

(Warning : Some scenes include rape and child abuse of both the FL and ML. Read at your risk.) "Im sorry but I dont know you" After 8 years of waiting, she can't recall the memories of the year they both started dating but now he is back for her and he isn't letting go no matter what. "Whether you remember me or not, keep it in mind that you're mine." Saying these words he captured her lips in a passion driven kiss.

LT_Ina · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


She didn't know how long she ran for. She couldn't even recognize the streets anymore.

All she could think of was how he told her to run but She was getting tired. She had been running but still no sign of a cab. Something was wrong but she didn't understand what it was.

Why was she running? Why did he tell her to run? Was he in trouble?

Finally overwhelmed by exhaustion she stopped running and landed her knees using her hands as support.

Her breaths were unsteady and her mind was a mess. She tried to get back on her feet but it was a failed attempt. She sat down under the dark of night hopeless.



Her phone!!

Taking her phone out of her pocket, she switched it on and immediately went to her contacts.

Clicking on Monna's contact, it started ringing.

"C'mon pick up your phone." She whispered urging the call to connect.

But suddenly, at the fifth ring, her phone shut down.

Her mind became blank. How was she supposed to get home?

'sigh...I guess I have to keep on walking.' she thought as she got up.

'This isn't how I planned the night.'

Walking for almost an hour, she was finally home.


"Well, well, well. If it isn't the young master of the Portman family? So nice of you to let your little girlfriend run. We would have gone after her but it would have been a waste. Too bad though, she was hot." One out of the two men who had been following Pheonix spoke as they walked into the alley after him.

"What do you want?" He asked coolly with his hands in his pocket showing no expressions.

"Oh we just want you dead. It's not too much to ask is it?" The second man gaze a throaty chuckle.

"Well, its too much."



The second man who was about to speak was interrupted as he got shot in the head.

"You talk too much." Pheonix said as he watched the man's body fall lifeless onto the cold alley ground.

The other man looked at his friends' lifeless body on the floor and back at Pheonix who killed without batting an eyelid.

"I give you three seconds to get out of here" He said pointing the gun at him.

The man was about to run but was shot too on the leg causing him to fall.

Walking up to him Pheonix said.

"I said three seconds. Your time starts counting the moment I said 'seconds'.Fool." Then he shot his head and walked out of the alley.

He switched on his phone which he had powered off earlier to prevent any disturbance and called Max.

"Dude where have you been all night?" Max asked the moment he picked up the phone.

Ignoring his question he ordered. "Mom's restaurant ASAP. I have two bodies and a tampered car."

"Hey, wait..."


Pheonix hung up.

He looked at the time. It was 11:55pm. If she got back home, she'd call him in five minutes.


Natalie's Apartment...

"Bitch where have you fucking been?" Monna asked as Natalie walked into the room.

Ignoring her, Natalie went for the nearest charger, plugged in her phone and powering it on.

She looked at the time and saw it was 11:58pm. Two more minutes and she'll here his voice ensuring her that he was okay.

"Natalie!" Monna called out grabbing her attention.

"Where in God's name have you been?"

'I cant possibly tell her that I was with him. She must have a reason for not telling me about him.'

"I went job hunting." She lied.

"You went job hunting with your bare feet? Do I look like I was born yesterday?" She lifted an eyebrow skeptically.

"Look the truth is I encountered a drunk asshole and couldn't run in my heels so I had to run without my shoes. How was your date anyways?" Another lie slipped and a diversion from their previous topic.

"Oh he was such a great kisser. He was drop dead smoking. I was on fire. Fuck he even_" Monna stopped when she saw Natalie copying down a number in her phone and ripping the name off the card ripping it to small shreds.

She watched Natalie's every move as she dialled the number waiting for the latter to pick up.

Soon a man's voice was heard.

"Hey." The man spoke.

"Are you hurt? What happened? You didn't explain anything to me." She asked anxiously.

"I'm okay. You got home safe right? That's what's important. Someone tampered with my car and I thought they'd harm you. I'll get you a new pair of shoes, I swear." He said apologetically.

"Forget about the damn shoes. I can always buy a new pair. It's just there can never be another you so please whatever is happening tell me." She ran her hands through her hair.

"I swear that it's no big deal. I know that was unsafe but I'm on my way home now. I got Max to pick me up."

"Okay. Goodnight. But if you forget to save my digits, I'll rip your guts out and feed them to the dogs. If I had one. But I'll be sure to get one because of you." She threatened.

He chuckled.

"Okay goodnight."

The moment he hung up, Natalie stared at her phone with a bright smile before saving his name as 'My B'.


Another Chapter!!!

love ya'll

