
Unholy Testament - An Elder Scrolls Tale

- ( Reuploaded after the Email was hacked. ) - A man who was refused the honor he deserved. His name should have been buried under the sands of time. That's what the ones who write Nirn History in Cyrodiil would do. A Hero who no one wants to acknowledge. What happens when a Hero comes face to face with the ugliest realities face to face? - ( Since I have a full-time job and I'm studying, I will probably write only when I have time. Thank you for your time. ) -

Metal_Gods2 · Video Games
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6 Chs

Blood and Glory ( 2 )

Why did the other races on Nirn consider the Orcs, the Orsimer race, monsters, or freaks of nature? A good reason would be their Religion based on a Daedric Prince, Malacath the Daedric Prince of vengeance. But another good reason would be their innate racial ability. One of the most powerful abilities in the world.

Many Archmages and Powerful people on Nirn tried to research it, and replicate it from scratch, at the cost of millions on millions of Orcs. Young, Old, male or female, it didn't matter the cost.

Thinking about its capabilities, how could they not covet it, dreaming about it in their dream.

Depending on the Orc age and magic aptitude, his/her body was double or triple-enhanced, from the muscle mass, and the nervous system, to the soul and his/her magic aptitude. Basically becoming absolute monsters on the battlefield as their 'Strenght' is fortified, and since their nervous system becomes so strong, their pain sensors and natural healing factors are enhanced to the limit, receiving much smaller damage than normal.

Even with many sacrifices, the various researchers couldn't replicate it in Spell Form but discovered something very worrisome.

Since the Orsimer Race, also known as Orcs, had very small magic pools and poor to no magic aptitude, they could only use it once a day, limiting the ability to reach its true potential.

The worrisome part was that they found out that if an Orc was to be born with an Altmer or Dark Elf level of magic aptitude, it would be the worst nightmare of any race on Nirn.

After all, which Race didn't mistreat the Orsimer race? Every race either slaved, tortured, hunted, racist against, or thought them as nothing more than intelligent monsters.

Although no one noticed, an Orc like that finally was born.

Born from one of the most powerful Orc mercenaries, Arosha Hardwood and Neloth Telvanni, one of the most powerful Dark elf Mage to live on Nirn, Urezur Hardwood was born.

Even Urezur himself didn't notice that his mother's orc racial ability, Berserk combined with his father's innate racial magic aptitude, made him perpetually in Berserk mode since birth.

The perpetual Berserk since birth not only made him grow much stronger and faster, it enhanced his already high magic aptitude to ridiculous levels, enhancing the speed his magic grew and manifested.


In the Arena, the Altmer that liked to slap women's asses, and Arena's master, Ayred Lillandril, couldn't wait for the show.

It was his favorite part in fact. Seeing the young die so fast and worthlessly, made him value his already long life much more.

Inside the arena, Urezur finally couldn't control himself from the rage anymore as he ran.

Knowing that he couldn't possibly win against all the armed guards, the city guards, and the bodyguards alone, he took the only action he could now.

The pure force of the first step was so great that the ground apart in a small crater around his leg,

Thinking that the young Orc released his 'Berserk Mode', Ayred Lillandril smirked in cruelty and in annoyance. He was one of the people that wanted it for themselves after all.

The first one was the young goblin. Since he just entered the Arena, not even a minute passed, so he was searching for prey to hunt.

But, today was the worst day for him, as a fist so powerful that the air around it was bursting smashed on his head, imploding it instantly from pure pressure and power.

Urezur didn't even care about glancing at the poor goblin corpse as it fell to the ground as it fell to cold floor, Urezur was already running.

Seeing the goblin die like that, the public cheered loudly.

"Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!" "Blood and Glory!"

The second one to die was the young sabertooth tiger. Since his reaction speed and body reflexes were very high, it succeeded in evading Urezur's explosive punch as it made a small air burst when it stopped.

Thinking it had succeeded, it opened its mouth to tear apart Urezur. And that was the biggest mistake in his young life Urezur just glared at the sabertooth tiger as he placed both his arms at each end of the sabertooth tiger's mouth. Before it could close, Urezur slowly put strength on his arms.

As blood, brain matter, stomach tissues, and everything in between spilled on the sands of the Arena, Urezur brutally tore the tiger in half.

Turning around to the rest of the creatures, he found that the young horker killed the dog, and the imp and the young Troll already killed the spider, and the timber wolf, and were about to kill the Snow Wolf.

Just as the Troll was about to smash the wolf to death, an arm full of muscles appeared around it's neck, forcing him to stop to try to not only breathe but to swing his arms in despair to push the new assailant away.

Seeing an opening, the young Snow Wolf growled in anger as it chewed the Troll's stomach, spilling blood and organs everywhere.

After some seconds, the Troll was on the ground, dead.

It had no chance to even see the second assailant.

As the young Snow Wolf glared at Urezur, he also glared at it.

After some seconds, almost as if both of them reached an agreement, they both turned their head toward the Horker.

The horker watched as Urezur and the Snow wolf slowly approached the horker from both Left and Right.

Knowing that it had to take the initiative if he wanted to survive, the Horker rushed to the most dangerous opponent, Urezur.

Smirking, Urezur simply stood there as the Horker rushed to him. As soon it arrived near him, he took on his hands on the bottom two giant teeth, making the Horker push Urezur as his feet penetrated the sands.

After a couple of seconds, the Horker couldn't push Urezur back anymore as it glared at him in horror.

Smirking even more in cruelty, Urezur's arms muscles started to pulsate in power as he slowly pushed back the Horker, leaving the small hole his feet created.

Before the Snow Wolf even needed to help him, Urezur did something that everyone stopped cheering. Even the Arena's master, Ayred Lillandril, was speechless.

Before the young Wolf reached them, Urezur's body veins started to pulsate more and more as his eyes started to redden as he slowly pushed the Horker's body apart.

Just like the young sabertooth earlier, he tore the Horker apart as brain matter, eyes, and everything possible slowly gushed out of its body.

Seeing that, the young Snow Wolf also stopped in its tracks as it stared at Urezur in a daze.

Knowing that it was the last one to survive, its body shivered as it started to think about how to survive.

Direct attack him? Impossible. The moment it tried, he would die, brutally killed.

Run away? If he was in the wilds, it might possibly outrun Urezur, but in this closed Arena? Dream on.

Ambush him? The entire Arena was only sand, there were no walls or obstacles.

Its survival instinct screaming, the Young Wolf could do the only thing he could do.

As its body shivered in fear, it slowly bowed its head to Urezur in defeat and submission.

This action was to either Urezur not kill him or to at least not kill him as brutally as the others.

With each step Urezur took toward it, the Wolf trembled more and more.

It only stopped trembling when Urezur gently placed his hand on the wolf's head.

"Since you submit. You're mine now. Doggy." Urezur said smiling widely.

The young Snow Wolf's eyes twitched in annoyance at being called a Doggy but he did nothing in protest.

Seeing this scene many in the public frowned. Even Ayred frowned as his eyes glared at both of them.

After some seconds of internal debate and seeing no change in the scene in front of him, Ayred Lillandril just sighed and loudly declared "Since the Wolf submitted to him, the Young Orc is the winner! Now he is nearer toward Freedom!!"

Many in the public laughed at Ayred's implications. After all, they all knew how much far away the young Orc was from Freedom.

As the gates opened, guards slowly encircled Urezur and the wolf as they escorted both of them to Urezur's cell.


In the public, a friend of someone that laughed at Ayred asked in curiosity, "Why are you laughing so hard?"

In response to his friend, the young man stopped laughing and said while smiling, "Because to earn freedom in this Arena, that brat needs to win every single battle, every turn, for more than a decade!"

"It's only a small hole of hope in the skies to the fools that are fighting to fight in the most desperate for survival." He continued.

Laughing again at the notion that someone could win every battle for more than a decade, the friend joined him in laughing.

Hello, thanks for reading. Do you have some doubts, ideas or complains, Please Comment and I will respond.

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