
(3) Little Hamster NEET

On a sunny afternoon where sunflowers and flowers can be seen blooming in Japan. there is a car that is a red sedan parking infront of a house. Stepping out of the car can be seen a very beautiful milf and an adorable 6-years old boy with peculiar eyes.

"Do you like the house?" asks Mamako. "Um. I like it very much Mom" Kirai nods his head repeatedly to Mamako. when she heard that Kirai called her mom she couldn't help but feel happy and giddy inside. "Let's head inside then!" Mamako while holding Kirai's hand opens the front door and yells "I'm home~"

walking towards the living room Kirai sat on the couch while Mamako went to the kitchen to get snacks for Kirai. when Kirai was waiting while watching TV, he heard loud footsteps coming from upstairs. He heard the footsteps getting closer and closer towards the living room. He sees a girl who is a bit younger than him that has golden hair and brown eyes who is wearing a white long sleeves, a pink shorts, and the most special part of her clothes is the hamster cape with a hood she is wearing.

The girl arrives in the living room to watch the show that is on TV while holding chips. She goes up the couch struggling a bit since she is small. when she finally got on the couch she sighs exhaustedly. She then realizes that she is right next to a boy with dark hair and cool mesmerizing blue eyes. she wonders who this person next to her was so she asks "Who are you?" the boy then looks at her then smiles and says "I'm your new Big Brother!"

"An O-Onii-chan? but i thought Mom only had me." she questions the boy. the boy giggles and say "Hehe~ that's why I'm your "NEW" big brother." the boy dramatically says the word new. "My name is Oosuki Kirai. you can all me Onii-chan. what's your name?" she nods and asks "Umaru...my name is Umaru, say do you like anime?" to which the boy replies "Of course i do! I know a bunch of games as well!"

Umaru who heard this got excited and says "Really!? Really!? come here look lets play together!" while grabbing the PSP from who knows where. Kirai nods and went beside her and watched her play a game called "Darker Souls". they talked to each other about the game while swapping with each other who plays the game everytime they die in-game.

Whilst they were playing Mamako saw them playing games and talking to each other she puts the plate of biscuits on the table in front of them sneakily to not disturb them. she goes back to the kitchen so that she can prepare for dinner later on. after an hour of preparing she heads back to the living room only to find them sleep on each others shoulder. seeing this she smiles and grabs a blanket to cover them both so that she will wake them up when dinner is ready.


While in the dining room "Umaru do you like your new big brother?" Mamako asks to Umaru who nods happily and says "Umu! he likes anime and games. that is my requirements for me to accept a big brother."

Mamako giggles to the fact that there is requirements for being a big brother. Mamako looks at Kirai who is eating besides Umaru while having a big smile on his face. After they are done eating dinner they went up to their rooms but before they got in Umaru asks with red ears "Mom.. c-can Onii-chan s-sleep with me.." "If only your Onii-chan agrees." Mamako says who looks at Umaru then to Kirai.

"Sure I would love to!" says Kirai to both of them. He wants to get closer to both of them since he never had a little sibling to spoil in his past life and only had himself since his parents passed away before he went on his home to live on a apartment.

"YAY! come quick! quick!" Umaru exclaims she then grabs Kirai's hand and head straight to her room leaving behind Mamako who just smiled wryly and says "Dont stay up all night!" Mamako walk towards her room and heads inside.

Meanwhile inside Umaru's room that is full of anime figurines and posters. Kirai can only gasp in awe of how many collections she has for a kid. He just dismisses it and thought of it as how much a NEET loves anime and games.

They change into their pajamas not embarrassed that they stripped Infront of each other. Umaru is just too innocent to think of it as something wrong and Kirai just didn't care at all. they head straight to bed Umaru on the left side and Kirai on the right.

before going to bed they played a bit with her PSP and watched anime for a bit before deciding they should stop.

While both of them are on the bed Umaru hugs Kirai and says "Onii-chan can you put me to sleep.." Kirai nods and hums softly. The music that comes from Kirai's mouth is pleasing to Umaru's ears and she quickly falls asleep after saying "Nii-chan.. thank you.."

Kirai who heard this feels giddy and smiles. "Goodnight you adorable hamster." after saying his goodnight he also falls a sleep while Umaru's head is on his shoulder. slowly the night fades with them hugging each other.


In a beautiful sunny morning in Japan where the breeze conveys that it is finally springtime.

Kirai feels someone shaking him violently non-stop from his left arm. "Nii-chan! get up!" it was Umaru. she has grown taller ever since they first met. Yes. It has been more than 4 years after he got adopted. he is also taller than Umaru which he is proud of as a big brother. He is 149cm while Umaru is 137cm.

"Umaru.. why did you wake me up." he asks Umaru who stopped shaking him. she grins and says "Hey you! You're finally awake! You were trying to cross our sleep schedule right? walked right into our Mother's ambush. same as I." Kirai rolled his eyes while smiling and says "You enjoyed it too. you laughed all night when saw how much bugs are in the game"

"That is true. Mom went to work early so can you buy bread from the bakery next to us. I know your good friends with the Onodera girl who works there!" she demands to Kirai who stands up and went to the bathroom. He turns on the water on the sink and splashed water on his face and heads back to their room since Mamako just decided for them to sleep together since Umaru always asks her.

"Fine fine. what bread do you want." he says while changing his clothes to something more comfortable. "Strawberry jelly!" she yells while already on her PSP. he walks out of the room and grabbed money on the table Mamako she always left for them to buy something if they get hungry.

Kirai walks out of the house locking the door behind him while having a spare key in his pockets. he heads towards the the bakery that is close to their house 2 minutes away. when he was infront of the shop he enters inside. A smooth bell rang that reminds the shop owner that someone has entered. he was greeted by a nice "Welcome" by a girl of his age. he greets back by saying "Kosaki-chan I'm here to buy bread again!"

The girl, Onodera Kosaki has shoulder-length dark-brown hair that has one long strand of hair which she keeps combed neatly to the left side of her face and chocolate brown eyes. "Oh is it for Umaru-san?" Kosaki asks "Yeah you know her. she only leaves the house 3 times a week since we're homeschooled." Kirai says.

"So~ what can I get for you?" asks Kosaki as she looks at Kirai who is looking at the breads for sale. "Can i get this, that, that one over there, this, and this one too." Kirai tells her

"That will be 120 yen." Kirai gives her the money needed for the bread and says goodbye to Kosaki.

"Ara ara~ is my daughter happy to see him again?" Kosaki who heard someone looks behind her to see her mom with a playful grin. Her name is Nanako Onodera she has the brown hair tied to a ponytail with the same brown eyes of her daughter.

"Mom! its not like that!" Kosaki says while blushing waving her arms everywhere. "Fufufu~ no need to hide it he is adorable you know? specially his eyes.. well.. if you dont want him, I'll wait until he's all grown up and take him since you dont want to." Nanako teases her daughter. "MOM!" Kosaki just ran inside towards their living room leaving with a face and ears as red as a tomato.

(Author : can i get some male friend recommendations for our mc? If i really get desperate i might really have to put Kazuma.)