
Test Run Arc 03 Matt and Avenger vs Dust





3RD Person POV

Matt got out of his daze of fear and shock and slowly backed away. He did not want a repeat of what happened to him with flowey.

Avenger was still in her battle stance ready to fight against this sans.

While Dust still kept his sinister grin.

"Hello, I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton" He greeted.

"And I hope the both of you will give me some good EXP!"

First he was greeting them and now he immediately went into killer mode or something.

The Gaster blasters both released their attacks at Avenger.

Avenger ran forward towards the attacks.

And when it looked like she was going to get hit she slid on the floor narrowly dodging the blasts.

She did not falter though and continued running towards Dust.

Dust summoned a barrage of bones and launched them towards her.

Avenger used Determination on her Black knife and fired Determination slashes towards the barrage of bones.

She got rid of most of them while the rest still launched towards her.

She cut the rest with her knife and fired more Determination slashes towards Dust.

As the Determination slashes nearly hit Dust, he summoned a Gaster Blaster in front of him to take the attack.

The Gaster blaster tanked the attacks and fired a blast towards Avenger.

Avenger dodged to the left, but Gaster blaster tilted itself right forcing Avenger to duck down to avoid the attack.

"I gotta say you are a persistent human," Dust said with a frown on his face "You remind me of the other human that I had to deal with, so let's stop playing games and get serious!"

His purple eye lit up as he summoned a row of bones around Avenger trapping her in and summoned a row of Gaster blasters around her in the air.

One by one each Gaster blaster fired at Avenger as she dashes left in a circle.

Dust knew that if this human right in front of him was like the human that he had to deal with, then he has to end this fight right now.

When Avenger looked distracted Dust took his chance and cast Integrity magic on her soul and threw her right towards him.

Avenger was caught completely off guard.

Dust then manifested a large red trident in his arm and pierced Avenger through her chest.

Matt POV

I hid behind a rock pillar watching from a distance as Avenger and this Fate Sans look-a-like fought against each other.

At first I was worried that Avenger might not win given how powerful this Sans seemed to be.

She was about to get blasted by those skull beasts but at the last moment she slid down narrowly dodging.

The battle kept going and it was pretty much Avenger dodging and counter attacking Sans while trying to get close to him.

But then the battle went south when that Sans look-alike started to get serious and trapped Avenger surrounding her in a wall of bones and summoned a lot of skull beasts.

One by one the skull beasts started blasting at Avenger while moving around her.

But then out of nowhere the sans look-alike teleported behind Avenger with a large red trident on his hand. Avenger turned around ready to cut him down before getting stabbed by the trident through her chest.

She dropped her knife and spitted out blood while the Sans look-alike sadistically lifted the trident up to let her die slowly.

"While I'd like to have done this to the other human that I've been dealing with, I take great satisfaction in doing this" said the Sans look-a-like turning his head towards me.

"Don't worry, you're next."

Oh shit.

This is not good at all. Avenger was defeated and is now slowly dying to this sadistic skeleton and is probably going to kill me slowly too.

What do I do right now? I can't do anything myself nor can Avenger do anything. But I have to act now or both me and Avenger will definitely die.

Despite Avengers early threats to me about using the command seals on her, I damned the consequences and screamed out as loud as I could.


[Using 3 command spells to unleash servants Ultimate attack has been initiated]

[Ultimate attack name:???]


The 3 command seals on my soul started glowing and Avenger soon after started glowing as well.

After the light around Avenger disappeared her body started to get surrounded by a dark substance.

The sans look-a-like threw her off his trident and turned his head back at me.

"I changed my mind, you're first."

He then teleported right in front of me, trident in hand ready to stab me.

So this is really it? This is how I die? Will I actually die this time?

Those were the thoughts that I had in my mind as I was frozen in fear.

He launched the trident right towards me.

I closed my eyes ready to get stabbed by the trident.

But it never came.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the sans look-a-like struggling to hold the trident.

I then noticed that there was something, no 'someone' behind him holding the trident, keeping it from stabbing me.

It looked like a black feminane humanoid with a red smile and red eyes.

Was this Avenger? Was this her Ultimate attack? Transforming herself into this?

Avenger then threw the sans look-a-like off me.

She was going to stab him with her knife, but he immediately teleported.

After failing to stab him Avenger then looked at me and started walking towards me.

Is she going to kill me?

I did use the command seals on her despite her threatening me to not use them on her.

As she got closer I felt that the dark aura around her was putting pressure on me.

The closer she got the more stronger the pressure got. The pressure became too much for me to handle and my body gave out. I fell on my knees and started sweating.

She came face to face with me with that creepy smile on her face.

I was so scared right now. I can't even move right now and I'm slowly starting to lose consciousness.

Before I finally fell unconscious she screamed at me.


3RD Person POV

She guessed that this was it. This was how She was going to die? Damn it!

This sans was just playing around with her and stabbed her with this red trident that looked very familiar.

She doesn't know how or why She was weak. It might be because She was a servant now or she just came back to life.

She tried to access her 'Hate' inside of her soul.

But something was keeping her from accessing it.

There was nothing she could do but accept her fate.

But she would never accept that. She will not die without a fight and tries with all her remaining dwindling strength to take the trident of her.

But the sans lifted the trident keeping her from escaping.

She was losing consciousness fast and didn't notice nor listen to what sans was saying.

She lost the last bit of strength that she had left and started coughing up blood.

'So this is it?' she thought to herself 'I got a second chance at life and got myself killed immediately after.'

She then remembered someone from her past. A young adult female human like her with brown hair with her eyes closed, wearing a black jacket while wearing a blue and purple striped shirt with brown shorts and shoes. She was smiling at her wearing a flower crown.

'I'm sorry sister,' Avenger thought before hearing someone scream at her.


Upon hearing what her 'Master' said she immediately got livid.

What was that idiot thinking?! She threatened to kill him if he used those blasted command seals on her!

Her body started glowing and whatever kept her from accessing her 'Hate' was gone and immediately spread around her soul and body.

Before she could finish her transformation sans threw her off his trident.

Her vision became blurred and her sense of logic almost became non-existent.

It took a moment for her to finish her transformation and looked to see that Sans was in front of her 'Master' ready to stab him with that trident.

She immediately dashed in inhumane speeds towards them and caught the back of the trident.

Sans struggled to try to move the trident, but it wouldn't budge. She got her knife ready incorporating 'Hate' on it and went for the kill.

But Sans teleported before she could kill him.

She then turned her attention to her 'Master'.

She got close to him, placing pressure on him as retaliation for him using those command seals on her.

He couldn't take the pressure and fell on his knees looking like he was going to lose consciousness.

She then screamed at him in anger.


He fell unconscious upon her screaming at him.

Once that was done she turned around to see sans who looked uneasy at her.

She sped at him and manifested a barrage of 'Hate' Knives.

Sans summoned 2 Gaster blasters and shot them at the barrage of knives.

But it did nothing to deter the knives and they cut through the Gaster Blasters.

Sans had to teleport to avoid the barrage of knives.

But once he was done teleporting Avenger was already on his tail running right at him.

He teleports again but she is on his tail again.

Dust POV

This was supposed to be an easy EXP gain for him. Two new humans falling here in the underground was an opportunity that he could not pass up on. He only came here to kill Flowey to take his EXP but it looks like today was his lucky day.

He could not be any more wrong about today being his lucky day.

The first human who was female dashed towards him while the second human was cowering behind a pillar.

The battle between him and the human was just him attacking from a distance while the human was dodging and counter attacking.

During the fight he was starting to see how much this human was reminding him of the other human that he would have to deal with later. This led to him reminiscing on not so great memories of the resets and genocides. He was getting angry and decided to stop playing around and just finish this fight.

"I gotta say you are a persistent human," he frowned. "You remind me of the other human that I had to deal with, so let's stop playing games and get serious!"

His left eye flared purple in anger. He trapped the human in a circle of bones and summoned many Gaster blasters in the air ready to attack.

He was starting to imagine the human in front of him as the other human.

Frisk, She fell down here not too long ago. At first the human befriended all the monsters, showed mercy to everyone and freed us from the underground. But that was on the early resets, later on she started experimenting with her power, killing a select few to see what new outcome would happen to satisfy her curiosity. His brother Papyrus was not spared from her sick experiment. It wasn't long before the human went full on genocide. She killed everyone, no one was spared.

He waited and confronted her in the judgment hall. It was and long hard battle, so long that he lost count of how many resets she did. He knew that sooner or later she would kill him, but he would make sure to make her work for it.

In the end he lost with one hit, that's all it took. He thought that, that was it, that his AU would get erased. But it didn't happen, the human continued to reset and killed everyone over and over again.

He was starting to go insane and didn't know what to do. He didn't want to keep seeing all his friends and brother getting killed. So in the end he decided to take action and started killing everyone himself. His plan was to gain EXP in order to gain enough Determination to reset or fight against Frisk who would only be level 1.

But sadly this plan didn't really have any merit aside from him being much more powerful now. He still lost and the human reset. After a few resets something new happened. When he came to kill Flowey he found out that two Humans fell into the underground.

And now that leads to now. He commanded the gaster blasters to attack her.

He then summoned a large red trident that he gained after killing King Asgore.

He waited for an opportune moment to strike.

When the opportune moment presented itself he striked.

Before the human could counter attack he already stabbed her. The human tried to struggle with all her might. He could see the determination in her eyes that showed that she wont die without a fight. He would relish in seeing her slowly die and decided later on that he will do the same to Frisk.

"While I'd like to have done this to the other human that I've been dealing with, I take great satisfaction in doing this" he said with obvious satisfaction.

He then turned his attention towards the other human who was hiding behind a rock pillar watching from afar.

"Don't worry, you're next."

The human looked scared out of his mind and sans turned back towards the female.

He was going to enjoy this.

But then out of nowhere the other human screamed out something.


Before he could react the female started glowing and then started becoming black. He was starting to sense a dark aura and pressure coming from her.

He immediately threw her off his trident and turned towards the male.

"I changed my mind, you're first."

He thought that this human was useless and weak, but whatever he did made the female human become more powerful.

He teleported in front of him with his trident ready to stab him.

But the trident didn't move.

Then he felt that dark pressure again and it was coming from behind him.

He acted fast and teleported out of there before he would get stabbed.

He then heard the female human or whatever she was right now turn to scream at the male human.

He thought that she was going to kill the male human, but the male human just fainted and then she turned around looking at him.

She dashed at him with inhuman speeds as he teleported out of the way.

He felt the this thing wasn't going to be easy.

It seems like the battle isn't over yet, It's only just begun.

End Chapter