

(Warning : Some scenes include rape and child abuse of both the FL and ML. Read at your risk.) "Im sorry but I dont know you" After 8 years of waiting, she can't recall the memories of the year they both started dating but now he is back for her and he isn't letting go no matter what. "Whether you remember me or not, keep it in mind that you're mine." Saying these words he captured her lips in a passion driven kiss.

LT_Ina · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

No Location

It was another Monday. The only difference was that Natalie wasn't going to work.

Since she was free, she decided to visit her parents that afternoon.


Hallows Villa

Natalie father was well known for Hotels and resorts.

He had branches everywhere all around the world and those branches would be given to Natalie's step brother, Drake.

Arriving at the villa, she was led in by the butler, Hugo.

She was dressed rather casually in a spaghetti strap orange crop top with a zipper up front stopping on her under her boobs exposing her trimmed stomach, a pair of black tight bum shorts and white wedge sneakers.

She hair in a short ponytail and some loose strands framing her beautiful heart shaped face. In her hair laid a pair of aviator classic ray-bans.

Her mom who was not expecting her daughter's arrival immediately went up to her with wide arms.

"Well, if it isn't my little angel. So nice to see you darling." Monica, Natalie's mother, said excitedly squeezing the life out of Natalie's body in a tight hug.

"Hey mom. How've you been." She asked after being released from her mother's death grip.

"Oh the usual. Taking care of your grandmother and father. Come with me to the living room, your father should be on his way now since he's getting off work early today." They sat down in the living room. A maid came and served tea and scones.

"So what brought you home today?" Monica asked staring at her daughter.

"Well, I just kinda lost my job and thoughtit would be necessary to come see you and dad." Natalie took a sip out of her tea.

"How could you just loose your job like that? Well at least you can consider assisting your brother with the company affairs."

"Mom I'm not interested in that. I can get another job by myself. Besides the money in my account is enough for three years of being jobless. My problem isn't even a problem that I can't handle." Rolling her eyes Natalie shook her head.

Her mother was someone who could do anything to make her daughter feel comfortable and get the best out of life.

"Your brother will be coming back with your dad. Why dont you stay for dinner?"

"I have plans tonight." Natalie replied biting out of her scone.

"Oh, so what about tomorrow?" Monia questioned further.

"I have dinner plans with a uh..friend." She shrugged her shoulders as she said friend.

"And do I know this friend?" Raising an eyebrow.

"I doubt you know him."

"Oh so its a him." A sly grin appeared on Monica's face. "Is he handsome?"

Hearing this question Natalie's mind drifted towards his smile before he walked out at the reunion.

Then she remembered her bleeding nose and how she blushed.

facepalming herself, she let out a frustrated grunt.

Monica who was watching her daughter's expression smiled.

"So you like this friend?"

"What? I barely know him. I've only met him twice, and tomorrow night would be the third. How can I just like him?"

"It's possible."

"It ain't possible for me and will never. Its not like I dont know him, it's just that I don't remember him. Maybe you know him, Im not sure."

"Oh well. Your birthday is in three weeks. Are you happy?" She had a wide smile looking even more enthusiastic than Natalie.

"I guess I am." She said dryly.

"But you don't look it."

"I guess I just need some time to get it in my system."

As she said that, footsteps were heard walking into the living room.

"Adam, Drake. You're back. Look who's here too." She looked towards Natalie who was now standing at their arrival.

"Hey dad, hey Drake." She greeted with a small wave slowly walking up to them.

"Natalie." Her dad called out sweetly ad he pulled her in for a hug. "How have you been?"

"Been doing good." She smiled at her dad.

Pulling away, she look at her brother who was examining her from head to toe.

"Why're you staring at me?" She put her hand on her hip.

"Well you look hot today. Weren't you going for the innocent doctor facade? How come you're dressed like this?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"Well..." She started.

""Which one is it? You lost your job or you quit?" Drake asked with a smirk wrapping his hand around her slender round shoulders.

Natalie glared at her older brother saying."What's it to you? It aint your fucking business."

"Oh so if I'm wrong the next option is that you fucked a patient and got fired."

"Language guys." Monica warned sternly.

He chuckled before planting a peck on her hair. "I missed this side of you."

"Lets go, we have some catching up to do." Drake practically dragged her to the living room, his hand still around her shoulders.


"So where are you planning to take her out to?" Max asked laying lazily on the couch in Pheonix's sofa.

"I didn't tell her." He answered absent mindedly searching through his wardrobe.

"Dude you asked her out with no location?"

Finally understanding what was happening.

"Fuck!!!!" He cursed loudly