

(Warning : Some scenes include rape and child abuse of both the FL and ML. Read at your risk.) "Im sorry but I dont know you" After 8 years of waiting, she can't recall the memories of the year they both started dating but now he is back for her and he isn't letting go no matter what. "Whether you remember me or not, keep it in mind that you're mine." Saying these words he captured her lips in a passion driven kiss.

LT_Ina · Urban
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30 Chs


Monna woke up with the worst hangover in the history of human beings and Natalie was the one cursed to take care of her.



On another side of town was a devilishly handsome face laying shirtless on a king sized bed.

If only his clients were to see him now, they would freak out major.

The usually composed and stylish Pheonix Portman who was a renowned designer was now a completely different person.

His arms and long legs spread across the bed and his raven hair was a mess. 'HE' was a mess.

After the reunion the previous night. The moment he got into his car. He kept on receiving phone calls from different people. It was so damn stressful that the moment he got home he stripped off his clothes, changed into a pair of sweatpants and layed down without a shower.

Max walked into his room, seeing him stil asleep he shook his head helplessly.

He walked up to his bed and grabbed one of the pillows. Hitting it on Pheonix's back he called out to him.

"Dude wake up." Seeing no response he kept on hitting him.

"Wake up. Wake up. wake up. wake up. " He chanted continuously with every strike of the pillow not stopping until Pheonix groaned.

The weird thing was that, that wasn't a 'stop it' groan. It was an 'I love it' groan. Like he found pleasure in what Max was doing.

"Dude have you become gay?" Max screamed at him.

"Get the fuck up you ass."


"Ugh....dont touch me there." He groaned again.

Max unconsciously flushed. What the hell was this?

"Snap out of your fucking wet dream." And with one more stike delivered Pheonix finally woke up. The first thing he did was to glare dangerously at Max.

"Dont look at me like that. Only God knows what you were dreaming about.Maybe you're involved in BL or something. I swear I am never waking up up again. After what happened today, forget about me being your alarm clock ever again. I'll never speak to you again. 🤬🤬🤬🤬"

Those were his last words before he stormed out.

Pheonix looked down at the buldge in his pants. He wasn't sure why Max behaved that way but if there was one thing he was sure of was that he needed a cold shower and that was for sure.


In a hotel room across town laid a man and woman getting intimate.

He was a man around his early 50's while the lady was in her mid twenties.

Their lewd moans filled the hotel roomas their activities continued.

They drove each other to their climax as they orgasmed.

Getting off each other, they both layed limp on the bed panting.

"That was amazing." The woman said in between pants.

"The best for you my love." He pecked her lips. "So what was you request?"

"I have someone that I hope you could help me investigate. I'm interested in her. She's a surgeon. Her name is Natalie Westwood." The woman told the man as she ran her fingers down his protruding stomach.

Feeling ecstatic by her touch, he wasted no time in accepting.

Then he pinned her down and another round began.


"You really shouldn't have drunk so much last night."

It was past 3 in the afternoon yet Monna still couldn't stop barfing.

She was majorly hungover and was having a terrible headache. Nothing worked. Not painkillers, not even tomato soup. NOTHING!!!

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I swear I'll watch the way I drink now." Monna said weakly as she took a bottle of water Natalie was offering her.

"It's no biggie. Its my job as a friend to be with you. If I dont then I can't be called a friend." She switched the AC on to enable her get some air.

"Do you feel better now?" She asked helping her get comfortable in bed. "Sleep some more. It'll help you a lot." Once Monna drifted off to dream land, Natalie left her and went towards her room. She needed some sleep.


Burst club.


In a VIP lounge in Burst club sat five extremely hot guys drinking and having rounds of cards.

These guys were Max, Pheonix, Jace, Adrian and Connor.

The five 'ENTERTAINMENT HOTTIES' as tagged by citizens.

Two models, two actor and a musician AND childhood friends.

What else did you want from them.

Every Saturday night or any other night they were free in high school, they would meet up at a chosen friend's place to stay over the weekend.

They all attended the same college in Italy after 4years but Max and Pheonix stayed back to manage his mom's place in Italy and after 4years more, they returned to New York.

Even in Italy, Pheonix and Max were still recognised in New York.

They were now holding a reunion after they left Italy.

They chatted and drank as they watched a strip show.

(A/N : minus Pheonix who wasn't patying attention to the stage.)

Leisurely sipping his wine, Pheonix mind drifted into oblivion.

His mind was set on the dream he had. Remembering all the details, he sighed as he realized that it was only just a dream and it could never happen.

He was still deep in thought when he heard his name.

He lifted his head only to see his four best friends staring at him. They looked shocked. Frightened. Everything imaginable.

But, they weren't staring at his face. Following their line of sight, he stared at his pants.

"Fuck." He cursed aloud.

"Dudes I told you he was gay. Now will you believe me??" Max was the first out of the four to speak.

"Well I can believe because he's gynophobic. Its only natural that he becomes gay." Connor said with a shrug of shoulders.

"Oh come on guys. Aren't you seeing those chicks on stage. They're hot. He probably needs one of them." Adrian said.

"Or maybe you're all wrong. He wasn't staring at us. Neither was he staring at the bitches on stage. So maybe he's recalling a dream. It happens all the time." Jace rolled his eyes at his friends' stupid conclusions.

"You guys seem to have forgotten that he could date Natalie? Adrian, Connor and I might not have been at the reunion but we heard she was smoking."

"Dude Nat and Monna were hot. Nat was like a walking wet dream. hips, boobs and all. Pretty face as extra. And I noticed she was wearing one of Pheonix's original designs. Too bad she lost her job. She saved this asshole's life."

"Wait she lost her job?" Pheonix asked.

"Oh yeah I couldn't tell you 'cause you were pretty tired last night. The day after you were discharged she was fired.

"Does she have any current job?" He questioned again.

"No. I don't think so."

He did not ask any more questions.

They drank the rest of the night away.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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