
Chapter Fifty Two

Sunny! I called my six years old daughter "what was taking her so long" she has run upstairs to grab her school bag. I have to drive her to school before going to work "Sunny! Still, there wasn't any response, I rushed upstairs to her room. 

" Sunny! I pushed the door opened and saw her on the floor struggling to breathe "Sunny! I ran toward her crouching her in their arm, her face was so pale and she breathing do hard. Without thinking, I carried her downstairs," Sunny! I called shaking with fear and my heart increasing in beat "stay with me" grabbing running outside to my car, I shakily pulled the door handle in panic  "Sunny! What was wrong with her.

 she was growing to make every minute and still was struggling to breathe putting the car at high speed, I flipped through my back with one hand " Baby! Stay with me" I muttered turning to my child "Andrew! I almost screamed when he answered "what's wrong, he asked worriedly. "Becca! Becca! Can't breathe properly I don't know, she's pale. I...I don't know what's wrong with her. 

" Hey, hey! He called calmly "Breath, it okay where are you guys" I exhale sharply before speaking. "We're on our way to the hospital". " okay, I will be there in few minutes" when the call is disconnected I turn to look at my daughter's pale face.

 "Sunny! Stay with Mummy, I held her hand with my right hand within some minutes I drove into the hospital, calling out to the nurse who arrived to carry her to the emergency ward. " Becca! Andrew rushes to me embracing me in a hug. "What's wrong? He asked withdrawing me gently from his arm " I... I don't know, she... She was pale and w..was..struggling to breathe, I don't know what happened" I sobbed. "Hey, it's okay, she will be fine" he laid my head on his chest and patted my back.

 "Mrs. Becca! The doctor called me jerking to reality and drying my tears  " let's meet in my office" I nodded grabbing Andrew's hand to come with me. "I hope she's fine," I asked nervously. "She's fine now, you can see her if she wakes up" I sigh in relief and leaning my head on the table.

 "But she's suffering from asthma,  my head sprang up this time in shock " Asthma but why, how?  "She has respiratory infections but with enough medication, I think it would be temporarily.

I watched my baby sleep sounding on the hospital bed and aunt and Emily by my side " she's going to be okay" aunt consoled me, I nodded but didn't say a word. I didn't want my child to suffer at this young age, I just want her life to be simple and normal like every other kid.

 "Mummy! She called me with her tiny sweet voice  " Baby! I held her "are you feeling any better for Mummy" she nodded now with her cute little smile, I wouldn't have survived if anything has happened to her "am I going to get well". " of course, Mummy will make sure of that, I bend and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Hi sunny! You're Godmother is here to see you with your aunt and grandma also sent her love to you" she smiles while Emily spoke. "Am going to get well and come to your wedding right". " of course" Emily kisses her on both cheeks "if you're not there, who will I marry" Emily frowned her face which made Sunny to giggled. Emily was done with her school, she got a good job afterward and now a man was planning to sweep her off her feet. I was happy for her.

 "Mummy! I hate hospital" Sunny frowns. "Oh! Sorry baby, I see the doctor to discharge you" I turned to an aunt who has been watching all these whiles with a smile on her lips, "I'll be back". She was later discharged after a day of checkup and medication.

" How can sunny has asthma" mum fused over the phone "she's alright now mum, you don't have to worry much. The Doctor said that if she continues to take her medication regularly it might go away". " Becca! Am worried, maybe it time you come back here" I missed you and also my granddaughter  "mum! I sigh I didn't want to discuss this not now or ever, I was happy here, happy with the achievement I achieved for myself. " How is Dad! I asked knowing the answer was still going to be the same.

 Even though he has visited for some time to visit his granddaughter, our relationship wasn't the same again, he distances himself away from me and everybody talking with only a few and locking up on his own. I wanted my father, I wanted our relationship back but nothing was the same again.

 Everything has changed likewise me and the life I choose. When she later disconnected I lean my back against the wall taking a few calming breaths to calm my nerve before moving to prepare dinner.

I no longer lived with my aunt, I have worked in years securing a home for me and my baby, I wanted to secure my own family, wanted to provide her with everything even if she doesn't grow up knowing her father. 

It was the best thing to do, the best thing for her. I was now an expertly known interior designer, working hard in years to buy my own house and car. Make a small comfortable place for my daughter to grow in, I never want to go back to the place that reminds me of pain and sadness. This place brought me joy and happiness and this was where she will live.

Hey guys what do you think about Andrew relationship with Becca🤔🤔Keep updating for a more thrilling chapters, can't for it the danger is yet to come.

Lot of love from Casey ❤️