
Chapter Twenty three

The few days, I stayed at home, I couldn't stop worrying about school, what would happen, I don't know what and how I was going to convince the supervisor not to go ahead with his plan. I stood at the school gate early Monday morning. I just wish that I would wake up and realize that this was a dream. "Becca! I heard someone called, I turn to know who was that, Claig! Nancy's crush " Hi Becca! He smiled putting his hand on my shoulder "What we're you staring at the gate " Nothing" I smiled up at him "Really! Or were you looking for someone to escort you in" he winked at me with his boyish smile? "Mmm yeah I was looking for an escort" even though I don't feel like speaking with anybody, I just decided to deal with him them.

All through the class, my heart keeps pounding, Nancy has tried knowing why I was looking pale, giving her an excuse that I was not feeling fine, I just want to save her from getting worried about being expelled, I know she can't even bear the thought of getting expelled but how was I going to make the supervisor not to give out hid threat. "Miss Becca! I turned to see my physics teacher smiling at me " Mr. Jason wants to see you in his office" our supervisor! I nodded at her. If I don't agree with his term then Nancy and I would be expelled from the school, even though I try to report him to the school management, I will also get expelled from my behavior summoning courage I proceeded to his office praying silently in my heart, I walked inside his office shutting the food slowly "Miss Rebecca! He called standing to shut the window before sitting on his desk " So what your final decision, I have given you some days to think about my request, so....tell me your final decision"  I felt anger, and tear swelled inside of me, "I..i..can I accept other punishment from you please! I beg to fold my palm in front of me. I watched him sigh then moving to sit on his chair, he bought out an envelope sliding it in front of me. " open it! He ordered, looking at the envelope for some time, I collected it with a trembling finger. What was this for, I took my time opening the envelope "Letter of explosion! " you can't' do this please" I can't make it this...this letter, no it can't be, "please you can't do this, I will accept any punishment but not this please"  "This wants you to want and am giving it to you" he looked at me with am amused smile on his face "You see....the decision is left for you, either you give in to my request or I will submit this" I slumped on the chair nearby,  "what your decision" he asked clasping his hand and waiting for my response, I can't get expelled or allow Nancy too. Taking a deep breath, I nodded my head "Am giving in to your request" I couldn't believe what I just said, but if this was going to keep me in school and also save my friend, I will do it, because I can't allow my parents tope in me to tarnish. Watching him smile I felt like punching him. He slowly moves to the place I was sitting, tracing his finger on my cheeks, I clenched my hand not to push him and rush to the door. Sliding his a card in my dress. This has the name of the hotel that I would be expecting you and also my number, you can call me whenever you're free, we're done" he said returning to the door and motioning me to leave, drying my tears, I left his office.

Hey guys😍😍 what do you think is going to happen, view your opinion on my WhatsApp and Facebook 😍😍

Love from Casey ❤️