
Chapter Thirty nine

This was making it a month that Sam threw me out of his office, even after throwing me out I still call him sometimes. Maybe he was less angry, but he never picks up. I start seeing the magazine of him with a blond named Tara the one his family wanted him to marry, the news that there we're dating was all over the places, both were from a rich background, so they worth it. I stare at the window unconcerned days pass into weeks and months, mum grew worried that I might harm myself and sometimes she invites Nancy to come and talk me out of my stance. But I wasn't feeling like doing anything, eating, talking, or even going downstairs and dad......he hasn't spoken to me since that day. When I haven't even tried, I don't want to show my face to him because it will remind me of a child who brought disappointment to her family. Some days I weep all through causing and wishing death upon myself. I was just tired, tired of mum and Nancy talking to me with pity and pretending as if I didn't do something worth my murder. This morning I was feeling uneasiness that I can't explain, everything seems to sway in my eyes and even my movement was sluggish. I was getting sick and I hope it leads to my death. I heard the door open but I wasn't bothered to know who it was, the person stood watching me still I didn't turn till I heard my name "Rebecca! This wasn't mum or Nancy's voice, it was the voice of my cousin " Emily! I turned now staring at her, she was more now beautiful and has seemed to grow taller "Emily! I called in a whisper, she rushed to my side and hugged me tightly and felt the rush of emotions pass through me " I miss you" she weeps in my arm "I miss you more" she withdraw from me, staring at me worriedly "you're... What...what happened to you" I smiled wearily to her "Am fine" she shook her head in tears "This is not you Becca! You look so thin, now I understand what aunt has been saying. You haven't been eating, this does not....not look like my Becca" she said trying her best not to shed any tears. "Now you're here, I will try to start eating," I said trying to lighten her mood. She opened her mouth to speak just then the door slung open again, cutting her words out. I turned to see Emily's mother at the door. " Aunt! I called it been long I have seen her. She rarely visits, I stood up to greet her just then I saw the room sway and spun again. What was wrong with me, I tried regaining my balance "what wrong! I heard Emily asked but her voice was starting to fading away......Emily! I whispered then before I know it I was swallowed in darkness.

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Love from Casey ❤️