

(Warning : Some scenes include rape and child abuse of both the FL and ML. Read at your risk.) "Im sorry but I dont know you" After 8 years of waiting, she can't recall the memories of the year they both started dating but now he is back for her and he isn't letting go no matter what. "Whether you remember me or not, keep it in mind that you're mine." Saying these words he captured her lips in a passion driven kiss.

LT_Ina · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


A smile spread across Pheonix's face as he got off the phone.

"Why the hell are you smiling? You know your mom is going to kill you, dont you?" Max who was seated in the car beside him asked.

"It's worth it." He said his smile never vanishing.

"Where were you anyway? How couldn't we reach you?" Max asked with creased brows.

"Where I was picked up from was where I was. I ate out and my phone died so I gave it to a waiter to help me plug it in. Was that bad?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Its just that your mom was reareally mad and freaked out. Before we get there you better start thinking about what could possibly take her mind off you."

"Must I go see her? My night was already ruined by those assholes. I was having a peaceful dinner before they showed up." He leaned back in the seat and groaned annoyed.

"Well unfortunately you have. And you also have to face your dad."

"Fuck this shit." He cursed looking out the window.

At least something good came out of the night.

He got his girlfriend back.



"How could he kill them? You good for nothings. I sent five of you out for a mission but only two went out and now they're dead." A man's thunderous voice rang causing the people around him to shake in fear.

"You incompetent fools. Go and receive your punishments." The man roared.

(A/N : Punishments? as in plural?)

The men scattered as per ordered.

"Dont worry Pheonix. Your time is near." The man said giving a psychotic laugh.


Monna watched her smiling best friend and put her hands on her waist.

"So who's the boyfriend?"

Natalie scrunched her brows in confusion. "What boyfriend?"

"I'm not dumb, Nat. Who's 'My B?'"

"Oh, you mean my brother. It's not everything that happened that I told you. I met Drake, he helped me ward off the drunkard and told me to come home. He kinda has a new number so he told me to call him with this one.Anyways good night sweet heart. I love you." She winked before walking off into her room with her phone and charger.

Monna : 🤨🤨🤨


"You.....Where were you? What happened to your phone?" Camilla questioned the moment Pheonix walked through the door.

"Hey mom!" He said obviously avoiding her questions.

"What is wrong with you? Do you know how worried we were about you? You know your condition and you still went out this late?" She said in a helpless tone.

"I'm sorry mom. I was out and my phone was down. It wont happen again." He bowed apologetically.

"Please don't let your mother worry like this again, okay?"

"Yes mom. I swear."

Finally Camilla sighed feeling better, the worry she had before was completely washed out.

"Okay let's have dinner together, we have some news for you." Said Andrew.

"I've already had dinner. I'll be up stairs if you're looking for me." He was about to walk up the stairs when his father stopped him.

"Come to my study." He said authoritatively as he walked past Pheonix.



"Be honest. You were out with a woman, weren't you?" His father asked with a sly smile.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Pheonix just looked at his father.

"The restaurant called. Your mom couldn't pick up so they reported it to me instead. Is this a good sign or not?"

"Dad, you can tease but this is between the two of us. Got it?" He said holding out his hand.

"Well..apart from that time you told me you were dating someone in high school, we haven't had any other secrets between us so fire away." He said as he rested his chin on his hands.

"Well, it's actually about that girl. You see, she was the girl that treated me at the hospital, I'm sure you noticed. Look I did some investigation and she lost her memory buuuut... I managed to ask her out on our reunion and after some complications, we went out. Now she's officially my girlfriend again." He said in one go.

"You're really slow boy. Did you kiss her?" Asked Andrew.

"No I didn't."

"You're slow. On my first date with your mother I already cupped a feel. A few days later we already had sex. Now tell me boy, why haven't you kissed her yet." He leaned back in his seat and folded his arms across his chest.

Pheonix sighed and responded.

"Were condoms even invented then? I wonder why I wasn't born earlier."

"You rascal. How old do you think I am aye? You ungrateful bastard. If it wasn't for my hard work would you be alive? You won't even have that little thing you walk around and call a manhood. You..you..youuuuu.."

"It's okay dad. I get it. You're a young man and you were around for the invention of condoms. What an achievement." He shook his head helplessly. " I've gotta go to bed. I'm damn stressed and I need to go home tomorrow. 'Night dad."

He said leaving the study.


Sorry y'all for a late update.

I sorta got really busy and stuff.

Anyway don't forget to vote, comment, review and all

love y'all



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