
Unfortunate choice

Another fic about a transmigrator in naruto and with the Gamer system.. This is a work of "Banter" - The work is devoted to a non-parodic mockery of certain phenomena. Such works are characterized by sarcasm and irony and are most often humorous.

Agnostos · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Step 2

It was not a pleasant awakening.

I woke up from nothingness. Before I had time to orient myself, I was pulled somewhere.

Then I felt a punch that reverberated throughout my body.

I tried to be indignant, but my throat and lungs burned with pain.

I cried. Almost immediately after this unworthy act of a real MAN, they wrapped me in a soft cloth and put me somewhere.

I tried to open my eyes. On the fourth try I succeeded, but everything in front of me was blurry. I couldn't recognize anything in the haze. My hearing was useless, too: the sounds mingled into a cacophony without any chance of catching or understanding anything concrete.

I spat on the researcher's futile attempts, relaxed, and reflected on the situation. The conclusions were sad: according to current events, I was an infant a few minutes from birth.

No, of course, I am very glad to be alive again! The initial joy was overshadowed by a mismatch: the body of a newborn was a poor match for my adult consciousness. As soon as the storm of indignation subsided, I remembered who the body originally belonged to. My mood dropped more below altogether.

I was persistently pulled out of my depression.

Something picked me up from my snug, warm place. It was something black and speckled with red that lifted me up and began to shake me gently. An unstoppable, energetic noise indicated that someone was probably talking to me.

Much later I realized it was Tobi.

I was exhausted in body (yep, just born) and soul ("What the hell is going on here?!") .

My only wish was to sleep.The ride that began abruptly cheered me up.

I remembered the violent shaking, the flickering, and the series of loud noises.As time passed, I deciphered it as juggling me, acrobatic tricks, and active attempts to kill anyone nearby.

The last of my strength was spent. I fell into darkness.


The next awakening was marked by a significant improvement in vision.

I saw everything so blurry, but now the figures in front of me looked like people instead of blurry colored blobs.The woman with the red (no, blood-red) hair had a quiet, melodious voice.

Kushina Uzumaki.Behind her stood a blond man. Minato Namikaze. Behind them was something red, like a mountain.

They told me something. Unfortunately, I didn't understand anything.They fell silent, Minato said something.

The whole ginger mountain, growling frantically, ran at me, or rather, at the seal on my stomach. The sight was terrifying.

It felt as if I was both in boiling water and shackled in ice at the same time.I lost consciousness. This was the second flight into darkness on my birthday.


Just when I was in the mood to enjoy the unconscious state, the system announced itself.


*The system "Gamer. Version T.-3000" welcomes the user "Gamer".

*Start activating the system?

*Start setting basic abilities?

Yes / Of course, yes / YES

- I have a feeling I should have taken the "Version +" system. Okay, let's select the "YES" button.

The process of setting basic abilities has been started:








- Installation completed successfully.

The process was by no means instantaneous. It stretched over time with a distinctive beeping sound, so much so that I was fully immersed in memories. It was as if I was installing something on my first computer.


You are the first user to activate the "Gamer System. Version T.-3000"!

Reward: an upgrade of the player's basic abilities.

"Gamer's Body" - passive skill.

*The user's body takes on the body of the character. Taking any damage takes away "HP"-heal point.

As long as the user has at least 1 HP, the body health reserve can be restored.

* Additional:

*Even a head cut off with a single sword blow won't kill you, saving 1 HP.

*The minimum damage is 1 HP. Any damage cannot be less than 1 HP.

*Beware of large swarms of mosquitoes.

"Gamer's Mind" -passive skill.

*The user's mind remains calm in any situation.

*Immunity to mental attacks.


*The energy of the inter-world has affected your cockroaches.

*The cockroaches of your consciousness have mutated into Xenomorphs.

*Stage of activity: active repopulation of your subconscious, combined with the Seal space.


Kyubi remembers nostalgically the living conditions at Uzumaki Kushina's Seal.

He thanks the shinigami and the Fourth for installing the sturdy grid. He curses the current Seal bearer.

*The remaining system functions are not available.

*Final calibration of the system is required.

*Timer: 3 years, 364 days, 11 hours, 06 minutes

*System "Gamer. Version T.-3000"

sends its DEEPEST apologies

for the inconvenience caused.

*The system temporarily says goodbye to you.

.... And what was that all now?! What the fu## is calibration for four years?!

Huh... Get a grip...

One cyborg used to say, "Calm. Only Calm".

Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale...

That's it. I think I've gotten over it.

Now it's up to me to deal with the opportunities that have arisen.

The basic parameters of the body and mind are clear.

The description of additional features raises more questions than answers.

One thing's for sure OP: I can survive decapitation.

My body is lying on the sidelines,regen hp and leaps at the executioner from behind.Plus the psychological trauma: a headless corpse taking revenge!

But it is too early to rejoice. There is an untested "but":A severed head falling to the ground gets a fatal 1 HP?

If so, I actually survive the execution, but I die from my forehead colliding with the floor. If that's the case, then there's no use for this chit.

And that's a shame.

I have karma. And I think it's obviously bad: stupidly died, so there are all the prerequisites.

One warning about mosquitoes is worth a lot. To die from their bites can also pull on a repeat achievement of "Laughing Gods.

Cockroaches... Great defense against intruders. I even feel sorry for the unfortunate ones who will try to get inside my head.

If my memory serves me right, at the beginning of the second season Sasuke went into Naruto's subconscious.

There he saw the Fox.

Now such a feat could ennoble the world: one less Uchiha.

And now the obvious flaws.First of all, I don't know how I'm going to make a relationship with Kyubi.

He's sure to tell me to go fu## myself. And I agree with him, with all those neighbors. Secondly, wouldn't those things eat me if I went into my subconscious?

I've already checked out the Gamer's mind: the hysteria subsides faster.

Insensitivity to other people's mental influences is the main patch on Naruto's hole-in-the-wall head.That was his main vulnerability.

Now I don't care about any gloomy red-eyes or the clan of white-headed brainiacs.

The calibration will last four years... Well, the hell with it!

What are the quests for an infant? But they still waved the goodies and put them on a higher shelf.

It wasn't as bad as it seemed at first. But a persistent feeling of uppityness wouldn't let go.

In my thoughts, I missed the appearance of new faces. A squad (a crowd? a group? you never know how many) of ANBU led by the Third Hokage arrived at the site of Fox's sealing.I recognized him by the darker stain.

Hmm, my eyesight is clearly progressing, which is nice.

The image of a black jumpsuit, like the battle in the canon with Orochimaru, came to mind.

Whether the old man was wearing the same outfit, I can't be sure. He was the only one who stood out among the identical ANBU's.

The ANBU quickly dispersed into the area. Hiruzen and one ninja stayed by my side.

One or the other occasionally ran up to the Hokage with a report.

When I was alone, Old Macaca was talking to a subordinate wearing a bird mask (either a sparrow or a heron). This same bird was examining my Seal and commenting very emotionally.

It is not so offensive that these figures first of all checked the Seal, not the state of health of the infant lying under the open sky. It was more offensive that I didn't understand a word they were saying.

My fate is being decided here, and I'm not even aware of it! Maybe right now Macac has relaxed and is giving away his terribly secret and insidious plans among his loyal people.

Where is the justice...?

Why don't I know the local language? All the other transmigrator speak the local language as well , no matter where the hell they end up. I'm the only one who's unlucky and incorrect.


- System, where is my knowledge of the language? Hey! I'm asking you!

- …

- Oh, right... You're in the download.

I was once again released from the hysteria that had begun.Still, the Gamer's Mind ability is a great thing.

Calm is good, but not now.

Hiruzen began to look at me with extreme suspicion.Well, why? A newborn baby is frozen on a cold rock, silent, and just staring intently at your face.That's pretty weird. When you consider that a nine-tailed fox demon had just been sealed into this very child, it's triply suspicious.

It was at this point that I let go of the steely control and let the remnants of hysteria break free.My crying and twitching deflected the suspicion that Fox had taken control of my body. At least I thought so, because it was the summoned medic who came to me, not the sealing team.

The medical-nin spent ten minutes waving his green-glowing hands over me. I was fascinated. It looked so fu#ing cool!I want to do that too! When the system comes back, I'll run straight to the hospital to sign up for a course.

Yeah... The "Gamer's mind" is not such a useful thing when you first look at it. The skill extinguishes strong emotions, both negative and positive.Although the idea of studying to become a medical-nin is a good one.

Only with Naruto's reputation and the general mood of the village against him would I not have to run to the hospital....

My gloomy reasoning was interrupted by the med-nin (the same one or the other one, I don't know).He continued to light me up with his palms and move them around my face. I drifted off to sleep, and I blacked out.


In the underground room, an old man of thin build and medium height was sitting at a large wooden table loaded with various folders and scrolls.

His face is slightly oval, riddled with wrinkles and battle scars.

The nose is slightly convex. The lips are pressed together. The right eye and forehead are wrapped in a white bandage.

There are black, greasy strands of hair on the top of his head. On his chin was a scar in the shape of a cross. He was distracted from scrutinizing the documents by a ninja in an ANBU uniform who appeared in front of the table.

With a faceless mask included.

- Report - Shimura ordered briefly.

- Yes, Danzo-sama. Despite our heavy losses, we managed to put the tabs on the nine-tailed vessel," the subordinate bowed in a deep bow.

- What are the losses and their cause?

- Four mentalists. The reason was an unknown defense.We assume this is the work of Kushina Uzumaki. The mind of the first mentalist who came into contact with the vessel was destroyed after seven seconds.The next attempt was made by a group of three more experienced specialists. The minds of the second and third were destroyed 32 and 49 seconds after contact began.The group commander was able to break contact with the object. He managed to report on the success of the operation and then fell into a madness.

- Return the vessel to its original location. Provide research reports on the dead bodies and the survivor's mind.

Shimura wondered intensely. What had that Uzumaki done that a team of elite mentalists in a prepared laboratory and the absence of resistance from the subject was able to accomplish the task at the cost of their lives?We have to get to the techniques scrolls before Hiruzen's men do....

Hello again!!!

This is not a full chapter, I will post part 2.5 tomorrow!!

More info:It took all my free time today to post all these chapters, I pray you enjoy the chapters!!!Bye, until next time!!!!!

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