
CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE: The ones who love you will always stand with you..


" Lu yan! " I called out I heard sounds from the kitchen, on reaching it was Mrs Lu, lu yan's mum," You up early, You should really get some rest since you sick." she said as she turned and came to give me a hug," You saw the news?" I asked I thought she would be asking me to stay away from her son but surprisingly she is nice," Well yes I did I'm kinda of a dot com mum." she said as she smiled," Look the first time I heard that Lu yan loved you then I found out that you are a famous model I knew I had to brace my self for all these, show biz isn't easy so you should take good care of your self." she said as she patted my shoulder," I'm making break fast freshen up and come down ." she added as I turned to leave, atleast I still have some people who believe in me.


" So when we're you planning to tell Song luo." I asked Mr Chen who had told me that they were going replace Song luo for the show," Look this decision was made by Mr fang, he says they can't risk the show's reputation, personally I don't agree since we left with just two episodes but Mr fang insists and he is the boss soo." he explained," Look I am going ro ask Mr fang to give me just a few days to clear Song LUO'S name but until then don't even think of replacing her." I said as I stood to go meet Mr fang," Where could he be by now?" I asked," Well he must be in his office, but I'm not sure you can change his mind, he is a man of his word." he replied," I will try." I concluded as I left.

Reaching his office, I was stopped by the receptionist," Hey how may we help you? " she asked as she stared at me, star strucked," Wait you are Lu yan the male lead of Life of the married? " she said with excitement, " I love you well I adore you." she continued as the situation got more uncomfortable since it has been a while since I experienced being fan girled," Well I'm glad to meet a fan." I said,"Can you sign this." she said as she handed me her notebook," Thank you. "she replied as she stared at it," Well who are you here to meet?" she asked," Mr fang." I replied," Do you have an appointment? " she asked," Well, I was in a bit of a rush so I wasn't able to make one, but it's really urgent if you could let me go." I said as I stared at her hoping she will snap," Well I'm sorry, I can't leg you in." she said as I stared at her pitifully again," Ok then how about you call and tell him I'm here. " I asked as she got on the phone, " Well sir it's Mr Lu yan he wants to meet you." she said," Ok." she added as she put down the phone," Well you can go in he will be waiting in his office." she continued, " Thank you!" I added as I left.

" Lu yan, Look I understand your concern for Song luo but in the Show biz world there is no room for attachment right now she is out casted by the entertainment sector so am sorry we must have her replaced." Mr fang said as he sipped on a cup of coffee," Look I won't do the show if Song luo isn't doing it, just give me four days in four days I will prove her innocence infront of every one." I begged as he put away his coffee and stared at me," We don't have time for that, the remaining episodes of the show have to air." he said," Please just four days, if am not able then you can do any thing you want." I added," Please sir." I added," Ok four days, if you don't prove her innocence in four days then I'm sorry she must be replaced." he concluded as I thanked him and left.


" I have watched this video time and time again, but it doesnt make sense." I said to Tong yao who was scrolling through the posts on her phone," You have always wanted to be top search on weibo well guess what you are." she said trying to make me laugh," Didn't you say that Xiao méi denied being a part of this plot then since she is victimised too how about she comes and testifies for you." she said, " What if they conclude that I manipulated her into saying so it will only make it worse." I said as I put my phone away," So what are we going to do now?" she asked," I remember this video but I remember not slapping her at all if it's edited then it's possible some one can prove it." I said," Right, I will call Deng Hao he has a few friends who can help us." she happily said as she grabbed her phone," No he is busy with his movie shoot, let's just get some one else." I replied as she stared at me in confusion," who??" she asked," Remember Chi yan the nerd who had a crush on you at college he was good at computing he was even able hack into the schools website and changed most of our grades." I said," But I would need you help for him to say yes." I added as she stared at me angrily," You remember how annoying Chi yan was back at college." she said," Well yes but right now he is the only one who can help me, please Yao Yao." I said as I stared at her with puppy dog eyes till she said ," Fine I will try to contact him later." ," Thank you." I replied as I gave her a big hug," Well here some snacks." Mrs Lu said," I really enjoyed you hospitality Mrs Lu but I still have to report at the radio station." Tong Yao said as she stood up," Have some rest and stop reading the negative comments. " she added as she left," Well I guess you shall be having thr snacks alone." Mrs Lu said," You must be tired from taking care of me today, how about I do the dishes and also clean the kitchen?" I asked," I was told to come help take care of you, if Lu yan finds you doing the work then I might as well be termed as one of those evil mothers in law who make their daughters work when sick." she said, I chocked on the word mother in law, " Is she trying to say I can marry Lu yan?" I asked my self as I giggled," Well thats not what I meant, I just want to help you out." I said as I stood up and started clearing the table," Leave all of this and go to your room, I will call when I need help from you." she said as she pushed me away,"But..." I tried to say but she couldn't listen," Have a good rest." she said as she smiled at me," Ok but call me when you need my help." I said as she gestured me with an ok sign, amidst all this drama atleast I have a caring boyfriend, a mother in law and a best friend and a manager who are willing to stand by me, I can consider my self lucky for that.


" Thought I was replacing Song luo in the show." I angrily said at Mr fang over the phone," Well yes but we have given her four days to clear her name and if she doesn't then we shall replace her with you." he said," I hop this isn't some kind of joke Mr fang." I angrily concluded, " looks like I'm not doing enough, why are all these people giving you a Lee way." I thought as I grabbed my phone," Well time to reveal her families history, the fact that she is just an orphan girl who doesn't come from a rich family but managed to get where she is because of her scheming ways." I told Mav ," Ok the usual cafe tonight, she wont be able to say any thing after this." I added as I gave a smirk.


" I have got it." screamed Eric with excitement," Really where is it?" I asked as I came close to take a look at the monitor," Some place called " Smart cafe" he said," Have you ever heard of it?" he asked," I can asked around but are you sure that the ip address is at this place?" I asked," 100% sure." he said confidently as I got my phone and called Han ," Hey bro do you know any smart cafe around here?" I asked, " Well yah, Remember Lu jing saying he goes there with his friends after school to play games." he said, " Lu jing!!" I exclaimed," Well I should n't have said his name since we promised to keep it a secret but just pretend you never heard any thing." he stuttered as he hang up," They are going to send me the location." I said, " Good if you reach there just turn on that exact computer then leave the rest to me." he said as we shook hands and left.


" Where are you?" I said as looked out side the window," I'm still finishing some thing, I might comeback late so don't stay up waiting." Lu yan said, " Which work are we talking about? " I asked curiously," Extra work now I'm driving but I will call you once I'm done." he said as he hang up," I hope you not the one getting you self in trouble this time round. " I added as I put down the phone and continued watching my series, Well this was the only way I could get my mine off of all this drama.

Later in the night, I heard some one come into my room," Who?" I said as I turned in the light and saw it was Lu yan," Have you just come back?" I asked as I rushed next to him," Well yes, I finally finished my work." he said as he stared at me," Are you ok?" he asked," Yes your mom took good care of me." I said," Of course you are her beloved daughter in law." he said as he patted my head and smiled," Sleep next to me today as well, I had great sleep last night." I said as he nodded in affirmative, " But I will first shower." he said as he rushed to his bath room.

" You know, I'm happy." I said as I rested on his chest, " Why?" he asked," Because I have you to care and worry for me." I replied as he he stared at me," I won't let anything happen to you." he said as I stared at his lips," I love you." I replied as he came closer and kissed me while passing his hand through my hair," I love you too." he added as he kissed my fore head and we went off to sleep.