

(Warning : Some scenes include rape and child abuse of both the FL and ML. Read at your risk.) "Im sorry but I dont know you" After 8 years of waiting, she can't recall the memories of the year they both started dating but now he is back for her and he isn't letting go no matter what. "Whether you remember me or not, keep it in mind that you're mine." Saying these words he captured her lips in a passion driven kiss.

LT_Ina · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Upon getting home, Natalie was already tired.

She tossed herself lazily on the couch.

Monna walked into the living room and seeing her bestie vegging out, she could only shake her head.

"You're back."

"Mmmm" Was the only response Natalie cout utter.

She had plannrd on having dinner with Monna as they watched a movie but her parent ended up stuffing her. She was too full to walk up the stairs to see her grandmother but luckily, she was asleep.

"So did you see Drake?" Monna asked plopping herself on the floor beside the couch and picking up the remote.

"He's good."

"Okay. Dinner is almost ready." With those words, Natalie hopped off the couch almost falling. "Sorry but I've gotta sit this one out. Im so damn full. Can't you see?" She complained pointing at her 'huge' stomach.

Monna stared at her flat tummy expressionlessly and back at her scarlet eyes.

Monna : 😒😒😒

(A/N : *staring at Natalie's tummy* 😒😒😒)

"Oh come on Mon. You know I dont each much cause well my stomach isn't big enough." She said trying to coax Monna into agreeing with her.

"I understand that you're not hungry so I won't force you."

"Eeeeee. I love you" Pecking Monna's cheek, she ranto her room to get changed.

Searching through her wardrobe, she found a thin strapped short netty dress and laid it down on her bed.

She went into the bathroom for a quick shower before putting on the dress and headed towards the living room.


"I'm so fucked." Pheonix ran his hands in his hair ruffling it.

"How could you give her no location? What if she doesn't take you seriously and thinks you were messing with her?" Max complained.

"But you were fucking right beside me. How could you not have noticed and said something?" He groaned frustrated. A short silence befell upon the room.

"Dude when I asked you to investigate her, didn't you get her address?" Pheonix suddenly asked.

"What the eff are you planning?"

(A/N : FYI there's a word like eff. No need to thank me✌✌✌✌)

"Send her address to me. I need to get some sleep."

"I repeat, What are you planning to do?"

With a sly smile he responded. "You'll see tomorrow."


"So what movie are we watching?" Natalie said as she sat on the floor beside Monna.

"I chose 'hooking up'. Its a rated 18 movie. It came out earlier this year. I watched the trailer on box office and decided to rent it." Tossing a bag of chips to Natalie, she grabbed the remote and played the movie.

While watching the movie something popped into her head.


It was only now that she realised how she turned down her parents offer for dinnner to go out to a place she didn't even know.

How was that possible?

She kept on anticipating a dinner without a location.

How dumb was she?

He was probably trying to sound chivalrous. He was probably a player.

'Ugh I'm such a gullible bitch' she thought. 'I guess its a good thing I hadn't prepared anything.'

Standing up she said. "Hey Monna I've gotta use it. I'll be back soon." After that, she walked away into her bedroom.


Closing the door behind her, she sighed.

She didn't know why but she felt disappointed.

From the moment she saw him, after he woke up at the hospital, she felt weird.

Her body always reacted weird when she was around him.

His amber eyes, his smile, everything.

She couldn't help but go through everything that occured at the hospital. He said he knew her. What if he could help her regain her memories?

And then that note he left her...



Walking towards her work desk, she opened up all the drawers but found nothing.

Opening her closet, she searched the pockets of the coat she had worn that day and found it.

Taking the note, she scanned the drawing again. The Pheonix's eye.

Only if looked at closely would you realise that the strokes were rushed.

Opening the paper, she read through it.

Hey Nat,

I can't say how happy I am to see you again.

Although you said you didnt know me and stuff,

I can't shake off the feeling that its you.

I never stopped thinking about you.

I miss those days in high school when we used to sneak out on Monna and run to the lake.

The lake were we had our first kiss.

I'm pretty sure that I can't forget that day.

Non è possible.

That's 'it's not possible' in Italian.

Kinda got lost while writing this down anyway,

I have a feeling that we're gonna meet again,

and I hope that's soon.

I promised you that I would come back for you,

now I'm here.

I swear I wont give up easily.

I still love you and always will.


Reading through the letter, Natalie had a sweet smile spread across her face.

She couldn't deny that she was confused with how affectionate he sounded but just like him, she was sure they were gonna meet again.

And she would be sure to kick his ass.


She smiled putting the paper back and walking out the room.


Thanks to all my readers who are still giving me the courage to keep up with this book.

I'm already working on the next chapter.

Thanks for your votes and all.

love you 💖💖
