
Chapter Fifty three

Mummy! Sunny called sitting on the kitchen counter and wringing her leg "yes baby! I turned from breakfast I was preparing to see her frown on her cute little face. " why are you making an ugly face". "I want to go to school, I don't like staying at home". " Of course, you'll go to school, when you get much better". 

"But am fine now" she pouts out her lips "oh! baby". " But I miss my friends" she wriggles her body from the seat. Just then my phone rang distracting me from answering her, I sigh reaching for my phone.

 "Hello, Andrew"  "Becca! how are you doing?  " Am good I answered moving away from the kitchen to the sitting room "How is sunny? " she's doing much better but... She keeps disturbing me that she wants to be in school"  "Yeah! I think, she's bored, will you mind if I take her out with me" he asked "Umm I was speechless, I wasn't comfortable letting my daughter out of my sight  " if you're not comfortable with letting her out of your sight, you can come with" he said as if reading my thought.

 "No! It's okay, but please you need to watch her closely... " Hey! Becca, relax you can trust me with her" I nodded before disconnecting. The sunny voice was top of the pitch singing her favorite song.

 "Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder was you are up above the bright blue sky like the diamond in the sky" when she turned and saw me standing in the doorway "Mummy who is that". " it your uncle Andrew, he wants to take you out". "Yeaaa she shouted in joy, raising her two hands in the air " come! you have to eat your breakfast before he arrived". "Uncle is taking me out! Yeaa uncle is taking me out Yaee" she sang and jump as she walked inside the sitting room. 

I dressed her in black jeans and a Mickey mouse blouse packing her hair in a ponytail "Uncle is taking time to be here, she frowned shifting from one foot to another. " he'll be here soon" I kissed her packing her backpack and making sure that her inhaler was in it.  I still didn't use to that my daughter was asthmatic and she was going to keep on using an inhaler and medication till her asthma go away but...what if it doesn't go away what if her d be asthmatic for the rest of her life. I was brought from her thoughts by the noise of the doorbell. 

"Uncle! Sunny shouted running out to open the door, I followed behind  " uncle! She called hugging him tightly, Andrew carried her up in his arm before facing me. "Hi! Becca. " hi! I answered leaning my back to the wall nearby 'seems that our little Sunny is doing better"  sunny giggle. "Am not little". 

" Really! Andrew faked a surprised face. "Am a big...aunty" she laughs and Andrew joined in, I just smiled and watch their little drama "so if you're a big aunty, will you marry me" she giggles again burying her face in Andrew's shoulder. "No! I can't". " what! Why he held his hand on his chest and turned to me.

 "This my first heartbreak " oops! Sorry for that". "If I marry you then who would marry aunty Emily". " hmm your mum can" he replied smiling widely at me, I was just worried about nothing. Andrew would take care of her well, it had been six years I have known him.

 And I have come to trust and understand him. "Emily would be heartbroken if you do so". I spoke out when the drama started getting interesting. " you see! She wriggles out from Andrew's arm to walk toward me with a frown face frown. Yeah! she was confused "Sunny! I called crouching down at her side " you know when you're aunt Emily arrives, you can ask her". "Really! Can I? I nodded kissing his forehead.

" Your uncle is waiting," I told her still crouching down "you're not coming with us" I shook my head "mummy has a lot to do". She pouts her lips turning to stare up at Andrew. " I want mummy to come with me" "your mum is busy maybe next time". " But I want mummy to come with" she repeated now on the edge of crying. Andrew stares helplessly at me, sighing in confusion. I wanted her to go and have fun but if I didn't go she'll stay home all day and complain about school.

 "Okay! Mummy will come with, if... she looks up at Andrew and let her eyes lingered " if your uncle agrees". "Of course, you can, he looked away and stare down at Sunny "since your mum is coming, it going to be super fun" I watched her smile before raising her arm on the air for Andrew to carry her back on his arm. "Okay! I'll go get dress"  "yaeee Sunny shouted in joy. 

Update for a more interesting chapter.