

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


After dinner I washed the dishes and said a night time prayer with my parents before heading to my room to chat with Vivian and upload a picture of my dinner on Instagram and after doing all this I would take my bath.

About an hour later I was through with everything I thought of doing and I was ready to turn in for the day, I was putting on my blue pyjamas and lying down on my spacious bed and turn of the light switch.

I started giving in to nature (sleeping) when I heard a sound by my window I firstly thought it was an imagination not until the know gets harder on the window I have to get up and check what was going on, when I checked I saw someone hanging the window I was shell shocked I put in my absolute best not to scream and gently asked the stranger "who are you" Then he looked at me and I could only see his deep set of blue eyes because he was putting on a mask and right their I don't know what got into me I just opened my window and let him in after that I closed the window and turned just to see he has slumped on the floor I was very shocked then I saw blood seeping through his trousers I quickly tore up the trousers to the source I think the blood was coming from and for the record my dad is a doctor so we have lots of medical kits at home and I was thought on the basic things to do when others are injured so I firstly checked if he was breathing and thankfully he was breathing so I started the treatment immediately.

After about an hour of treating him and breaking his fever I was very tired not even sure about how I slept off, then a loud noise from my alarm clock woke me up and then I drowsily opened my eyes and turned off the alarm then realization hit me about what happened last night and how come I was on the bed because I clearly remembered being on the floor, quickly checked the floor and no one was there it was as if everything was a dream only the little blood stain on my pyjamas made it felt real and while scrutinizing the floor my mom just dashed in without knocking the door and I immediately felt so shocked and thankful at the same time because if that guy was still here when my mom bust into my room then everything would have been a mess "good morning Mom" I greeted her with a shaky voice, then she looked at me suspiciously and asked " why are you looking so listless? don't tell me you are planning on skipping school today that is totally unacceptable" she frowned and stood akimbo

I laughed and replied "no...no not at all I was just about to get ready when you came in" she still seems suspicious then I immediately chased her out of my room "mum you should go downstairs I would be done in twenty minutes" after i made sure she was outside my room I locked the door immediately then I heard her talking loudly "you better be fast, I would be dropping you off today!!!" then she left and I breathed a sigh of relief and went to get ready for school not noticing a note on my desk.