A person who has a unique personality reincarnates into another world where he realizes that the world he is in has a lot of fictional characters he knew of.
[ 11PM in the Evening ]
A dark haired kid could be seen sleeping comfortably on his bed. His room pretty clean and its dark since the lights are off. From the shadows a woman could be seen walking out of it with a blindfold on. She walks towards the kid and takes her blindfolds off revealing beautifully mesmerizing blue eyes that looks like you're looking at a beautiful view of the sky. She looks at the kid and puts her left hand's index finger on the kid's while her right hand formed a crossed finger near her chest.
the girl murmurs something softly and then her eyes widen. "There are 2 souls inside this kid's body. they seem to be connected to each other so when the other gets angry or griefs the other also feels it. making their anger grow more and more. this kid might go unstable so I'll just fuse them both. I'm sorry kid but this has to be done or you will get angry and grief much more than a normal human and you might start seeing cursed spirits." with that, suddenly light shines from her hands.
The light seems to have woken up the kid. the kid groans with a groggy expression. He looks around only to find nothing and questions if the light he saw was only on his dreams. He decides it was nothing and heads back to sleep.
[ Kirai POV ]
Kirai woke up and slowly opens his eyes only to feel pain. "Ugh. Fuck... did i just swear? Kira what's wrong with me I never say something like that." he asks to himself. "Kira. Hello~ Earth to Kira. Kira?" he was starting to get worried since when he is awake Kira is also awake. He is starting to feel something is wrong. They've been together for so long inside one body of course he knows something is up. "Come on Kira this isn't funny. We've been together for 20 years you dont do this. Kira! My Name is Yoshikage Kira... You're supposed to answer where your house is located Kira. Come.. on... Kira..are you there?" he is asking if anyone is there...
But nobody came....
Water starts forming on his eyes he is trying his best to hold back his tears from flowing down but he tried only to fail. Tears start dripping down his face his heart aching thinking that his brother. The person he has been with ever since he was born. Gone just like that but suddenly his small hands moved towards his face only to form a thumbs up. his right hand then suddenly forms a money sign and his left hand's index finger suddenly went inside the hold that was on the money symbol on his right hand. Repeatedly going in and out.
He was baffled. he was not moving his hands consciously. he then came to a conclusion that Kira was still there but it seems like they're now both on the same body with the same mind since he thinks the cause of the swearing is Kira's but he also feels another feeling. Horniness.
so with a bonk on his head with his own hand he says "You horny son of a bitch you scared me. I thought you were gone.But i guess both of us being one isn't that bad. Your likes also became my likes and also the same with your dislikes.". Standing up he walks towards the door of his room 'Lets make this life the best of our lives. Alright Kira?' Kirai says in his head and smiles while walking towards the kitchen to help the Sisters who takes care of them.
Heading inside the kitchen he sees Sister Lily humming peeling potatoes whilst seated. "Sister Lily! I'm here to help again!" he says enthusiastically while smiling. Sister Lily who saw this smiled back and says "You dont have to.. but if you really want to help then can you hand over those carrots to me." she looks at the carrots on a plastic while peeling. 'Woah how can she peel those without looking.' Kirai who was fascinated by the power of housewives quickly handed the carrots beside him to the table next to Sister Lily.
"Thank you Kirai you're so helpful. Did something good happen?" she asks seeing how Kirai was smiling. "Nothing, I just wanted to help you." he replies to which she suggests "I think Emma was looking for you. She asked if you were already awake."
"Is that so? then bye bye Sister." he leans close to her and jumps to reach her face and pecks her on the cheek then ran out of the kitchen on the way to look for Emma. Sister Lily who looked at him who was running out mumbles "Oh you adorable little kid."
[ Narrator POV ]
Emma who was holding a book is running towards Norman who was sitting on a tree branch reading a book. "Normaaan! look! look at what i got!" she says while holding the book up high. Norman who was interested climbs down the tree and says "Oh? what kind of book is it?" Emma who is dancing while holding the book says "Its a Manga! a nice person gave it to me! we should read it!" "We should probably read it when Kirai is here so that we can read it together." Norman suggests. " Yeah le- nevermind speak of the devil." she says while pointing at a boy running towards them.
"Emmaaaa! Normaaan!" Kirai yells while waving his hand back and forth. "Kirai! come here quick!" Emma shouts while also waving her hand. Kirai arriving and sitting beside them asks "What book is it is it good?" "I think so! its called a Manga. look! look! it has pictures." Emma says while flipping the pages randomly.
"Okay then let's read it from the start." Norman says. Emma is the one flipping the pages while Norman reads the texts on the speech bubbles. Kirai was just there reacting to the manga since it was a new one that he didn't knew of.
[ 3 Months Later ]
And just like that time flew by quickly while i enjoy my time with Emma, Norman, and the Sisters who took care of us without a care for the outside world. He turned 6 the same with Norman and Emma this past months.
"Kirai! Come there is someone here who I'd like for you to meet." Sister Lily told Kirai who is eating besides Emma who is next to Norman. Kirai who heard her nods and says "Coming Sister Lily!" he quickly finishes his food and waves his hands goodbye to Emma and Norman.
While walking next to Sister Lily who is heading towards the living room. Kirai asks "So.. who am I going to meet Sister?" to which the beautiful nun replies "She is a very nice lady. She even adopted a kid a year ago saying "A child has to be treated with care nicely while they are still young so that they can be happy." hearing what sister had said Kirai nods with a smile.
Arriving to the living room Kirai couldn't stop his heart from beating faster. The figure he saw was a beautiful woman who has brown hair, purple eyes, a beautiful hourglass body, with F-Cup boobs and a plump ass. "Mamako-san I'd like you to meet Kirai, Kirai meet Mamako Oosuki." Sister Lily introduces me with a smile on her face.
Mamako nods at Sister Lily and then stares Kirai intensely and cutely says "Ara Ara~ its just like you said he really is adorable! His eyes look beautiful as well." hearing what the words that came out of Mamako's mouth Kirai couldn't help his beating heart that beat faster than ever before. 'Is that the legendary Ara Ara that a bunch of Milfs say?'
Noticing that Kirai was intensely looking at her, Mamako asks "Hello Kirai-kun how are you?" hearing Mamako Kirai snaps out of his daze and replies with full energy "Yes I am fine thank you for asking Mamako-san!" Mamako who was analyzing Kirai thinks to herself 'Oh my! He is so adorable!'
"Well Kirai, Mamako here is planning to adopt and take care of you. of course if you agree." To which Kirai immediately agrees to "Yes! I agree!" Sister Lily nods and looks at Mamako and says "Mamako-san let's take care of the papers needed. well it isn't much since this is only a church but we want to make sure that his life will be comfortable." Mamako nods and sits down next to Sister Lily who was holding a bunch of papers in her hand.
whilst Mamako and Sister Lily were discussing the adoption papers. Kirai went out and looked for Emma and Norman to tell the news. When he found them after telling them what has happened, they were both shocked. Their friend who was with them for months will be leaving them so suddenly. Emma who heard this burst into tears jumped on Kirai and the same for Norman. Even though Kirai was a new to the church, they treated him like a friend and as time passed by they treated him as a best friend. Kirai didn't have enough will power to stop the tears flowing out of his eyes.
[ 2 Hours Later ]
After playing with both of them for one last time for two hours they all went outside to see Kirai off with Mamako. A bunch of them were crying specially Emma, Norman and Sister Lily. they were the closest one with Kirai and couldn't help but shed a tear.
"K-Kirai you better see us in the future or else we will beat you up!" Emma says tears flowing down and smiling "Umu." Norman smiles and just nods the same for Sister Lily. "Yeah! If we see each other again I'll make sure to hug you guys with all my strength." Kirai replies who was holding Mamako's hand.
Walking away from the church towards a parking lot with Mamako. After entering their car and buckled up Mamako looks at Kirai. She has something to say to Kirai so she decided to just say it. "Kirai when we get home I would like for you to meet your little sister."