
CHAPTER TWENTY THREE: I will always protect you


" You know how to cook right?? " I asked Han Chen of course he did I mean he took cooking classes to impress a rich heiress thought they broke up even faster than I expected, " Of course, why you want me to teach you." he asked," Well yes, I want ro prepare some of Song LUO'S favourite meals for her on the same day as her fashion show to congratulate her." I said," Right her Mega show of the year is next week , do you want to learn cooking in a week?." he asked as he laughed," Just teach me those few meals she likes I can learn more later," Cooking is an art, it takes time." he said," Well since she is busy with the show we have been given time off with the show shooting so we can use this time to learn." I explained, " I have work tomorrow. " he said," we shall use the evening time." I insisted I was more than determined to surprise her that day with my amazing cooking skills, " Ok deal I will teach you but in exchange you have to buy me a ticket to the show." he asked," Deal." he said as we shook hands.


" Well three of those still need finishing while the remaining two are ok." said our fashion designer Annie she is good at what she does since she pits her entire soul into her work," You are going to be the main star of the event, so you will be wearing my beautiful and amazing round black dress, I spent over months designing it and I think it will look good on you." she added as she showed me the dress, it was indeed nice with long laced arms and a v neck, " I'll will let you try our the other designs ." she added, this week and the other were going to be so busy well they were because I was preparing the big event, sister Shi wanted it to be the best and I hoped it would work out for me too, Me and Lu yan talked whenever we had time but he also seemed to be taken up by his cafe and the composing of the ost and various other things, I sort of felt like he was keeping some thing from me.

Days went by and my schedule was the same, practice trying out clothes Mega fashion show of the year and many more," Well every thing looks sorted the models are ready and so is the venue, announcement have been made via social media and we getting positive remarks." Sis Shi said," Does that mean I can go home early today and have some rest for the big day ?" I asked Sister Shi which was tomorrow, " Well yes unless Annie needs you." she said as I stared back at Annie," Its fine, yoh have to look best tomorrow so there is no room for eye bangs, go home take some rest moisturize your face, apply face packs ." Annie replied," Ok thank you so much, I should be on my way." I said happily as I left, I wasn't really going home but to Lu yan's Cafe it had been a while since we both had quality time together, I got in the car and drove there happily, on reaching I was told he was in the back counting the stock so I rushed to him, and there he was lifting boxes of coffee and storing them in the shelves he looked super hot as he only had a white t shirt on him," I wish I was those boxes, atleast they get some quality time with you." I said as he turned and saw me, " Hey!!" he exclaimed as he came and hugged me," I've missed you soo much. " he said as he held me even tighter," I missed seeing you too." I said as I kissed his cheek," Well, should we have lunch together then?" he said as he held my hands, that's when I noticed his fingers were covered with band aids," What happened to you?" I asked with worry and I lifted his fingers," Oh this it's just a minor injury I got at home." he said as he started pulling off the band aids," See!" he added ," Now come on let's go have some thing to eLUO'" he said as he grabbed his jacket, " What are we going to eat. " I asked as we we left, I was still worried why would he have band aids when he is like the most careful person I know, " Hey, we're are you lost." he asked as he passed me a bowl of noodles," Are you sure you fine?" I asked again," I am stop worrying and have some thing to eat, tomorrow is going to be a big day." he said as he touched my cheeks and smiled at me.

" By the way, here." I said as I pulled out two tickets," For your show?" he asked," Yes one is yours and another is for Han Chen." I said, " I will be there." he said as he hugged me and gave me a kiss on my forehead, " Now go and have some rest." he added as I turned to leave," Bye." I said as I turned back," Take care of your self too, I dont want to see band aids on your fingers, it worries me." I said as he smiled," Ok." he added as I left, I was nervous about tomorrow it's going to be my third since I joined the show biz world and I hope it will move smoothly.


" I have to go to the show as well, so let's prepare the meals before I leave." I said over the phone with Han," Ok I will come there at around 4 with all the ingredients. " he replied as he hang up, I looked around the room and thought about Song luo she must be nervous but I didnt want to distract her sleep," I hope every thing goes well for you tomorrow. " I thought as I looked out side my window.

The next day, I woke up ear ly to prepare my tuxedo and also get ready to cook the warm meal for Song luo," You definitely have a girl friend every one knows her except for me." Lu jing said as he sat down to have his break fast," I will let her meet you today she will be coming for dinner." I said," Is that why you have been learning how to cook?" he asked," Yes, I want to make up for a meal I once ruined for her." I replied as he stared at me," Whats wrong?" I asked ," Nothing you must really love her." he said as he continued to eat," I do." I thought as I went back to my preparations.


" Are you coming?" I asked Tong Yao," I wouldn't miss this for the world plus I need to cover the event so people can listen to whatever is happening. " she said," I'm nervous." I said," You should be calm you are the best." she said she is really not good at making people feel motivated," I will hang up now so that I finish my work and come there as soon as possible. " she said as she hang up," I'm done with the make up." said my make up stylist as she stood there waiting for my comment, I was looking good my hair was I a bun as usual I had nude lip stick on with my eye brows to sum it all up I was looking nice," Thank you." I said as I pulled out my phone the entire social media handles were talking about me and the show, « You going to do great » read a text sent by Luyan.

After hours of waiting, it was finally time, I looked through the audience and Lu yan had not come yet neither had Tong Yao or Han Chen but sadly Xiao Wei was on the first row looking around disgusted," Lets get ready you the next on stage." said Annie as she pulled me away,I got into the black dress and also Annie's design of the year, the lights went dim and I headed on the stage every one was staring at me but not the good kind of stare, they a had their phones and they seemed to be looking at some thing shocking, I looked back at Annie and she seemed to be shocked too," Calm down Song luo, just finish this off." I told my self as I started to move walk on the run way when a pair of news reporters came rushing towards me," is it tru that your a man stealer?" they asked," What!!" I exclaimed as the became even more," What are you talking about?" I asked as I looked around and started feeling uneasy when some one grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me away," Who??" I stuttered when I noticed it was Lu yan, " Lu.." I said as I hugged him," I don't know what's happening I was modelling and they started to ask me strange questions." I said," Well some one wrote this on line." he said as he handed me his phone, it was an article « THE TWO FACED SONG LUO» ,some one was claiming that when I was at the University I stole a best friends husband and made him mine, there were images attached too but Shi meng was my boyfriend how can any one believe this," I asked a friend to find the ip address of whoever posted that I will get to the bottom of this but now your fans are angry and so is the crowd so I will take you home to have some rest." he said," What about Sis Shi I need to talk to her first." I said," I already saw her, she is the one who was asking me to get you away from here. " he said as he put a cap on my head," I will always protect you even if some one doesn't ask me to." he said as we moved away and took a taxi, Reaching home my house was surrounded by lots of news reporters, " I thought no one knew this place." Lu yan asked," No one I guess it was exposed too." I said," then you will be at my house for now." he said as he told the address to the driver, I was passed because they changed the entire story and made it look like I did some thing wrong. they said I was mean at the University, used to speak wrong and behave rudely with the girls and even stole my best friends boyfriend, " Could it be Xiao Wei spreading the rumours." I said," All that will be settled once we get the address, this news is some thing small we can even ask a few teachers or friends to testify for you, I will prove you innocent." he added as he smiled at me.

" I swear Sis Shi none of the news is right, some one wants to ruin me." I said over the phone, " that's not what matters now, we have released a sincere apology for the disrupting of the show, as long as the person doesn't upload any thing more then this news can die out, have some rest I will come to see you first thing tomorrow morning." she replied as she hang up, I was stressing every one from me to Lu yan to Sister Shi," Stop worrying." he said as I turned to look at the table where many meals had been set up," You prepared all these?" I asked," Yah well I thought we should have a celebration meal after the show. " he said, " Is this why your fingers were injured that day?" I asked as tears came into my eyes," Well I was the one being careless." he said as he smiled," Lets eat, food can make ones mood better." he said as he pulled out a seat for me," The news aren't you upset?" I asked," Why should I?" he asked as he served me with steak," It says bad things about me, what if it were true?" I said," Is the news true?" he asked," No." I said," You have it then, I believe you over some random post online so let's not ruin the mood and eat." he said as he smiled at me," I have to fix this ." I thought as I started to eat.