
Unholy Testament - An Elder Scrolls Tale

- ( Reuploaded after the Email was hacked. ) - A man who was refused the honor he deserved. His name should have been buried under the sands of time. That's what the ones who write Nirn History in Cyrodiil would do. A Hero who no one wants to acknowledge. What happens when a Hero comes face to face with the ugliest realities face to face? - ( Since I have a full-time job and I'm studying, I will probably write only when I have time. Thank you for your time. ) -

Metal_Gods2 · Video Games
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6 Chs

Exiled - Prologue

4E 160, Northeast of the small island of Stros M'kay.

Outside the Hardwood Stronghold, a young orc could be seen training with dual swords before he suddenly stopped and glared at his weapons, and shook his head.

With muscles as hard as steel, his light green skin became a little darker as he tightened his grip on the swords before sighing.

Tossing the swords to the ground, he picked another weapon, two axes this time.

Smirking, he started to run.

His legs muscles started to expand as huge veins appeared on the surface, as a gigantic force pushed the young orc forward.

A deer nearby frightened started to run away but before it could react, a shadow passed through him, as if space itself distorted.

With its eyes fully open, the deer could only see helpless as his head slowly separated from his body and rolled on the ground.

Sighing, the young orc, Urezur Hardwood picked the deer's corpse to his right shoulder and started to walk toward his family's stronghold.

'I hope no one saw that...' Urezur thought in worry but just shook his head soon after.

Urezur had the biggest secret a Hardwood Orc could have.

Magic, a subject his stronghold condemned to the point it was not only frowned upon but sentenced to death if some of them were to be found using it or studying it.

Urezur, knowing that manifesting Magic outside like Fireballs or Ice spikes would bring too much attention, started to apply internally his magic, expanding his Mana Pool and strengthening his body as result.

His brain, his muscles, his nerve system, his cock, everything was strengthened.

But, he was too young. Too naive and innocent to the outside world.

He was 11 years old that year, he couldn't possibly understand how much hatred his family had for magic.

So, in his impulse to use magic, he didn't notice a shadow observing and glaring at his back as he returned to the stronghold.


Urezur Hardwood, the son of the Matriarch, Arosha Hardwood, was undoubtedly the best candidate for the next Leader of the stronghold.

Not only was he the Firstborn of Arosha, but he was also the youngest Expert on onehanded weapons and the only apprentice of the only alchemist on the stronghold.

Of course, they couldn't possibly know that it was thanks to his enhanced brain that he could learn alchemy as easily as walking.

As he returned to the stronghold, the people smiled at him and his hunted deer.

He was 11 for Malacath's sake, his peers were still either too slow to catch a rabbit or still big babies, not wanting to hunt.

"Good job young man, you can go rest. The rest will be done by the others." Arosha, Urezur's mother, smiled as pride and maternal's love emitted from her body as she said to him.

As he glanced at his mother, Urezur could only smile in return.

At 8'11 feet tall (272cm), with a body full of muscles as if she could tear apart a castle's wall barehanded, with very long hair covering her back and orcish-style armor covering her body,

By the local orc's standards, she was the most beautiful woman on the island if not the world.

"Thank you, Mother," Urezur said with enormous respect in his voice as he walked away to his tent.

"... Urezur." Arosha suddenly said at Urezur's back and soon continued, "Your father... he would be proud of you."

Urezur only gritted his teeth as he said, "I hope so, Mother... I hope so..."

Since her child's birth, she knew that he would have some kind of magic affinity.

Glaring at his back for some seconds, Arosha squinted her eyes before sadness as she remembered a certain Dark Elf, the man she truly loved.

Since her child's birth, she knew that he would have some kind of magic affinity.

She knew that he has been practicing magic somewhere no eyes could see.

"I only hope this peace continues until he can walk on his path," Arosha said to herself smiling as she closed her eyes in nostalgia. remembering her adventurous past as a mercenary.


Inside his tent, Urezur sat on his bed and gritted his teeth in rage.

He didn't know or remember his father but he could see that his mother truly loved him.

Knowing that he left behind her and his unborn child, Urezur's rage only grew.

After some minutes of rage, Urezur finally sighed and closed his eyes in annoyance.


Inside a tent, a voice could be heard as it said, "... Our worries were founded... He is using magic."

As minutes passed, another voice finally responded, "... Good job... I guess, in the end, we were right."

Only a smile full of lust stayed in the room as the darkness of the night enveloped the stronghold.


As sunlight shone through the holes of the tent to his eyes and loud shouts along with increasingly loud approaching steps, Urezur groaned as he woke up but before he could fully wake up, his tent's door burst open as two orcs wearing full heavy orcish armor entered the tent, taking him out by his arms.

As full confusion appeared in his eyes, he even forgot to resist as he was forcefully brought to the main hall, where the Head Chief, his mother stayed.

Entering the hall, Urezur noticed that everyone of importance from the stronghold was present.

From his mother, the Head Chief, Arosha Hardwood, the Master-level Blacksmith, the financial advisor, the Younglings Trainer, the Guards Captain, etc...

'... Huh?...' Urezur noticed that his master, the only Expert-level alchemist from the stronghold, an extremely old lady, was absent.

As a very bad feeling started to appear in his heart, Urezur also noticed that his mother was frowning, deeply frowning.

'... When she frowns like that... Nothing good happens' Urezur sighed shivering slightly as he remembered the only time he saw her frown like that.

"Now that he is here, you better answer the accusations, Arosha." The financial advisor Anur said with anger in his voice.

"There are reports that not only your child, Urezur Hardwood used magic but also that you knew about it from the beginning," Anur said with venom in his voice.

Of course, he didn't have reports about it. He knew that she knew but he didn't have proof.

But the word Proof doesn't exist in the Public Court's dictionary when it's about something they hate to the core.

Frowning, the Guards Captain started to frown as he glared at Urezur in disgust and disappointment.

The Younglings Trainer, the Head Chef, and the Blacksmith, all of them did the same as the Guards

Captain, frowning in disgust and disappointment as they glared at Urezur.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Anur." Arosha said smirking as she continued, "Did all the numbers go through your head? You're accusing him of using magic based on what?"

But, she frowned soon after because Urezur started to sweat with a guilty face.

As her eyes twitched in extreme annoyance at her child's naivety before sighing.

He was 11 years old only. Thanks to her genes and his father's genes, he will live for centuries.

He is an orc toddler. Naive and ignorant of the world's ugly face.

Looking at Urezur, Anur grinned as that was the only proof he needed as everyone started to glare at him with disgust and hatred.

As red veins started to pulsate on Arosha's neck, she almost went berserk but it was too late as

Anur continued, "Not only is her child using magic, the probability that she might have mated with an Altmer or a Dark Elf is high!"

As the others heard that, their eyes turned fierce as they turned their eyes to Arosha.

The wood throne under Arosha was already slightly trembling as veins started to appear on her forehead.

'Those greedy bastards... I pushed this stronghold to become the only fucking stronghold in the entire Stros M'kay and now they want me and my only child out?!' She almost shouted in pure rage right there.

'... Should I lie?... But... If I lie, wouldn't it be like a betrayal to him... No... I can't do it...' Arosha thought as Pain appeared in her eyes as she fought inside her.

Just like her child, this display was already proof that what Anur said had its roots in reality.

As the others realized this before Arosha could respond, every guard, every armed person in the hall as the younglings Trainer appeared behind with his sword on her throat and the Guards

Captain with his shield and mace in his hands as he was ready for any situation.

After all, they were dealing with Arosha Hardwood.

They heard many stories about her Bloody path on Tamriel.

As the situation started to get more and more heated, Arosha's eyes started to become redder and redder in rage and hatred as she noticed the guards pointing their weapons at not only her but Urezur's neck as well.

'... If I dare do anything violent...' Arosha thought as she imagined a decapitated Urezur corpse on the ground, she started to sigh continuously as she gritted her teeth and said, "... What do you want?"

Noticing Anur licking his lips in lust, Arosha smirked in disgust, "In your dreams, old man."

Frowning as he noticed she probably would kill herself before he could even touch her and knowing that if he decided to sentence either one of them to death, Arosha would just kill them all even if Urezur would die in the process, Anur started to sweat before he said slowly, "... Arosha and Urezur Hardwood, I now declare both of you Exiled from this Stronghold!"

Continuing soon after, sighing in disappointment at not getting Arosha for himself, he said, "And this decision shall be spread to any possible stronghold."

Standing up, Arosha frowned as she took Urezur's arm and left the main hall.

Glaring at her back, Anur gritted his teeth as killing intent passed through his eyes.


Urezur from the start just couldn't comprehend how fast everything happened.

From the main hall to the stronghold walls, from the stronghold to Stros M'kay's only Pier, he was just staring at nothing in a daze of confusion.

Seeing her child like that, Arosha sighed and thought, 'Looks like I spoiled him too much... He will need some harsh reality checks...'

As she and Urezur got on a small boat, only big enough for both of them, Urezur finally woke up from his daze, as he understood this is now his reality, it wasn't a nightmare or an illusion.

"Where... are we going?" Urezur said hesitantly, in fear of angering his mother.

After all, he was the reason they were exiled. From being born from a forbidden relationship to practicing magic in the open, everything was his fault.

Arosha, noticing that, was about to open her mouth to say something when her eyes widened as she noticed something in the distance.


On the shores of Stros M'kay, someone said to Anur slowly, "Are we doing this?"

'Arosha... If can't have you...' Anur thought in rage as he nodded and said, "Do it."

Behind him, hundreds of archers shot their arrows.

Since the Hardwood Stronghold was the only Orc Stronghold of Stros M'kay, every single Orc was almost forced to become one of them if they stayed there.

Like a giant black wave, they blocked the entire dark sky of the night as they fell on Arosha and Urezur.

( Reuploaded )

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