
Chapter Twenty two

"Mum! I hugged my mother who was already at the door to welcome me, even though it was just for a week, I felt as if I have stayed for a whole month. She leads me inside " how is Dad,” I asked hugging her again, go and freshen up, I will make you some dinner," she said assuring me with a smile on her face. "Thanks" she was caring. Very tired and weak I went upstairs to freshen up. Still, my thoughts lingered on the supervisor's threat. I just feel weak and annoyed whenever I think of it, he wouldn't do such a thing. Mum came to a room with a tray of food "you should eat something, I know you have missed my food"  "of course, I have missed your food" I collected the tray of food from her hand. When I ate I could feel mother glance at me, and I know she was worry about me "Mum! I called, I have something to tell you, I spoke. " what could that be" she smiled, just her smile made me want to tell her everything "Sam engaged me...I stopped to look at the mum's reaction, her gaze fell on my finger immediately then a smile " he loves that much" I nodded, coming close to me she embraces me in her hand. "Am happy for you" sighing with relief I smiled,  "Thanks mum, I will invite him over, so you get to meet him" she patted my hand "so how was the vacation". " it was.....remembering what the supervisor told me, I choke on my food. "Easy! Mum handed me water, gulping it down, how was I going to tell her, she can't take it and I know that if I ever tell her, she would try to report the supervisor to our school Chancellor and then....the only solution would be expelled, and Nancy will be tarnish because of me. No! I can't tell her, I can't allow her to make any harsh decision. 'Becca! Mum called touching my shoulder, I jerked turning to her with my forced smile " it was great, we visited so many amazing places". "Are you okay?" she asked getting worried. "Of course I am" I must have to deal with this only own, "Your Dad would be very happy to hear such great news, make sure you invite him over" "Of course mum, I will" I was glad she's was happy, I couldn't wait to inform Sam. "I will leave you to rest then" I watched her leave before I buried my face in my hand. How was I going to deal with this, maybe he will change his mind and if he doesn't, what would I do, I can't allow myself to get expelled. 

I picked my phone sailing Sam's number. "Hi angel, hearing his voice brought a warm feeling to my body. " I just wanted to hear your voice..... And mum is very happy about our engagement"  "That nice! If not, I was thinking about eloping" I couldn't control my laughter "very interesting" I laugh "I love you and also miss your warm body" I couldn't help but blush. Can I also ask for another night with you". Of course, I wanted to spend every time and moment with him "it would be a pleasure" I smiled, this would help me relax "I love you". " and I love you more........

Love from Casey ❤️