
Chapter Forty

I woke up hearing a whisper around me. What happened and why was I still alive, my vision was still blurred when I opened my eyes to see clearly. I shut it for a while before opening it again this time, I saw Emily's mother smiling down at me. "She should rest for the meantime" I heard someone said beside me, who was it, I glaze at the stranger noticing that she was wearing a white dress. A doctor, I sigh tiredly and focus my vision back on Emily's mother. "How are you feeling now," she asked  "Aunt! I called she held my hand and patted in warmly "much better "  she nodded tucking in the sheet beside me "get some rest, I will make your favorite food for you" even though I wasn't having any appetite that moment I just nodded. "Where's mum," I asked, "she's fine, she just needs a little rest" she kissed my forehead before standing up to go. "Emily you can stay here in case she needs anything" when she left, Emily came to sit beside me without saying a word unlike her. "Did they gave mum medicine to sleep?" I asked knowing that mum would never leave my sight when am in this condition, She nodded before speaking. "She was very stressed out, so a medicine would do" she smiled tiredly at me. "You need to rest, you had a very tiring day" she opened her mouth to resist then closed it as if speaking would offend me, she climbed next to me within some minutes, she was asleep and breathing sounding not knowing what else to do except to rest, I closed my eyes and fell asleep too. I never wanted to make mum worry.

I woke up again feeling much better to stand on my feet, I turned to where Emily has slept next to me but she has already gone maybe she went to help her mum with the food. Getting up from the bed, I still felt sluggish and also heavy, opening my door I walked downstairs just midway down the stairs I heard mum I overheard mum talking. I stopped to hear what she was saying. "She has been this way for the past month, she doesn't eat, talk or do anything like our Becca used to do anymore, I just wish my daughter would smile again. I know things haven't been the way, we have expected and hoped for but.....I think it's time she put all of it aside and start afresh, if not just for her for the baby as well..... " Baby! All of them stare up at me, without another word, I climbed downstairs. "Which baby! I asked feeling my heartbeats increased. Aunt walked toward me, holding my palms in hers " Becca! She called turning to mum as if to seek encouragement before turning back to me with a smile still I saw tears clung to her eyes  "you're carrying a baby Becca! You're pregnant" I felt everything went still. "Pre... Pregnant" I muttered making sure I heard her right "yes you are" I stare at mum was shedding tears now but still smiling, she came forward to embrace me in her arm, withdrawing from me "You're pregnant and...and it a thing of joy" I watched all of them as if this was just a drama maybe they were trying to pull a prank on me. I shook my head. "It's true Becca! Emily who just stood at the back of mum said smiling genuinely at me. this wasn't happening, no! This was wrong, so, so wrong. " No! It can't be, I shook my head, stepping back. This was the worst mistake that could make again, turning back I ran upstairs to my room bolting the door I lean my back at it and weep. I was going to make their life hard by giving birth to this child, I have already made life for them miserable and hard for getting expelled now...now I was pregnant. "Please let this be a dream, please! I muttered to myself. I don't want to live again, I don't want to, I have to do something. I stood up and heard banging and plea for me to open the door " Am so sorry mum I said knowing that she could hear me "Becca! Please open life so hard for anyone of you" I cried searching around, I saw a table knife lying on the table.

Love from Casey ❤️