
CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR: I will always choose her over you.


" How is this happening, who ever is posting this must hate you, do you think its Xiao méi? " Tong Yao asked as she scrolled through her phone, I was getting ready to go and meet Sister Shi and the rest of the board to discuss a way forward, I must say I was pale from not having enough sleep however much Lu yan urged me too," Xiao méi or Xiao Wei I must get over with this as soon as possible." I replied as I put on my disguise, right now I was Hougzhou's no one enemy," Lets go." I said as we left the house,While in the car, another video got posted on line, it showed that I was slapping Xiao méi on the day of her engagement there we more and more negative comments," Stop reading those, You can only make your self feel bad." Tong Yao said as we pulled over to the parking lot, " There a lot of reporters you can only go through the back door." she said as she helped distruct them by pretending she was me, I got a way and finally made it to the conference hall where all the board along with Sister Shi and Deng Hao's manager Chris where sitted," You finally here. " she said as she helped pull out a chair for me to sit, every one looked angry and why not this incident was going to cost them a lot of money," Now that Mrs Luo is here, we should find a solution. " one of them said," Every one is withdrawing their shares from our company, some are even replacing you are the face of their business right now your market value is lesser than any other model in the country, I think we should end our contract with you and in addition you will accept all the news in front of the press conference as compensation, after that out company won't have any thing to do with you." The head of the board said," Listen Sir I know this is a tough situation but not letting Song luo prove her innocence is worse." Sister Shi said," What are you implying Mrs Shi?" the head of the board asked," I know song luo isn't capable of doing any thing the news implies, give me a week in a week's time I will have proved it." she continued as I stared at her with tears in my eyes," A week is a long time, sooner or later even Mr fang will with draw, since you have been with us for quite some time the least I can do for you is give you three days, if Mrs Song luo is not cleared yet then we going with the press conference. " he added as they stood to leave, Seeing that I was creating trouble for Sister Shi I was more determined to go and meet Xiao méi I mean why make my life miserable when I let you marry him," Sister Shi I think I know what's happening and who is doing all this but I can be sure till I talk to them. " I said as she stared at me," Well don't do any thing you will create more mess for your self, I will try and find out who is creating trouble, You just go home and have some rest." she said," But..." I tried to explain but she just moved away, I went to the parking lot and called Lu yan," Where are you? I got home and couldn't see you any where." he said with worry in his voice," I'm fine I had to meet up with Sister Shi." I said," By the way I want to meet up with Xiao méi, didn't you say she is Han Chen's cousin can you ask him to give me her address?" I asked while a strange silence occurred," Why??? you think she is doing this " he asked," Yes, I mean she is the only one who might have a reason too." I said," Do you have any evidence. " he asked," No I dont but I can talk to her and incite her to say the truth." I said," Look thr situation was between you and Xiao méi before it got out to the public, now you are seen as the villain who tried to ruin a best friends life, Lets say you meet Xiao méi how sure are you that she won't turn the situation on you again?" he explained, he made sense but now I was desperate," Don't go, just come back home I told you I'm handling it." he said as he hang up," I'm sorry Lu yan this isn't just about me it's about all the people who have been in efforts to get me to where I'm today, I can't just sit back.


" Hello, did you find out any thing?" I asked my friend Eric a really smart tech student," Iam almost it's actually easier than I expected seems like the person who did this is a beginner. " he replied, " Ok tell me when you find any thing out." I said as I lay out a sigh of relief, while I looked around I received a call from Wei Wei," What's your problem? " I said angrily I had a lot on my mind to deal with her drama," Can wr have dinner together." she asked," No." I replied as I attempted to hung up," I know you mad about learning Song luos true character I was also shocked at first,I mean she is the kind of person who can do any thing to get her way be it ads or men." she added as I held my self back, " Are you done?" I asked angrily," Look you can call her any thing you want but if both if you were to stand infront of me then I would choose her in all my life times now stop wasting your time and go back to whatever place you came from, one more thing if I find out that you have some thing to do with what is happening to her I won't stop my self." I yelled as I hung up, I really do hope it's not you Xiao Wei.

After a while it seemed to be getting late but I couldn't see Song luo, her phone was switched off as well," Where is she?" I asked my self as I had my phone ring it was Han who had called," I was thinking of calling you, can you call Tong Yao and ask if Song luo is with her, she hasn't come back and am worried." I said," Song luo told me earlier that she wanted to meet Xiao méi so I gave her the address may be she is still caught up." he said I was dumbfounded how can she be so stubborn," Send me the address I will go and have a look." I said as I grabbed my coat and headed out side.


" Could it be true that it isn't her ?" I asked my self as I walked on the street after talking to Xiao méi who said she didn't know any thing but if she didn't then who, as I was walking forgetting I didn't have any disguise on, I was spotted by some angry fans who pushed me to the ground," I can believe I was once inspired by you, yet you just a mannerless woman who steals other people's boy friends." one of them said as the other supported and started throwing rubbish at me, it's sad because these are the Sam's fans who treated me like a goddess a while ago, now they see me as a man stealer, they chose rumours over me," Can you stop it." said a familiar voice, " I have called the police, and if it gets here then you won't be able to speak again." he said as they walked away, I had tears in my eyes as I stood up and realised it was Lu yan," Song luo." he called out as I ran to hug him, I couldn't control my self and just started crying," Calm down." he said as he rubbed his hand in my hair," I'm sorry I didnt listen to you. " I said as he looked at me," I'm angry but that doesnt matter right now, those guys will come back to bother you o let's go home." he said as we turned to leave..

" Have this and then go to bed." he said as he handed me a bowl of porridge," You having a fever, and you haven't eaten any thing just have the porridge and some medicine then rest." he added as he sat across from me to watch me take it, " are you still upset with me?" I asked as I started taking the porridge, " I'm not " he said as he came and took the bowl from me," I don't want any thing to happen to you, so please keep away from trouble ." he added as he fed me," I will get to my room as well." he added after he tucked me in," Sleep next to me." I begged as I held his hand," please." I added as he slipped into the other side next to me, I had my head on his chest and he had my arm around me," Rest easy." he said as he gave me a kiss on the head," I love you." he added as I closed my eyes.