
Chapter Twenty one

"Am not going to do that" I blurted out, how could he. "You don't have to rush your answer, just take your time, I have watched you sneaking in and out but decided to keep quiet, did you think your presence won't be noticed or what, Rebecca! He called giving me a stern look "Think about your friend, she could get expelled too for lying and supporting your actions". "Please! My body shook with tears and anger, how could he ask me for such a horrible thing, " I can't! This isn't fair" but it was fair when you decide to sneak out of the hotel room. I look up at him in tears. "You could ask me for other things but......." But nothing" he cut me off holding up his palm "Think about it" he said and calmly walking out. "This couldn't be possible, he couldn't do something like that, I have known our supervisor for long, he wasn't someone who would day or do something this miserable with me, stumping down on the floor, I let my tears flow, I have to find a way to solve this matter with giving in to his request. Standing up, I dried my tears, I couldn't tell Nancy, God! She would be scare of getting expelled and I don't want to hurt her because of my actions. 

" what does he want," Nancy asked me immediately I walked inside the room. God! How I wanted to tell her at least tell someone who could help me in this situation, taking a deep breath "nothing.....it was nothing"  "Are you sure" she asked giving me a worried look "yeah....sure am okay, just wanted to know, if we were done packing". " of course, we're are done, why would he even ask" she shrugged before laughing. "Sometimes teacher behaves like a jerk"  "yes they do"  "you know.... I can't wait to finish, so I would visit here again" she smiled moving to stand by the window. How could I watch her get expelled because of the mistake I made and how will my family react to that, my mum won't even make the news "Becca! Nancy called " are you okay". "Yes, of course, I'm okay" she motioned for me to join her on the window, yeah the site was really beautiful but I still don't know how to solve this "I know something is bordering you, but take your time and tell me I will listen". " Just worried about my mum reaction when I tell them about the engagement". "Relax, you mum would respect your decision you know that" I nodded "I think I will rest now,   we would be leaving early tomorrow" even though it wasn't that late some students were still having some fun, I didn't feel like again, everything now makes me sad and angry. 

"Hope everyone is present," he asked when we arrived at the lobby to leave. "Yes sir! Looking at the man now all I could feel was dictate and hatred, how can he be so cruel, he should punish me if he wants but not telling me to sleep with him, how inhuman. His eyes meant mine, immediately I felt like stabbing him on the spot. We enter our luxury bus I made sure to sit far away from him, where he couldn't stare at me. This vacation was turning soar because of him, just because of this one man.

Hope we are making progress guys😘😘don't forget to rate, comment and follow me up on WhatsApp and Facebook 😍😍

Love from Casey ❤️