
Chapter Thirty eight

When the car stopped, I thanked him and climbed down. Looking at the building nearby yeah! I know where I was going. I walked to the receptionist with a smile. "I came to see Mr. Madison," I said, "Are you here for an appointment," she asked smiling sweetly at me "No I muttered. " okay what's your name," she asked grabbing the telephone as it rings Hello! she answered nodding at what the person at the other end of the line said, I clasp my finger and calmly waiting for her. "He would like to see you," she said and directed me to his office, how did he know that I was here and he invited me that's mean he has forgiven me and would listen to me but...if he has forgiven me, he should have called to call me over or try talking to me. A lot of things ran through my mind as I entered the elevator that would lead me to his office. Even though I have dated him for quite some time I haven't thought or been to his office before, maybe because I was carried away with a love that I didn't even bother. Standing in front of his office I stood not knowing how he would react angry or sad. I just wish he would forgive me. Before I could tap on the door the door was slung open. He stood holding the door wide open, immediately I saw him, I fought the urge to go and hug him. I have missed him a lot, Sam! I called he didn't wait for me to say another word before he dragged me inside his office and without expecting, he hit me so hard that I fell on the ground almost lifeless. What was he doing? If it was this that would make him calm down and forgive me. I was willing to take it more and more of the hit, I felt something wet sliding out from my face raising my hand to wipe away. It was blood! I stare at my palm for a while before looking up at him. "Are you still angry at me" he picked me up and held my jaw tightly. "I told you that we're done, so. ..so what else do you want from me" he asked staring hard in my face "I want your forgiveness, please let me explain everything to you" he shook his head  "I will never forgive you! He shook his head again. " never! He dragged me up to reach the same height as he was. "Don't ever come here or show your face to me, you're such a cheap slut! That what you are" he released me making me fall on the floor on my butt. "I let you in for this and now that I have made it clear to you then you can go! I stare up at him in tears, 'please Sam! Please let me explain, it wasn't what you...... " Get out! He yelled "Get out from my office Rebecca and never show your face to me again. Mother and Sonia was right all this while. I stare in tears as he called the security to drive me out, I just wish he would understand..... 

Love from Casey ❤️