

(Warning : Some scenes include rape and child abuse of both the FL and ML. Read at your risk.) "Im sorry but I dont know you" After 8 years of waiting, she can't recall the memories of the year they both started dating but now he is back for her and he isn't letting go no matter what. "Whether you remember me or not, keep it in mind that you're mine." Saying these words he captured her lips in a passion driven kiss.

LT_Ina · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Letter

The dinner was peaceful aa they both made some small talk.

Halfway through the dinner, Natalie suddenly put down her cutlery.

"Hey Pheonix. Can I ask you something?" She enquired softly.

"What is it?"

"Well it's about that letter you left me at the hospital. I have some questions about it."

"Can you please forget that? I didn't know you had lost your memories then."

Looking into his eyes for a brief moment, she began.

"First of all, from the way you wrote we were more than just the 'very good friends' you played us out to be. Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Well..I..I dont know actually. I guess it came out before I could take it back."

"What if I have a proposal for you?" She asked.

"It depends on what the proposal is." He said shrugging his shoulders and picking up a glass of champagne.

"Well since we used to date before, why don't we start all over again?"

Hearing her words Pheonix choked on hos champagne.

"Excuse me?" He was so shocked.

"You heard me right. I want us to date again. Is that wrong?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Well from the movies I've watched and the novels I've read, when people lose their memories, they tend to take things slow. It's not easy for them to trust their previous lovers. I was just kinda surprised."

"Well my story is different. I dont know why but, ever since I lost my memories, you're the only guy I have related so much with. Something in me says I'm making a right choice."

A gentle wind blew past them. They both stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Natalie's eyes suddenly creased.

"Your eyes." She said in almost a whisper.


"They're different." Her voice even lower than before.


In the drizzle of the night, all she could see was a pair of oddly bright eyes.

His eyes were like the sun, blindingly shining in the night that it was hard not to notice them.

"Hey are you alright? Talk to me." He asked.

"Hey! Hey!..."


"Hey! Natalie." Pheonix called shaking her shoulders.

"Huh? What's up?" She asked coming out of her daze. "What happened?" She asked looking around.

"You suddenly went out of it. like you were in your own little world. What happened to you?"

"Oh I just remembered something my friend told my earlier. It's nothing."

"Okay. Are you done? We should get going now." He said pressing down on the buzzer to call the waiter.

Before the waiter arrived Natalie grabbed Pheonix hand. "You still haven't answered my question."

Looking away for a while, he turned back to her and sighed which was instantly replaced with a smile.

Taking her hand that grabbed his, he planted a heat lingering kis on her palm. "Of course, but its weird how you asked me instead. It hurts my pride as a man."

Rolling her eyes, she chuckled softly.

The waiter who had seen everything was baffled. felt like he was dreaming.

Who didn't know their boss's charming gynophobic son? But here he was, kissing a woman's hand.

"Sir, your cheque." He bowed passing the cheque over to Pheonix.

After paying, they left the restaurant.

He opened the front passenger's door for her to sit. Going around the car to the driver's seat, he stopped before opening the door and looked back at the black car underneath a tree.

That car had been following him since he left his house but he decided to let it slide.

He didn't want to involve Natalie in his personal matters. If she got hurt, he wouldn't be able to live with it.

He got into his car and was about to start the car when he noticed something, the car hood was slightly open.

"Get down from the car and start running. I'm right behind you." Without taking his eyes off the hood.

"What?" She asked surprised.

"Just trust me Natalie. Get down and run."

Without further questioning, she took off her shoes and was about get down from the car but he held her hand.

"Leave your shoes behind, don't look back, no matter what and the moment you can get a cab, go home."

He took out a card and handed it over to her. "Call me by 00:00am" Then he pecked her hair. "Run. Now."

She threw a short glance at him before getting out of the car, running as fast as she could.

Pheonix sighed as he saw her slim departing figure. He opened up the glove box and picked up a loaded gun and a silencer before getting down from the car and walking down into an alley.

Things were about to get shitty.