
Unholy Testament - An Elder Scrolls Tale

- ( Reuploaded after the Email was hacked. ) - A man who was refused the honor he deserved. His name should have been buried under the sands of time. That's what the ones who write Nirn History in Cyrodiil would do. A Hero who no one wants to acknowledge. What happens when a Hero comes face to face with the ugliest realities face to face? - ( Since I have a full-time job and I'm studying, I will probably write only when I have time. Thank you for your time. ) -

Metal_Gods2 · Video Games
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Blood and Glory ( 1 )

4E 160, Hew's Bane, Abah's Landing, one week after Arosha and Urezur fell on the storming sea.

Inside a slave merchant's cell, a young orc could be seen twisting in his sleep.

"This little shit... He slept for one entire week and he is still sleeping?!" Clicking her tongue in extreme annoyance, a strange Redguard, with a toned body and scars covering her entire body, everyone that saw her would understand that she was the tough type, said while glaring at Urezur.

Inside Urezur's cell, another prisoner could be seen, as if she was cooked alive while kept alive with Healing, her skin was falling apart, full bald as her hair fell a long time ago and her eyes were closed but the Merchant knew that her eyeballs were absent.

But, she didn't dare say anything in disdain or disgust toward the Deformed Redguard woman.

The deformed woman didn't respond to the Merchant but if she had eyes, the Merchant would bet that she was glaring at Urezur.

Turning around and leaving, She said, "For his well-being, I hope he wakes up fast."


Darkness. That's what Urezur could see and remember. he just couldn't understand what happened.

No, that's what Urezur wanted to believe. He wanted to believe he will wake up again on his bed, in the stronghold, with his Mother on the throne.

But feeling the cold stone bed beneath his back, the smell of sand and death, he knew that he was nowhere near his former home.

Opening his eyes and fully waking up, he could hear the Merchant leaving, saying something about his well-being.

"... Mother?" Murmured Urezur in worry as he searched for Arosha but he only found a deformed Redguard woman sitting in silence on her stone bed.

Thinking that she was in another cell, Urezur rushed to the metal bars of the cell and shouted in worry, "Mother!? Are you there?!"

The silence was his response before a laugh was heard.

A mocking laugh became louder and louder as a Nord Man, Ragnar said soon after in disdain, "What is wrong? Did your Mama forget to give you milk before ditching you?"

As Ragnar said that, he laughed even harder than before.

Clenching his small hands, the young Urezur could only grit in teeth in protest.

But the loud laughing immediately stopped when the deformed woman opened her mouth, "... You should prepare yourself, young man."

As confusion appear on Urezur's face, the Redguard Slave Merchant returned to find that Urezur not only woke up but was glaring at Ragnar's cell with rage in his eyes.

"Looks like the little shit woke up, huh?" She said smirking at Urezur before she continued, "Now, you will finally pay for your stay."

Opening Urezur's cell, she punched Urezur's guts.

As he groaned in pain and lack of oxygen, he found out that she placed a Slave's Collar on his neck.

"You... bastard. If you wanted to place this damn collar, why didn't you place it on my damn sleep?!" Urezur said in pain and annoyance.

As soon as he said that, a punch connected on his face as the Slave Merchant said smirking in disgust, "... Did I just hear a beast talking to me?... If you didn't wake up today, I would just push you to the sea! Why would I waste a collar on a possible corpse?"

Pushing him out of the slave's prison, Urezur saw an endless corridor, with the sun shining through the end.

As the slave Merchant walked with Urezur toward the end of the corridor, endless cheers and shouts could be heard.

Louder and louder, the cheering and shouts reached a point where Urezur grimaced as they were being too loud.

"Welcome to your new home." The Merchant smirked as she pushed Urezur out before closing the nearby gate.

Turning his attention from the Merchant to the gigantic Arena, Urezur almost gasped as the public cheered.

He never saw so many people, thousands upon thousands of people were watching him.

"What kind of place is this!?" Urezur, as a young 11 years old child, didn't know anything about Arenas and Gladiators.

In fact, he didn't even know that he was just turned into a Slave with the Collar being placed on his neck.

As the cheering became loud enough to shake someone's soul, a loud clap and a moan sounded around the Arena as everyone stopped to cheer and silence stayed in its place.

Turning his head toward the origin of the clap, he saw a male Altmer sitting on a golden throne, his blonde hair reaching all the way to the back, he smiled lewdly with a tint of cruelty at Urezur.

Standing next to the Altmer was a beautiful woman but since she had her face veiled with a mask,

Urezur could only see her body. Seeing her red butt, Urezur knew what the Altmer slapped.

"Today, Ladies and Gentlemen, is not a fight. It's a fight for survival between the young. Let them decide their destiny. Will they pluck the strings of their destiny? Or be like the others, their names forever forgotten, their bodies rotting in the ground."

Slapping the beautiful woman's ass again, making a loud clap, the Altmer shouted with vigor as every gate in the arena opened, and different beasts came out.

A young snow wolf, a young timber wolf, a young goblin, a young spider, a young sabertooth tiger, a young Imp, a dog, a young horker, and finally a young Troll.

"Let these beast's blood color the sand, let them feast on the weaker corpse as we shall feast on the show! The last standing will be near to the nearer to Glory, Freedom!! Blood and Glory!!"

"Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!"

"Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!"

Urezur gritted his teeth in pure rage as he understood everything.

His family was betrayed. His home was robbed. His future was stripped. His mother could already be on the bottom of the sea. Even his dignity as an intelligent being was stripped as he was treated as a beast.

Every second that passed, more and more veins appeared on the young Urezur as his eyes were already red in fury.

When he stared at his opponents, the different creatures appeared as nothing more than chicken ready to be chopped.

( Reuploaded )

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