
Universal Survival: I Can See My Summons Hidden Evolution Paths

"What? I got goblins as my servants. How dogsh*t is my luck to receive this kind of treatment?" "F*ck! I can actually see the hidden evolution paths of my summons... Lightning Samurai Goblin, I choose you!" . . . In a universe where countless worlds and civilizations exist, the gods have grown tired of the endless wars and destruction wrought by the inhabitants. In a desperate attempt to restore order, the divine beings have decreed that all living beings must be punished for their recklessness and greed. And so, a grand game of survival has been created. The participants in this game were chosen at random from across the universe, representing different planets, species, and cultures. They were taken from their homes and transported to a strange, unknown world, where they were forced to fight for their very survival. The game was simple: the winners would be allowed to continue living and would be granted great power and riches, while the losers would be wiped out of existence. Each participant was given a territory to start with, which they had to upgrade and defend against other players. In addition, they were each given a summoning altar, allowing them to summon servants such as humans, animals, monsters, and more to aid them in their fight. As the game began, alliances were formed, enemies were made, and blood was shed. The players soon discovered that the game was not only a test of physical strength and strategy, but also of their morals, ethics, and inner strength. In this world of chaos and uncertainty, only the strongest and most cunning would survive. But as the players fought for their lives, they began to realize that the game was not just a punishment, but also an opportunity. An opportunity to rise above their limitations, and to uncover the secrets of the universe. ===== [ Schedule at least 1-3 chapters / per day ] [ BONUS CHAPTER CRITERIA ] : 1magic castle = +2 bonus chapters : 1 spacecraft = +5 bonus chapters : 1 golden gachapon = +10 bonus chapters : 100 golden tickets = +1 bonus chapter : 300 powers stones = +1 bonus chapter - note: the bonus chapters will be uploaded within 1-14 days after the critera has been achieved. - additonally, i won't upload all bonus chapters at once but rather distribute them daily over the course of the days. thank you!

kaeeeee · Fantasy
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131 Chs

Victory Against the Lizard Men

On the east side of the lizard men's territory, amidst the dense foliage, a group of goblins could be seen running for their lives. They were being chased by a large horde of lizard men warriors, their menacing cries echoing through the forest.

As the lizard men warriors ran closer to Goburus and his team, he quickly assessed the situation and realized that this was the perfect opportunity to engage the enemy. "This distance should be enough!" he shouted to his team members, who immediately understood his plan.

"Let's start clearing them now, boys!" Goburus commanded his team as he stopped and turned to face the horde of lizard men. With his scythe in hand, he charged towards the oncoming enemy without any hint of fear or hesitation.

The lizard men responded in kind, letting out a bloodcurdling scream as they charged towards Goburus. Their language was foreign to him, but he could sense their aggression and their intent to kill. As they drew closer, Goburus swung his scythe with all his might, cutting through their scaly hides and limbs with ease.

As Goburus continued to hack and slash his way through the charging lizard men, he couldn't help but quip, "Can someone let these guys know that they're not supposed to be out of their cages or something?"

His words were met with a chorus of hisses and snarls from the attacking reptiles, but Goburus just grinned and swung his scythe once more, sending another lizard flying. "I guess not," he muttered to himself with laughter.

As Goburus continued to fight through the horde of lizard men, Gobryx, the Dual Arcane Pistolero Goblin, charged forward alongside him.

With his pistols drawn, Gobryx leaped into the air, twirling in a graceful arc. In mid-air, he activated his special skill, Arcane Barrage, causing his eyes to glow with arcane energy. A barrage of magical bullets rained down on the remaining lizard men, each shot precisely aimed at their vulnerable brains.

The lizard men were caught off guard by Gobryx's attack, some falling to the ground with smoking holes in their heads. Goburus couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the sight. "Looks like Gobryx is putting on a show!" he yelled to his fellow team members.

Gobryx's agile movements were just as impressive as his marksmanship. He dodged and weaved between the charging lizard men, his pistols firing rapidly with each step. The lizards were unable to land a hit on him, as he moved with incredible speed and accuracy.

Gobrielle, the Beascaller Goblin, and Gobshin, the Assassin Goblin, also sprang into action as they found themselves surrounded by the vicious lizard men. Gobrielle raised his hands and began to chant an incantation, and Gobshin protected him as he did his thing.

As Gobrielle's chant reached its peak, the ground beneath them began to tremble, and a massive Titanoboa emerged from the earth. its massive body coiled tightly as it prepared to strike.

The Titanoboa scales were a shimmering green, with patterns that resembled leaves and vines. Its eyes were a deep amber, and they seemed to glow with an otherworldly intelligence. The serpent's head was the size of a small boulder, with razor-sharp fangs that dripped with venom. Its muscular body was easily thirty feet long, and as thick as a tree trunk.

[ Ancient Venomous Titanoboa ] ( x1 )

: An ancient creature said to have lived during the era of giants and dragons. It was over 20 meters (65 feet) in length and weighed several tons, with shimmering scales that could change color to blend in with its surroundings, glowing amber eyes, and venomous fangs that could kill even the largest of prey. This fearsome predator was unmatched in strength and intelligence, residing in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest where it would ambush unsuspecting prey. Its legend lives on as a symbol of power and fear.

As the Titanoboa appeared from the ground, Goburus, Gobryx, and Gobshin couldn't help but gawk in amazement at the massive creature before them.

Goburus let out a low whistle. "Well, that's one way to make an entrance."

Gobryx nodded in agreement. "I always knew Gobrielle had some impressive tricks up his sleeve, but this is something else entirely."

Gobshin grinned and said, "Let's just hope this thing doesn't see us as its next meal, eh?"

Gobrielle cut in, "Okay, enough chit-chat, let's get back to our mission. I can only keep my Titanoboa for 5 minutes, so let's end this quickly!"

Gobrielle pointed at the mob of lizard men and shouted to his summoned Titanoboa, "Destroy all of them!"

The massive serpent slithered forward with incredible speed, its muscular body crushing anything in its path. The lizard men tried to attack it with their primitive weapons, but the Titanoboa's skin was too hard to penetrate, and their attacks bounced off harmlessly.

With a swift movement, the Titanoboa chomped down on one of the lizard men, its razor-sharp fangs sinking deep into the scaly hide. The lizard man let out a blood-curdling scream as it was lifted off the ground, wriggling frantically in a futile attempt to escape the serpent's grasp. The other lizard men froze in terror at the sight, realizing that their weapons were no match for the fearsome creature before them.

Gobshin's jaw dropped in awe as he watched the Titanoboa in action. "I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that," he said, eyeing the serpent warily.

Gobryx nodded in agreement. "Indeed. But we can't let it have all the fun, can we?" he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Let's help it out and finish these lizard men once and for all!"

The goblin team quickly moved in to take advantage of the chaos caused by the summoned Titanoboa. Goburus whirled his scythe with fatal precision, cutting through any lizard men that managed to avoid the massive serpent's wrath.

Goburys continued to fight with ferocity, utilizing his powerful scythe and constantly using his skill "Harvest Soul" whenever it was off cooldown. Each successful use of the skill strengthened him, making him even more of a tough foe with each passing moment. Gobryx's pistols blazed with arcane energy, his bullets finding their marks with unerring preciseness.

Gobrielle and Gobshin fought together, using their individual strengths to great effect. Gobrielle commanded his summoned beast Titanoboa, which tore into the lizard men with savage fury, while Gobshin moved quickly and silently, dispatching any reptiles that tried to get too close to his teammates.

In a matter of minutes, the goblin team had decimated the entire lizard men horde. The ground was littered with the bodies of the fallen, their lifeless eyes staring up at the sky. The Titanoboa, having fulfilled its duty, vanished back into the earth from whence it came.

Goburus wiped the sweat from his brow and let out a satisfied sigh. "That was some d*mn fine work, boys!" he exclaimed with a grin.

His companions nodded in agreement, also wiping the sweat from their foreheads. They had just taken down a lot of tough opponents, and the adrenaline was still pumping through their veins.

"However, we can't afford to bask in our victory for too long," Goburus continued, his expression turning serious. "We still have a mission to complete. Let's not waste any more time here. We need to provide backup for the captain's team."

The group quickly got back into formation and started to move towards the Lizard Men Territory.

Arriving at the territory, Goburus and his teammate were greeted with silence. As they cautiously entered, they were met with a gruesome scene - the lizard men's bodies scattered about, limbs severed and cut into pieces.

Goburus surveyed the area and commented, "It seems that they are already finished here too."

After walking for a few seconds, Goburus' team and Gobusuke's team finally regrouped.

Gobusuke addressed the group, "It appears like you guys have done an excellent job. Well done!"

"As much as I'd love to celebrate our victory, we still have work to do. Let's focus on the chore at hand. We need to construct a large carriage using whatever wood we can find. It doesn't need to be fancy, just functional."

"Goburus and Gobulus, go find some hard wood to cut down," he continued, pointing to the two goblins.

"Gobryx, Gobius, Gobshin, and Gobbie, retrieve the corpses and pile them up here in the center of the lizard men's territory. We need to bring them to our lord."

"Gobrielle, go rest for now. You will have to summon a beast that can drag the carriage later."

He then turned to the rest of the team and added, "As for me, I'll inspect if there's anything useful we can loot from the lizard men territory."

Goburus and the rest of the team responded in unison, "Got it, captain!"

They quickly got to work, with Goburus and Gobulus cutting down trees and gathering the required materials for the carriage, while Gobryx, Gobius, Gobshin, and Gobbie began piling up the lizard men corpses in the center of the territory.

Gobrielle, feeling exhausted from the recent battle, gratefully retreated to a nearby tree and sat down to catch his breath.

As the goblins worked, Gobusuke explored the area for any useful items that could be looted from the lizard men territory. He meticulously examined every nook and cranny, making sure that nothing valuable was overlooked.

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