Vivian and I know talking to her can help me relieve some stress so I walked up to her "good morning Vivian how are you doing" I asked while trying my best to smile properly without Vivian finding out "hey Valerie I was just thinking about you and you are a little bit late today, why if I may ask?" she was smiling widely so I know I can't tell her what happened last night because she seem very happy at the moment, "yeah I overslept that's why and my mom dropped me off and you know how slow she could be while driving" I sighed softly and Vivian laughed " oh yeah for sure Mrs Smith has always been the best driver of the year" then I could not help but laugh out loud " oh yes she is" then I looked up just to see Charlie starring at my intensively then I smiled in a self conscious manner "good morning Charlie" I smiled "good morning Valerie, how was your night?" he asked raising one of his eyebrows "my night was good and yours?"

"it was hectic" he replied and then shook his head and stood up about to leave the class when I noticed he was limping and my curiosity made me ask him "what happened to your leg?" I asked a little bit worried "oh this, I had a deep cut on my leg last night" I was very shocked " how did that happen hope you are okay?" I asked in a very worried tone "it was all thanks to a girl that saved me" then he winked at me and left the class and I started feeling a little bit suspicious and confused and come to think of it Charlie had a deep blue eyes just like that of the stranger,

could he possibly be the stranger??? I could not help but ask myself continuously.

"No....No...No.....No....No..... that can't be possible Valerie it's just a figment of your imaginations why would Charlie come to your window at night and injured as well? that's impossible" I told myself all of this and I felt a little bit better before I heard Vivian's voice " Valerie are you okay? you seem lost or are you sick, should I call your parents??" when she asked about calling my parents I quickly came back to my senses and gave her a reply with the biggest smile I could come up with " ohh Vivian don't be dramatic, I'm totally fine I was just a little bit lost in thought and that's all" I continued smiling "okay dear if that's all let's go to our different clubs and hope you know it's the day for clubs?" she asked sarcastically and I laughed and said "yes hundred percent ma'am, i know it's club day thanks for the reminder and let's go" then we headed straight to our different clubs.