A person who has a unique personality reincarnates into another world where he realizes that the world he is in has a lot of fictional characters he knew of.
(A/N : Whoever is not controlling the body uses () as their text jiggimabob or whatever.)
Inside an church there is a 5 year old boy that can be seen sleeping soundly on his bed. Whoever if you look closely there is sweat dripping on his face and the boy is frowning seemingly like he is in pain.
"KIRA! *pant* *pant*" Kirai shouts while panting. 'KIRA ARE YOU THERE!?' Kirai panickly yells in his mind worrying about Kira's safety while tears drop from his eyes. (YES. I. AM. from what it seems.. it looks like you will have to watch Boku no Pico since we're alive WHAHAHAHAHA!) Kira says while grinning in their minds.
"*sigh* I guess I do.. are we in the hospital? why is it so dark." as soon as Kirai says that a 20 years old dark haired lady with a beauty mark under her left eye enters the room wearing her pajamas. "What happened! Boy are you okay?" asks the lady who is worried of what happened.
"Uhmm.. I'm okay. but who are you?" asks Kirai to the lady which to the lady responds "Thank god your okay. to your question my name is Lily. You can call me Sister Lily." Kirai who seems to notice how familiar this lady is asks Kira 'Kira.. is that?' (Holy shit its Sister Lily. wait does that mean we are in... please no.) Kira replies who is worrying if what he thinks is correct.
"Sister Lily where are we?" asks Kirai hoping that the predicament they're in is not what they think it is. Sister Lily who seems to be confused at what he is asking says "Were in Tokyo why do you ask?" "Nothing I just wanted to know.. Sister Lily i will sleep. my head hurts." Kirai tell her. Sister Lily who heard this stood up and tells Kirai "Stay here okay? I will get a wet towel for you. Rest first okay." "O-Okay Sister.." after their talk Sister Lily heads out the room to get a wet towel to put on Kirai's head.
Kirai stood up from his bed only to fall down from how weirdly not used to his body. "Owie.." groans Kirai. "Kira is it just me or is our body small?" sweat dropping of his face. (KIRAI FIND A MIRROR QUICK!) Kirai who heard Kira nods and looks around the room and finds a big mirror that is 2 meters tall.
when he saw what he looked like on the mirror Kirai puts both of his hands on the bottom of his face and yells in his mind 'OH MY GAWD! we turned into when we were 5 Kira! but it looks like we are 2d!' Kirai was flabbergasted to the fact that he looked like a anime character. Kirai has dark short hair, deep blue mesmerizing eyes with a purple circle surrounding his pupil, pale skin and a few small scratches on his face and he was wearing a sky blue pajamas. Overall he is cute.
(Kirai we saw Sister Lily just a second ago. that means THERE ARE MORE! Let the horny force guide you~) Kira was excited to the fact that there is a chance they can see more waifus and by a small chance have snu snu with them.
'Calm your dick down or i guess ours. we have to see if this world is safe this world could be some dangerous stuff like Black Clover, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Ghoul and much more. I dont want to die again, we might actually die this time or we get reincarnated as a alien experiment that gets probed.' Kirai assesses.
(Tsk. fine lets go to bed first I'm so tired. Do you have any idea how much that knife on my stomach hurts! HUH! But atleast that mess got us to this random world where there is Black Clover characters in Tokyo. Damn our eyes look cool, it looks like the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.) after hearing what Kira said Kirai went back to his bed and got placed the blanket on his body. He slowly drifts off to sleep while thinking if this is reality or their mind is playing with them.
[ Sister Lily POV ]
'There we go.' Sister Lily finally got the towel and water in a bowl and head towards the room the boy was in. As I open the door what greets me is a boy that sleeping soundly with his blanket under his arms. As she walks closer to his bed and grabbed a small stool. Sister Lily held the towel and placed it in the water which after she put it in she clenches the towel hard so that the water comes out of the towel. she wipes the cold towel on Kirai's face after that she puts in on his forehead.
'Sigh. what a troublesome child. We found him outside of the church with tattered clothes and with a bunch of scratches on his body while passed out. Thankfully i was able to carry him towards the clinic and treat his scratches before it got worse and get infected.' she sighs thinking of what has happened to the poor kid for that to happen.
After Sister Lily made sure he is wiped thoroughly she stood up from her stool and walks out the room she is met with a face that she knows. "Ah. Sister Isabella were you woken up by us?" asks Lily "No no. I just made sure Emma and Norman are sleeping. You know how competitive they are. Competing with each other with the smallest things." She tells Lily.
While both of them are walking towards they're rooms "So how is the kid? when you brought him here Emma saw you both. She was worried of what happened to the kid." Isabella asks Lily to which she said while worried "He's fine but have you found his parents? or has anyone looked for a child with his description?" Isabella looks at her and shook her while saying "Unfortunately no. no one has contacted us when we told everyone and I'm pretty sure that poor kid has been living in the streets for a while from the looks of his clothes. Thank God he is okay with those scratches on his body."
They reached their own respective rooms and said goodbyes to each other and enter they're rooms. Sister Lily prays for 10 mins which after that she went towards her bed and slept hoping that the child will be okay.
[ 1 Week later ]
On a bright breezy morning outside, south of the church there are 3 kids playing with each other. It was Kirai along with 2 kids which are a girl with orange hair and emerald eyes named Emma and the other is a kid with Whitish gray hair with dark blue eyes named Norman.
"Kirai come quick we're gonna play tag!" yells Emma. Emma has a bright personality and would probably befriend a lot of people. "Eh? But you never win against me tho. I always catch you guys" Kirai says while having a smug grin. "Oh~ Confident are we. then let's start, Run Emma before he catches up!" Norman says while running. Emma nods and started to run to the opposite direction of Kirai.
Kirai who saw this ran after them and yelled "You! Ugh. I'll make you guys pay!" (Let me have control this time I'll make sure they pay.) Kira wanted to take control since he wanted to play with the others and he is still angry with the one who stabbed him and wants to cool off. both of them are, even though they are different personalities they can still feel the pain of the knife on their stomach. this is the first time he is going to play with two of his favorite anime/manga characters. 'Sure' after taking control of their body Kira immediately rushed towards Emma catching up after a minute. He tackled Emma onto the ground and held both of her hands up her head while his right arm aimed for her waist and...
Started tickling her.
"Eek- FUHAHAHAHA Kirai stop i-it HAHAHAHA pl-pwease hihihihi stop tickling m-me!" begs Emma while laughing, tears coming out of eyes. Kira stopped tickling her and said "Tag your it Emma!" while sticking his tongue out. "Y-You! Kirai come back here!" she yells with a hint of pink on her face. "Norman! Emma is IT." Kira tells Norman. "Pft. Emma you already got caught?" teases Norman. Emma looks at him with a glare then smiles and went straight towards him.
While the 3 kids were having fun playing tag. If you look and focus closely a 16 years old girl could be seen on top of the church roof. She has long silver hair she is wearing a hoodie while wearing a black blindfold. "Why does a kid have so much cursed energy." she wonders why a kid who looks like he is having fun has that much cursed energy. "Well I'll take care of that later I'm a bit hungry." she says before disappearing to who knows where.