
Test Run Arc 3.5 Avenger(Hate) vs Dust





3RD Person POV

Avenger dashed towards Dust holding her knife ready to stab him.

Dust holds up one of his hands, casting fireballs and launching them towards her.

She went right through the waves of fire balls looking like she didn't even acknowledge the attack.

Dust readyed his red trident ready to stab her.

Avenger transferred her magic into her black knife, increasing its size and changing its shape. She transformed the knife into a large knife blade.

Both of their weapons clashed against each other. They fought back and forth with their weapon neither side backing down.

Dust decided that their little weapon fight was getting them nowhere and backed away from Avenger, summoning many blasters and fired them at her.

She just stood there tanking the attack, once the smoke cleared it revealed avenger standing as if nothing happened. There wasn't a scratch on her.

Dust got nervous and annoyed at how she was unfazed by his attacks. She is definitely more stronger right now than she was a few minutes ago. He couldn't afford to hold back against her.

Avenger transferred Determination magic on her knife blade and swung it multiple times leaving multiple energy slashes floating in the air. Her knife blade glowed red and all of the energy slashes in the air started moving heading towards Dust.

Dust quickly summoned rows of bone walls which tanked the attack.

After that he summons a gaster blaster then hops on it and flies in the air.

Avenger then continues to launch Determination slashes while Dust commanded his Gaster blaster to dodge the attacks.

Dust needed to do something fast. His fire magic and gaster blasters don't seem to damage avenger. His red trident may be the only thing that can deal some actual damage.

But thanks to that knife blade of hers he can't get a hit in on her. He needed to cause a distraction or catch her off guard.

He looked around to see what he can do while continuing to dodge avengers attacks. That was until he spotted someone.

The male human was still unconscious far from their battle. He would make the perfect distraction.

Dust casted many fireballs and launched them all around the battlefield.

The fireballs that hit avenger not deter her while the rest of the fireballs hit the grass and flowers which caused a fire that started spreading.

At first avenger didn't bat an eye at the fire spreading around the battlefield until she saw the fire reaching her 'master' and she dashed towards him.

Dust took advantage of this and summoned his red trident and transferred fire magic into it.

Avenger grabbed on to Matt jumping away from the fire.

Dust took his chance and threw his trident at her.

Avenger noticed the trident coming right at her and she dropped Matt.

The trident stabbed her in the back and right through her stomach.

She coughed up blood as she crashed down on the floor while.

The trident then started glowing as a fire vortex enveloped avenger damaging her even more.

While she was in great pain avenger got up and took the trident right out of her body.

She then held on to the trident and snapped it in half.

Her body then stitched up her wound with Hate magic.

She turned around to see that Matt was laying on the floor a few feet away.

Seeing that her 'master' was safe she turned her attention to Dust.

She charged up her magic and ran in inhuman speed towards dust.

Dust commanded his gaster blaster to fire at her, but she simply dodged and jumped up high cutting the gaster blaster in half that Dust was standing on.

Both Avenger and Dust fell to the ground landing close to each other.

Avenger took this chance to dash right towards him.

She needed to end this battle now. She didn't know how long she can keep on fighting. So she decided to use one of her trump cards.

She gathered a large amount of Hate magic into her body and expelled it out. She created a large dome around herself and Dust trapping him.

Dust was surprised and tried to teleport out of the black dome, but to his horror it didn't work.

Avenger got ready to use her last trump card. She held onto her knife blade tightly transferring as much Determination magic as she could into it.

This was it, this was going to be her last attack.

Dust could feel the power that avenger was pouring into her attack. Seeing that he can't teleport out of the way nor dodge or defend against whatever attack she was going to unleash he decided to unleash his own trump card.

He summoned all of his magic with his purple eye blazing with power. His body was exuding a purple aura trying to draw as much magic as he could.

He summoned as many caster blasters as he possibly could.

Rows and rows of gaster blasters manifested, with all of them charging up their attacks in front of him.

After a moment of readying their attacks they were ready to unleash their them.

Avenger for the first time since her transformation spoke.

"Special Hell!!!"

She swung her knife blade unleashing a gigantic beam of determination magic.

Dust commanded all gaster blasters to fire. The gaster blasters fired at avengers attack.

Avengers and dusts attacks clash head on towards each other. A large shockwave was caused after the collision between the attacks.

The black dome started cracking under the pressure. Until it finally broke due to the sheer amount of power.

Light blinded both avenger and Dust as they were blown back from their attacks.

After the light was gone all that was left was a giant crater on the floor.

Both avenger and Dust layer on the ground struggling to get up.

Dust got up first, but he was almost out of magic. He deduced that he didn't have enough magic to finish avenger and decided to use the last of his magic to teleport away.

Seeing that dust has fled, avenger waited for a moment and dropped her transformation and fell on the floor unconscious.

End chapter